Metroid Prime Walkthrough (2024)

Table of Contents
Weapons and Equipment Artifacts Walk-Through Deck Alpha Umbilical Hall Biohazard Containment Reactor Core Entrance Subventilation Shaft Section A Obtaining the Missile Launcher Landing Site Ruins Entrance Ruined Nursery Obtaining the Morph Ball The Artifact of Truth Obtaining the Morph Ball Bomb Ruined Fountain Gathering Hall Obtaining the Charge Beam Obtaining the Varia Suit Ruined Shrine Sunchamber Lobby Obtaining the Boost Ball Lava Lake Fiery Shores Transport Tunnel A Ice Ruins East Obtaining the Space Jump Boots The Artifact of Strength Obtaining the Wave Beam Obtaining the Super Missiles Ruined Courtyard Observatory Access Obtaining the Thermal Visor Obtaining the Spider Ball Ruined Courtyard The Artifact of Nature South Core Tunnel Obtaining the Wavebuster Ruined Fountain The Artifact of Wild Obtaining the Ice Beam Elder Hall Access Obtaining the Gravity Suit Landing Site Save Station C The Artifact of Lifegiver Obtaining the Power Bomb Reactor Access Connection Elevator to Deck Beta Save Station Mines A Research Access Elite Control Obtaining the Grapple Beam Obtaining the X-Ray Visor The Artifact of Chozo Obtaining the Ice Spreader Training Chamber Access Obtaining the Plasma Beam The Artifact of Sun The Artifact of Elder The Artifact of Spirit The Artifact of World Obtaining the Flamethrower The Artifact of Warrior Obtaining the Phazon Suit Fungall Hall Access Fungall Hall B Elite Quarters The Artifact of Newborn The Final Stretch Artifact Temple Crater Missile Station Metroid Prime Lair Pickups Missile Expansion Locations Power Bomb Expansion Locations Game Bonuses References

By Bobby Michael

Metroid Prime, from Retro Studios and Nintendo, lets you take the role of heroine Samus Aran as she investigates space pirate activity on a mysterious planet. The game is the first in the celebrated Metroid series to be played in full 3D, offering you more freedom of movement and tactical use of weaponry and special equipment. You'll fight dozens of enemies and explore a variety of locales ranging from scorching hot lava mines, to archaeological ruins, to icy caves. This GameSpot Game Guide to Metroid Prime provides everything you need to help Samus Aran uncover the mystery behind the space pirates and their work with a powerful mutagen called phazon.

The GameSpot Game Guide to Metroid Prime includes:

  • Full Walk-Through: The walk-through gives you step-by-step detail on how to progress through the game, strategies for beating the bosses, and notes down all the items and creatures you need to scan in order to achieve 100% completion. It also reveals the locations of every missile, energy tank, and power bomb expansion in the game.
  • Energy Tank Locations: Need a little extra health to get past a nasty boss? We've got a full list of locations for all the energy tank expansions in the game. If you've missed one, check here.
  • Missile Expansion Locations: Looking for extra firepower? You probably missed out on some missile expansions. Check over the list and see which ones you passed over.
  • Power Bomb Expansion Locations: Certain areas can only be opened with a power bomb, but they're in very short supply. Check the list and see if you've missed any expansion opportunities.
  • Game Bonuses: What do you get for scanning 100% of the items in the game? Is the original NES Metroid really hidden inside Metroid Prime? Read this section to find out how to unlock all the extras.

Table of Contents

Weapons and Equipment
Energy Tanks
Missile Expansions
Power Bomb Expansions

Weapons and Equipment

Obtaining the Missile Launcher
Obtaining the Morph Ball
Obtaining the Morph Ball Bomb
Obtaining the Charge Beam
Obtaining the Varia Suit
Obtaining the Boost Ball
Obtaining the Space Jump Boots
Obtaining the Wave Beam
Obtaining the Super Missiles
Obtaining the Thermal Visor
Obtaining the Spider Ball
Obtaining the Wavebuster
Obtaining the Ice Beam
Obtaining the Gravity Suit
Obtaining the Power Bomb
Obtaining the Grapple Beam
Obtaining the X-Ray Visor
Obtaining the Ice Spreader
Obtaining the Plasma Beam
Obtaining the Flamethrower
Obtaining the Phazon Suit


The Artifact of Truth
The Artifact of Strength
The Artifact of Nature
The Artifact of Wild
The Artifact of Lifegiver
The Artifact of Chozo
The Artifact of Sun
The Artifact of Elder
The Artifact of Spirit
The Artifact of World
The Artifact of Warrior
The Artifact of Newborn


In order to reach 100 percent game completion and scans, it is best to start from the first section. That way you will not miss any vital scans or items.

The Space Pirate's Frigate

Exterior Docking Hangar

Straight ahead of you is a force field barrier with four bright-red switches on each of its four corners. Lock on (with the L button) to these four switches and fire a single shot at each of them (by pressing the A button when you are locked on). The force field barrier should disappear.

