Man charged with cash demands and kill threats 'over €80k cocaine' gets bail (2024)

A Dublin man accused of threatening to kill a drug user and warning him that his "mother's house would be blown up" over an alleged €80,000 cocaine debt has been granted bail.

Father-of-two, Mark Salmon, 31, of Kilbarron Avenue, Kilmore West, D5, appeared before Judge David McHugh at Dublin District Court on Saturday facing eight serious charges.

He is accused of a criminal damage offence, three allegations of threatening to kill or cause serious harm, two counts of demanding money with menaces and two threats to damage property on dates in March and April.

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Detective Sergeant Domhnall O'Connell told Judge McHugh that Mr Salmon was arrested at an address in Portmarnock on Thursday and detained for questioning at a Dublin Garda station. The court heard that Mr Salmon was "charged, cautioned and after each charge he made no reply".

Objecting to bail, Detective Sergeant O'Connell said a file is to be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecution in anticipation of further charges. He said the complainant was not present for the hearing, but there was audio evidence of alleged phone threats to him.

However, the judge noted the witness was not available to be cross-examined; he held that the recording could not be played as it was a matter for the trial if deemed admissible evidence. Asked for the specific grounds for the bail objection, Detective Sergeant O'Connell cited the seriousness of the case and possible witness interference.

He told the court that the complainant made a report to gardai on April 23 that from February or March 2022 until last December, alleging he built up an €80,000 cocaine debt. "Initially, he bought it for cash and moved on to larger quantities, and bought them on tick, Judge, and would pay later on," Detective Sergeant O'Connell said.

The court heard that some weeks, he was buying €3,000 – €5,000 worth of drugs. The bail hearing was told the man received demands for money and threats to kill or cause him serious harm, threats to damage his family home over non-payment, "and that he would be stabbed and his mother's house would be blown up".

The court heard his former partner was warned to keep their child away from the man in case something happened to him. It was alleged that his ex-girlfriend paid €6,000 off the debt, his mother handed over €4,000, and his sister forked out €5,000.

The court heard two masked men arrived at his mother's home on April 19, smashed the windows and damaged a car in the driveway. On another date in April, it was claimed that his car was involved in a pursuit with another vehicle allegedly carrying the accused.

The detective sergeant also alleged that jewellery, including an item valued at €30,000, was recovered from the accused's bedroom and that he had €30,000 in a bank account. The court also heard claims that people in the Coolock area were approached and "intimidated" while the accused was in Garda custody earlier this week.

Pleading for bail, defence barrister Karla Ray said her client, who enjoys the presumption of innocence, would obey onerous conditions, and a member of his family offered to stand bail. Judge McHugh described the allegations as being "of the most serious nature," but he added that was a matter for the trial.

He ordered Mr Salmon, who did not address the court to reside at a specific address, to have no contact with 14 witnesses, to obey an 11 pm – 6 am curfew, to surrender his passport and not apply for any travel documents. The bail was set in his bond of €500, and the judge required the approval of a €5,000 independent surety before he could be released.

Mr Salmon, who has yet to indicate a plea, was remanded in custody with consent to bail on these terms to appear at Cloverhill District Court on Tuesday. A ruling on whether he would be granted legal aid was deferred.

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Man charged with cash demands and kill threats 'over €80k cocaine' gets bail (2024)


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