Head through the gate. To your right there should be a pillar with a blue icon on it. Switch to your scan visor by pressing left on the control pad. A blue icon should now be targeted over a red square. Hold down the L button to scan it, and the next set of force field activation switches will go online.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (1)

Turn to your left and you should see another force field with four switches. But wait a minute, this force field actually has six switches! Two of the switches are somewhat hidden because they are above Samus' eye level. You have to press and hold the R button to go into "look around/aiming" mode and press down on the control stick to see these switches. Press the L button when your targeting reticle is on the high switches to lock on, and then fire a shot. Shoot all six switches to disable the force field barrier.

Head through where the force field barrier was blocking and press the B button to jump up the step. To your left you should see a small inclined walkway. Don't worry, you can't fall off the sides. Follow that walkway up and to the right, and you should be in front of a door. Shoot the door and walk up to it to open it.

Main Docking Bay

Inside this hallway you should notice some glowing designs on the left wall. You can scan some of these to learn a little about the surrounding areas. Head down the corridor and you will come to another door. Go through it.

Air Lock

There should be things floating around in this room. Most of it is space junk, but there are a couple of weird creatures that you can shoot if you want to. They are not a threat to you in any way, but still...

On the left wall there is an activation panel. Scan it to repressurize the room and unlock the door ahead of you. Go through this door.

Deck Alpha Access Hall

There's nothing to do in this room, so just head through the door that is straight ahead of you.

Emergency Evacuation Area

Head down the small steps and you will encounter your first enemy! Scan this creature to find out more about it and add its information to your log book.


Kill the parasite if you want to. Go straight ahead and up the next ramp. To your left there should be some more parasites devouring a space pirate. Continue down this walkway and then turn left and go down the ramp. There's an injured space pirate in front of you, so be sure to kill him before he can attack you. Go through the door to your right.

Deck Alpha Umbilical Hall

There is a bunch of rubble blocking your path, so use your charge beam to get it out of your way. Hold down the A button until a ball of energy forms on the end of your arm cannon and then release the A button to fire.

Go through the door at the end of the hallway.

Map Facility

A cinematic will show a couple of parasites running down a small ventilation tunnel. The tunnel is on the right wall. Go into morph ball mode (press the X button) and head down this tunnel.

Once you get into the room at the end of the tunnel, scan the map station before walking into the hologram.


OK, walk into the hologram. You now have the map for this area. You can press the Z button to bring up the map if you want to look at it.

Go back through the ventilation tunnel and go through the door to your right.

Connection Elevator (to Deck Beta)

Directly in front of you should be another blue icon. Scan it to activate the platform that takes you to Deck Beta. Step on the hologram that appears to activate the lift. Once the platform stops, go through the door.

Deck Beta Conduit Hall

Watch out for the fire hazard on the left and go into morph ball mode. There should be some electricity that comes from a power cable and strikes the wall on the right side of the hall. Wait for it to turn off and then quickly roll under it into the opening ahead. Once you get through the rubble, get out of morph ball mode and go through the door.

Biotech Research Area 1

Turn left and continue down the path. You should see a space pirate walking from around the corner, so be ready to kill it. It takes only four or five shots to put it down, so don't be too worried. Now turn right around the corner and take care of the other injured space pirate that is collapsed against the left wall. Ahead of you there is another door. Go through it.

Deck Beta Security Hall

Around the first corner of this hall there is going to be an enemy waiting for you. Normally, you should make sure to scan every new creature that you come in contact with, but in this case we should wait. Turn the corner, lock on to the auto turret, and fire a missile at it (with the Y button). One hit should take it out. Now head through the door.

Biohazard Containment

When you enter this room there is a large tank directly in front of you. Switch to your scan visor and check out the computer monitors that are on the right side of it. The monitor on the left should have a red icon. Scan this icon to get your first pirate data log book entry.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Fall of Zebes

Now turn around and start heading toward the computer monitors that are past the door that you came through. Scan the blue icon on the right monitor to disable the perimeter defense turret. Turn right around and scan the turret that you just disabled. A green light on top of it should help you find it.


That was much easier than scanning a turret that's firing at you, wasn't it? Continue around the large tank and you should see a blue icon. Scan it to activate the elevator. Walk onto the hologram and ride the platform to the top.

Right off the elevator there is another injured space pirate. Kill it and continue around the path, but watch out because there are two more space pirates walking around up here that you need to take care of. By this point you've probably taken some damage. You'll notice that when you kill enemies, they sometimes drop purple balls of energy. Just walk into the energy to collect it. Make sure that you scan one of these to get another research entry.


Near the next door there is another injured space pirate on the floor. Be sure to kill it before it shoots you, and then head through the door.

Deck Beta Transit Hall

There's nothing much to see here, so just head through the door at the end of the hall.

Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma

As soon as you enter this room there is going to be a turret firing at you from the right. Take it out with a missile before it causes too much damage. If you haven't noticed by now, turrets often leave behind power-ups when you destroy them. Scan one the next chance you get to get a new entry.


To the right of where the turret was you should see a blue icon. Scan it to unlock the door in front of you and activate another platform. Step into the hologram and ride the platform to the bottom.

When you get off the platform a space pirate will jump down and start firing at you. Kill him and scan the blue icon on the panel that sticks out of the right wall. This enables the lock on the door in front of you. It should say "Please insert metallic sphere to open door." Hmmm, sounds like a job for morph ball mode, doesn't it? Once you're in metallic sphere form, roll onto the spherical hologram that appeared on the floor.

Go back to standard mode and you should notice a couple of turrets on the ceiling in the room you have just unlocked. Take them out with missiles before entering the room so that they don't have time to activate, and then head through the door.

Reactor Core Entrance

On your left there is a door that leads to a save station. Let's take this chance to go in there and save your game. You can also scan the save station to get a new research entry.


Feels good to save, huh? OK, now head back into the reactor core entrance and scan the panel sticking out of the wall in front of you to activate another door lock. Again, go into morph ball mode and roll onto the hologram that appeared on the floor. Go back into standard mode and head through the door that you just opened.

Reactor Core

Ahhh! What's that thing? Better scan it to find out! Note: It's a good idea to scan creatures that are obviously bosses as soon as you run into them. Not only will this help you find their weak points, but you have only one chance to get these creature entries.

NEW CREATURE LOG: Parasite Queen

Maybe she's just mad because you've been blasting all of those little parasites along your way, but who knows for sure.

BOSS BATTLE 1: Parasite Queen

OK, there's something you should know before you just start blasting away at this thing: There is a partial force field that moves around the tank that the parasite queen is in. You cannot hit the queen through the blue panels that move around--only the red ones. Unluckily for you, the queen can fire her powerful blasts through the force field. The field cycles between slower-moving alternate colors and a freaked-out fast-moving pattern that is nearly impenetrable to your weapons. Suffice to say, you should deal the most damage during the slow-moving pattern.

Now that we've got that covered, a good way to start this battle is to lock on to the queen's head. Keep holding down the L button once you've done this and press left or right on the control stick along with the B button to dash sideways for all movement. I find it easiest to just keep circling to the left using this method. While you're circling be sure to shoot at the queen every chance that you get. Use missiles if you've got them, but be sure to save at least two.

You shouldn't have much trouble with this boss, but even if you do, you have your game saved right before this room.

You now have seven minutes to get out of the building!

The door that you entered this room through is blocked off with a force field, so you have only one choice for where to go next. It's a door to the right of where you entered the room. Go through that door and be quick about it!

Deck Gamma Monitor Hall

Head forward, jumping up the steps as necessary, turn right around the corner, and then continue through the door.

Connection Elevator to Deck Beta

Scan the blue icon right in front of you to activate another elevator. Step into the hologram and ride the elevator to the top.

Right when you get off the platform, keep an eye out for another blue icon directly in front of you. Scan it before you get too close to disable a turret. Turn right around the corner and continue through the door.

Biotech Research Area 1

A huge explosion should occur, which kills a bunch of space pirates that were ready to attack you. Hey, no skin off your teeth. Behind the pillar to your left should be some debris that is stacked up to form steps. Climb those by jumping and then shoot the space pirate at the top. Go forward and then right around the next corner. There are two more space pirates in front of you, so be sure to take care of them. Jump up into the shaft at the end of the path.

Subventilation Shaft Section A

Go into morph ball mode if you want to. I find that it helps you get through this area a little quicker. On the left wall there is another shaft to go into. Roll down the right side to avoid the swarm of enemies that are running around. Once you get to the end of that pipe, turn right and head down the left side of this pipe to avoid another swarm of enemies. Go down the area where those bugs came from and go through the door to proceed.

Subventilation Shaft Section B

Head down the left side of this pipe to avoid yet another swarm of enemies and then head down the pipe where they came from. Turn right at the end of this stretch and then quickly go down the pipe on the right wall to avoid the bugs heading toward you. You should see an explosion at the end of this long stretch of pipe. Go through the door created by the explosion.

Cargo Freight Life to Deck Gamma

In a second, another door will open up directly in front of you. Go through it.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section A

Keep running at full speed and you should be able to avoid any enemies that come after you. Head through the door at the end of this stretch.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section B

There are two turrets near the end of this pipe, so blast them with your missiles as soon as you can lock on to them. Get out of the pipe and head through the door in front of you.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section C

No matter how fast you run through here, you're probably going to suffer some minor damage from those pesky bugs. Continue through the pipe and into the door in the next room.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section D

You shouldn't encounter any enemies here, so just run through at full speed and head through the door at the end.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section E

To your left there will be a huge piston that moves back and forth. Face the piston and then follow it in as it retracts. Once it gets far enough in, you should notice an alcove on the right side. You have to be fairly quick to get in the alcove, but it's not impossible, so don't get frustrated. Once you get in there, go through the door.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section F

Just run through this pipe and head through the door at the end of it.

Biotech Research Area 2

As soon as you enter this room you'll see a short cinematic. Once that is over, it's time to use the grapple beam. Look up, lock on to the grapple point, and hold down the L button to grapple. Hold forward while you are swinging, and at the end of your swing, release the L button and press it again quickly to grapple onto the next hook. Continue holding forward and then let go of the L button when you are at the end of your swing. This should land you in an area with a door right in front of you. Go through this door.

Connection Elevator to Deck Alpha

Not too far into this room you'll see another blue icon. Scan it to disable another turret and then continue around the corner to the right. On the left side you should notice another opening. There are weird magnetic poles surrounding a short portion of the path, so try to stay in the middle of it so as not to be damaged. Scan the blue icon to the left to activate another elevator.

Ack! Your varia suit is gone, you can't go into morph ball mode, your charge beam is gone, and you can't grapple anymore! Walk into the hologram, quick!

Deck Alpha Mech Shaft

Once you reach the top, hurry through the narrow passageway (use your map if you're having trouble figuring out where it turns). Once you get out of the mech shaft you will be in...

Air Lock

Flames block the way on the right, so turn left instead. Head through the door.

Exterior Docking Hangar

Almost there! Just run through this hallway and go through the door straight ahead of you. If you make it through that door before the timer runs out, you've successfully escaped.

Obtaining the Missile Launcher

After the cinematic, you'll head to the nearby planet of Tallon IV.

Landing Site

Once your ship lands, you can save your game. Scan your ship to collect a new research entry. You can always return to your ship to recharge energy, reload weapons, and save your game.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (2)


From your ship, turn around. Head a little to the right and you should notice a cave with small red lights in it. Across from the entrance to this cave there is a new enemy to scan.


Get back to your ship and face away from the front of it. On the left side of the screen you should notice a path leading up behind a waterfall. Head left to that path and make your way behind the waterfall by jumping from rock to rock. It may take some practice since you haven't really been doing any jumping so far. Once you make it behind the waterfall, follow the ledges around and to the left. Go through the door here.

Temple Hall

There are tangle weeds all over the floor in here and a new enemy on the ceiling. Scan it to add it to your log book.


Now shoot all of the seedlings in the room from as far away as possible. This will ensure that you suffer minimal damage. Don't worry about the tangle weeds if you've already killed the seedlings, because all they do is make you walk slower. Go through the door at the end of this room.

Temple Security Station

Walk forward, and then scan the orange icon in front of you. This will give you a new pirate data entry.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Artifact Site

Once you've got this entry, head to the end of the tunnel and scan the locked door to get a new research entry. You can't get any further without missiles, so head back toward your ship.

NEW RESEARCH LOG: Missile Door Lock

Landing Site

Head back to your ship and face away from it. Go to the edge of the water and turn left. Walk straight forward and go between the two rocks in front of you. To your left you should notice a pathway. Go through here and into the door at the end of it.

Waterfall Cavern

Once you get in here, turn left and switch to your scan visor. Scan the enemy that it auto-targets to get another creature entry.


There's nothing else to do here, so just head back to your ship once again.

Landing Site

If you are at the front of your ship and you turn right, you should see a door that you haven't been through yet. Go through it.

Canyon Cavern

Not long after you enter this room a bunch of enemies will dig their way out of the ground. Scan one of them to get a creature entry.


Now kill the beetles before they kill you. Turn left and you should see an opening. Go through it and into the door at the end of the tunnel.

Tallon Canyon

Directly to the left you should notice a large glowing bulb. Scan it to get a creature entry.


If you're going to kill sap sacs, make sure you do it from a distance. Continue forward, and after a few seconds you should see yet another new enemy. Make sure to scan it for a creature entry.


Kill the zoomers and jump onto the platforms where they were walking around. To your right is another new enemy that looks a lot like a zoomer. Scan it.


You can't kill the geemer, so you'll just have to avoid it. Jump over to the platform it is crawling on and head right. To your right you should see a bridge leading to the other side. Go across that bridge and take out any zoomers in your way. Follow the ledge around and through the small waterfall until you reach a new door. Go in it.

Root Tunnel

The only thing there is to do in this room right now is to scan the new creature on the left. Go ahead and do that.


Once you've scanned it, turn around and head back out the door.

Tallon Canyon

Walk straight off the ledge and then turn left. Move forward and kill the beetles that come out of the ground. Go through the door ahead of you.

Transport Tunnel A

Make your way through the room and kill the two zoomers. At the end of the room, go through the new door.

Transport to Chozo Ruins West

Scan the blue icon on the right to activate the transport and then step on the hologram to travel to the Chozo Ruins.

Transport to Tallon Overworld North

There's nothing to do in here, so just head through the door.

Ruins Entrance

Go through this area and kill the beetles. Head toward the only door in the room, but before you go through it, whip out your scan visor and scan the weird symbols up above it. This will give you your first Chozo lore entry.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (3)


Now head through the door.

Main Plaza

Head straight forward and kill the beetles when they pop out. Walk through the halfpipe and jump up the three stairs. Move a little to the right and head toward the far wall. When you hit the wall, turn left and jump up the rubble. Keep following the path to your left, jump across a few platforms, turn left again, and head across the bridge. At the end of this bridge you can look up and scan for a new creature entry.


Turn right and head through the door.

Ruined Fountain Access

Switch to your scan visor. Your only objective right now is to scan the swarm of enemies that comes toward you.


Just run out of this room after you scan a scarab.

Main Plaza

Head forward and jump down from where you are. To your left should be a door you haven't been through yet, so head through this door.

Nursery Access

Just head through this access tunnel, kill the swarm of scarabs, and continue through the next door.

Eyon Tunnel

Scan the thing in front of you that is shooting a laser out of its eye.


You can't lock on to these guys, so the trick is to manually aim at them by using the R button. Once it's shot, you'll have about eight seconds to run by before it starts shooting lasers again. Shoot each eyon, jump over any rubble in your path, and then make your way through the next door.

Ruined Nursery

Head a little to the right and toward the far wall. Kill the two beetles that pop out of the ground. On the wall you should notice a strange shape that contains more weird symbols like we saw before. Use the scan visor here to get another Chozo lore entry.


Now turn around and head up the stairs on your left. When you reach the top, a group of new enemies should start buzzing around you. Scan them to get a new creature entry.


Kill the war wasps, and then walk past the door on the right wall. Jump onto the platform on your left, turn right, and go through the door.

Save Station 1

You can save your game here and restore your energy. When you're done, head back out of this room.

Ruined Nursery

Turn left at the end of this platform and go through the new door that you see on the level below you.

North Atrium

Go through this room, kill the scarabs, and head through the next door.

Ruined Gallery

As soon as you enter there are going to be a bunch of war wasps above you. Kill them as quickly as you can.

The only accessible path in this room right now is along the right wall. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the other side. Be careful, because if you fall in the toxic water, you will suffer some damage. Once you've safely crossed, head through the door.

Totem Access

Right around the corner is a new enemy to scan.


Shoot it and continue down the access tunnel. There are a few more plazmites to take care of along your way, but they shouldn't pose that much of a threat. Blow up the crate in here if you are running low on health. When I blew it up, I found a new form of energy. If this happens to you, scan it. Otherwise, keep your eyes open for something that looks like small energy but is red in color.


Continue through the room and go through the door at the end of it.

Hive Totem

Head toward the right side of the room to avoid being damaged by the toxic water. Near the middle of the room there's a platform that you need to jump up onto. Extending from this platform is a bridge. Start walking across the bridge to trigger a cinematic.

A large machine will drop down and spew a new type of wasp at you. Make sure to scan one of them, because this is the only chance you've got.


The machine can be scanned by using your scan visor directly below the "mouth" that is releasing the wasps.


BOSS BATTLE 2: Hive Mecha

This boss doesn't really pose a threat, considering that it doesn't have any attacks of its own. The only thing you have to worry about is the ram war wasps that it releases to attack you. The wasps will circle around you very quickly and then stop moving at a certain point before they attack. When they stop moving and when they are first released are when you should attack them. After you kill each group of wasps, you'll see that the "mouth" that released them is glowing red. When this happens, it's time to lock on and destroy one of the hive mecha's four access ports. After you've destroyed all four ports, you've won the battle.

Now that you've destroyed the hive, walk across the bridge and collect your reward. It's the missile launcher!

NEW SECONDARY ITEM: Missile Launcher

Shoot a missile into the door ahead of you to break the seal, and then enter it.

Obtaining the Morph Ball

Transport Access North

Right in front of you should be an item that you haven't seen yet. Walk into it to collect it.

NEW SUIT ITEM: Energy Tank

Obtained Energy Tank 1

There's nothing else to do in this room now, so let's head back to the ruined gallery. Use your map to find it.

Ruined Gallery

Break open the gray door (shown as gray on your map) with a missile and go through it.

Map Station

If you didn't scan the map hologram on the space pirate frigate, then be sure to scan this one before you collect it. You only have so many chances to get this for your log book. Walk into the hologram to collect the map of the Chozo Ruins. Exit this room and head back to main plaza. You can record your game in the save room on your way there if you want to.

Main Plaza

If you look at your map, there should be one gray door in this room. Fire a missile at it and go inside.

Ruined Shrine Access

Watch out for the two groups of scarabs in this tunnel. Once you reach the end of it, go through the door.

Ruined Shrine

Jump up the steps and head toward the center of the room. A bunch of beetles will burst out of the ground. Keep moving so that it's harder for them to attack you and collect any energy that they leave behind. After you destroy them all, a new foe will appear.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (4)


If you're having problems hitting this guy, make sure you are locked on to it first. Then wait for it to start charging toward you and quickly press left or right and the B button. This will make you dash out of the way and hopefully land you behind it. Once you're behind it, start shooting its abdomen like crazy. Repeat this until it has been defeated.

Once it's dead, collect your reward. It's the morph ball! Now that we have missiles and the morph ball, let's go get some missile expansions. You can always use a little more firepower, so go to the ruined gallery.

The Artifact of Truth

Ruined Gallery

Stand near the door that leads to the north atrium and look across to the other side of the room. On the lower-left, near the water, you should notice that the wall looks different. Shoot it with a missile and then collect your first missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 1

Now head back to the landing site on the Tallon Overworld.

Landing Site

Take this opportunity to save your game in your gunship if you want to. Head slightly to the right behind your ship. On your left, you should notice a short cave with tangle weeds in it. Get into morph ball mode and roll inside. Collect the missile expansion here.

Obtained Missile Expansion 2

Go to the waterfall cavern.

Waterfall Cavern

Go into morph ball mode near the far wall in this room and roll through the small passage that leads to the door ahead. Shoot the door with a missile to unlock it, and then head through.

Frigate Crash Site

There are a couple of creatures in front of you right now. Scan them from as far away as possible to obtain a new creature entry.


Once you get close to these guys or open fire on them, they'll fly off into the distance. There's nothing else to do here now, so let's head to the temple security station.

Temple Security Station

Now that we have the missile launcher, we can open the door at the end of this hallway. Go through it once you've shot it with a missile.

Temple Lobby

Absolutely nothing to do in this room, so just go through the door ahead.

Artifact Temple

Turn right and then scan the symbols on the far wall to get a new Chozo lore.


Turn around and head straight down this hallway until you reach the opposite side. Scan the symbols here for another Chozo lore entry.


Turn left and head down the path. Eventually, you should come upon a bunch of large pillars that are grouped together. Step into the blue icon underneath the pillar in the center.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (5)


Scan all of the surrounding pillars to get the following artifact entries:


Now head to the room in the Chozo Ruins near where you got the missile launcher earlier. The room is called Transport Access North.

Obtaining the Morph Ball Bomb

Transport Access North

Get into morph ball mode and roll into the small hole right in front of you. Make your way through by rolling on top of the moving platforms and head through the next hole to the right. Get out of morph ball mode and go through the door here.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns North

You can activate the transport by scanning the blue icon near the center of the room, but don't use the transport yet. Head through the door to the right of where you entered.

Vault Access

Make a right here and then get into morph ball mode. Roll onto the moving platform and go through the hole. Get out of morph ball mode, hop up the stairs, get back into morph ball mode, and go into the next hole. Get out of morph ball mode and head through the door.


Head to the right and scan the symbols on the right wall to get a new Chozo lore entry.

NEW CHOZO LORE: Beginnings

There's nothing else that you can do here now, so head through the next door.

Plaza Access

Kill the beetles here and make your way through the next door.

Main Plaza

Collect the energy tank in front of you and hop off the ledge.

Obtained Energy Tank 2

Climb the rubble along the right wall and head back to the room called Ruined Fountain Access.

Ruined Fountain Access

There are going to be a ton of scarabs rushing toward you, so be ready to kill them. Get into morph ball mode and roll under the obstructions until you reach the next door. Once you get there, enter it.

Ruined Fountain

There are plazmites flying around this room to light it up, so try not to kill them if they're not attacking you. Make your way to the far side of the room by way of the ledge to your right.

Behind the big fountain that is spraying toxic water, there are some Chozo symbols. Scan them for a new Chozo lore entry.


Face the door that you entered and check your map. You want to get to the door on your right, so just jump over there and go through it.

Arboretum Access

Switch to your scan visor and be ready to scan as soon as you go around the corner. A few creatures are going to be moving at you very quickly.


Once you've scanned one, switch back to your weapon and fire at them before they hit you. Shoot the door ahead with a missile to unlock it, and then head through it to the next room.


Turn to your left and scan the vine that is moving around for your log book.


Target and shoot the vine and then jump to the platform it was covering. Do the same with the next vine and then jump to the platform on your right. Make your way up and around the tree on the platforms until you reach a wooden bridge. Cross it and then head left. Shoot the two reaper vines protecting this door, shoot the door itself with a missile, and then go through it.

Gathering Hall Access

Just walk right through this room and go in the door at the end of it.

Gathering Hall

Head right and shoot the door with a missile to unlock it. Enter the door.

Save Station 2

You can save your game here if you want to. Once you're done, head back into the gathering hall.

Gathering Hall

Some shriekbats are going to try to dive-bomb you, so be ready for them. Make your way to the left and jump on top of the rubble here. Continue to the platform above you and make your way to the top, killing any blastcaps or shriekbats that happen to be in your way. Once you reach the top, you should see a very small tunnel with red lights around it. Go into morph ball mode and head through this tunnel. Get out of morph ball mode and jump across to the next door. Enter the door.

East Atrium

Nothing much here, so just blast the shriekbats and head through the next door.

Energy Core Access

Head forward and make your way through the eyons by shooting them and then quickly running by them. Go through the next door when you reach it.

Energy Core

Walk to the very edge of the water in front of you and then try scanning the door in the distance. This will give you a new research entry.


Turn around and head right. Jump across the toxic water and walk up to what is obviously a morph ball tunnel. Get into morph ball mode when you are right next to the tunnel and head inside.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (6)

Burn Dome Access

Just roll through this room and then enter the door at the end.

Burn Dome

Whip out your scan visor and scan the big metal thing in the middle of the room to get a new creature entry.

NEW CREATURE LOG: Incinerator Drone

After you hit this guy a few times, he'll blow fire at the hives on the ceiling. Make sure to scan one of the wasps that come out for another creature entry.


BOSS BATTLE 3: Incinerator Drone

This is a fairly easy battle. All you have to do is concentrate on avoiding the flames--really. Every so often, the drone will pop its "head" out. When it does this, shoot it as many times as you can. If you hit it enough, it will shoot flames at the hives on the ceiling. Make this happen four times to win the battle.

Once you defeat the incinerator drone, collect the item in the middle of the room. It's the morph ball bomb!

Pretty much directly across from the only door in this room is a small wall that you can bomb. Roll through the tunnel that the bomb creates and collect a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 3

Now head back to the gathering hall.

Obtaining the Charge Beam

Gathering Hall

Make your way to the door opposite the save room, but watch out for the blastcaps. Enter the door to continue.

Watery Hall Access

Proceed down the tunnel and kill the shriekbats that swoop toward you. Head down the ramp and shoot the wall to the left with a missile, and collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 4

Continue to the other side of the room and be prepared for more shriekbats. Shoot the door here with a missile and enter it.

Watery Hall

Shoot the blastcaps on the platform to the left and hop over there. Turn around and use your scan visor to scan what looks like a tunnel to the right of the door you entered. This will activate the first of four runic symbols.

Now turn back around and shoot the boxes underneath the reaper vine. Then shoot the vine itself and hop to the platform it is on. Quickly hop to the next platform on your right. From here, kill all of the blastcaps on the next platform and then scan the platform they were on. Two runic symbols are activated, and two more to go.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (7)

Jump to the platform where the last runic symbol was and make your way forward by jumping from platform to platform. Scan the symbol on the wall next to the crate to activate the third runic symbol. There's only one left, so head back to the door you entered this room through.

Facing away from the door, hop on the platform to the right and make your way around to the wall where you scanned the previous symbol. Here you should see a large metal gate with three glowing runes on it. Look to the right a bit and scan the final runic symbol here to unlock the gate. Now scan the rune that appeared in the middle of the gate to open it. Hop inside and collect your new equipment. It's the charge beam!

You can destroy the eyons in front of you with the charge beam, but for now turn around and scan the Chozo symbols slightly above you to get a new Chozo lore entry.

Get into morph ball mode and follow the wall to the right. You should notice a circular entrance that you can bomb. Go through here and shoot the door ahead with a missile to unlock it. Make your way through this door.

Obtaining the Varia Suit

Dynamo Access

There's nothing to do here, so just use a missile on the door at the end of the tunnel, and then head through it.


To the right of the entrance, you should notice a metal gate that appears to be blocking some sort of cave. Shoot this gate with a missile and then collect the missile expansion behind it.

Obtained Missile Expansion 5

Now make your way back to the energy core.

Energy Core

Head left at the entrance and follow the path until you get to the morph ball tunnel. Turn right and scan the enemy here for a new creature entry.


OK, stand in front of the stone toad and go into morph ball mode. Once it inhales you, use a morph ball bomb to blow it up. This will open a new path, so move forward into the room and turn right. You should notice some pulsing wires feeding into a device against the right wall. Scan the device to get a new research entry.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (8)


Roll in front of the morph ball slot and use a bomb jump to get inside of it. Once you're inside, press the A button to lay a bomb in the slot. When you do this, the toxic water is drained from the room and the timer starts ticking. You have to activate another morph ball slot quickly. Roll toward the side of the room opposite of where you entered. You should notice a circular hole that you can roll through.

Once you hit the ground, get out of morph ball mode and head toward the next morph ball slot, which should be right in front of you. Activate this one in the way you did the other one. This time, you will activate some platforms, which rise from the ground. Get out of morph ball mode and run over to the door where you entered the energy core.

Face away from the door and you should see the platforms that you raised. Jump onto one and make your way forward and into the opening against the left wall. Follow this tunnel to the right and bomb the final morph ball slot to activate a couple more platforms and open the previously locked door in the energy core. If you don't make it here before the other slot deactivates, then just go back to the second one and repeat the last two paragraphs.

Now let's head through the door that we just unlocked. It's pretty much directly across from the door that connects the energy core to the energy core access room. Just hop across your new platforms to reach it.

West Furnace Access

There's nothing in here, so just make your way through the next door.


Get into morph ball mode and roll through the tunnel in front of you. Roll all the way to the right and then use a bomb jump to get up to the next tunnel entrance. This will dump you in a room with an energy tank. Collect it, and let's move on. To get out of the room, just use a bomb jump to reach the exit.

Obtained Energy Tank 3

Now, let's go get some missile expansions. Head back to the main plaza (Chozo Ruins), and then to the ruined shrine.

Ruined Shrine

Get into morph ball mode and roll through the small hole here. Kill the beetles once you get out of the hole, and then look at the right side of the room. You should see a small tunnel that is blocked off. Use a morph ball bomb to get rid of the blockage, and then roll into the hole. Inside is a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 6

Head back to the main plaza, and then go to the ruined nursery.

Ruined Nursery

Head to the door that takes you to the north atrium, but don't go through it. Face away from the door, walk forward a bit, and then turn left. You should notice a weird tunnel cutout in the wall in front of you. Head down to the ground level and look at the wall with the cutout in it. You should see a small platform on the ground. Get on that platform and go into morph ball mode. Use a bomb jump to get into the crevice and blow up the pale block that is underneath the dark block with a bomb. Now go back up to the higher entrance and make your way through with bomb jumps, bombing the blocks in your way. At the end of this thing is a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 7

Now head to the ruined gallery.

Ruined Gallery

Head down to the area where the door to the map station is. Face away from this door and you should notice a small tunnel that is slightly off the ground on the wall in front of you. Roll over there, use a bomb jump to get inside, and collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 8

Head to the vault.


Face away from the door that leads to the plaza access. You should notice three circular slots with glowing rings around them. You have to get into each of these slots and use a bomb. Before doing that, though, you have to bomb the gates off of the slots. To activate the middle and highest slots, you'll have to use bomb jumps. It may take you a few tries to get the timing right, but don't get discouraged. Once you have bombed all three slots, the cage in the middle of the room will open to reveal a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 9

Now head back to the arboretum.


Start from the door that connects this room to the arboretum access. Head to the left and start climbing the platforms that circle the tree. Once you get to the second platform look down from the edge of it. Walk down the platforms below and shoot the red weeds that are in front of you. Now scan the area where they were to activate a runic symbol. There are three more to activate in this room. Turn around and climb back up the tree until you reach the wooden bridge. Once you're on it, face the tree and scan the next symbol to activate it. Cross the bridge and turn right. Climb the rubble here and kill wasps as necessary. Get into morph ball mode and continue on by rolling along the ledge. Break the sandstone that blocks your way with bombs. When you can, get out of morph ball mode and scan the next symbol, which should be directly in front of you. Climb the rocks that the symbol was on and get out your scan visor to scan the red weeds that are in front of you. This will earn you a new creature entry.


Shoot the venom weed so that it retracts, and then quickly roll through. Jump up the steps and turn around. Hop to the platform in front of you, to the wooden bridge, and finally to the platform which has a door on it. Face away from the door and scan the final runic symbol on the tree. Bomb the rocks inside the door once it opens, roll down the tunnel, and then go through the missile door in front of you.

Sunchamber Lobby

Shoot the venom weeds and reaper vines and make your way through the next door.

Sunchamber Access

There are more weeds and vines to kill in here, so take care of them and head through yet another door.


Once you enter this room, combat with the boss will begin. Make sure to scan it so that you get this creature entry:


Also scan one of its tentacles to get this creature entry:

NEW CREATURE LOG: Flaahgra Tentacle

OK, now that all the scanning is out of the way, it's time to beat this thing to a bloody pulp.

BOSS BATTLE 4: Flaahgra
There's only one way to defeat this thing. You have to flip the mirror arrays that surround the room so that they are not shining sunlight on Flaahgra. You do this by shooting the back of them with either your charge beam or a missile. Once you've done that, you have to get into morph ball mode and then roll down one of the tunnels that house the tentacles. Once you reach the end of the tunnel, just use a bomb to destroy it. When you destroy all four tentacles, you've won the battle.

Flaahgra has a few attacks, but nothing you should really worry about. To prevent it from attacking, you can shoot it with a couple of missiles or shots from your arm cannon to stun it momentarily. After you destroy the first tentacle, you will have to flip two mirror arrays in order to destroy another one. After that it's three, and then finally four. Not only that, but if you are too slow, Flaahgra will actually hit the arrays that you flipped back into their original positions. Stunning it becomes very helpful when you have to flip all four mirror arrays to finish it off.

I find it easiest to lock on to Flaahgra and then dash around the room for nearly the entire battle. If you align yourself just right, you can actually hit the mirror arrays when you dash by them even though you are locked on to Flaahgra.

After you defeat the boss, the water is no longer toxic. Walk into the icon ahead of you to obtain the varia suit.

Jump up the steps and go through the door ahead of you.

Obtaining the Boost Ball

Sun Tower Access

Head through the room and shoot the crates that block your way. If they leave behind yellow energy when they explode, then scan one to get a new research entry in your log book.


Walk forward a bit more and you will see a new enemy dropping bombs on the floor. Scan it to get a new creature entry.


You can't kill this thing with any weapons you've got, so don't even bother trying. Just go into morph ball mode and quickly roll under it to avoid suffering too much damage. Head through the next door to proceed.

Sun Tower

Jump all the way down to the bottom. Don't worry, you won't suffer any damage from the fall. Scan the symbols to the left of the entrance to the next door so that you get a new Chozo lore entry.


Now head through the door that leads to the transport to Magmoor Caverns North.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns North

If you haven't already done it, activate the transport, and then step into the hologram to be taken down to the Magmoor Caverns.

Transport to Chozo Ruins North

Head through the only door in this room to continue.

Burning Trail

Jump straight down to the bottom of the pit and then head down the tunnel. Kill the shriekbats that pop out and head through the first missile door on your left.

Save Station Magmoor A

Save your game if you want to. When you're done, exit this room.

Burning Trail

Turn left and kill another group of shriekbats. On a platform in front of you, you should see a new enemy. Scan it to get a new creature log.


To kill these, just shoot them with a missile. Hop across the platform and make your way through the next door.

Lake Tunnel

Take out the grizbys on the platforms and then hop across them to the other side. Watch out for the flames that come out of the wall, because they can cause you a lot of trouble. Continue forward and you should see a new enemy burrowing under the ground. Scan it to get its entry.


Just wait for this guy to pop out of the ground, and then kill him. Head through the next door when you're ready.

Lava Lake

After the brief cinematic, scan the large snakelike thing in the lava to get a new creature entry.


These guys are easier than they look. Just take them out from a distance with your charge beam and you won't suffer any damage. Their fire breath can only reach so far. Once you've killed them, scan the creatures that are floating around over the platforms to the right for another entry.


Take out as many puffers as you can from here, and then proceed by jumping from platform to platform to the right. Kill more puffers and the magmoor here, and then head to the other side. Break the crates here for some energy and missiles if you need it, and then morph-ball-bomb the wall to reveal a tunnel. Roll down the tunnel and bomb the wall that blocks the exit. Once you're out of the tunnel, get out of morph ball mode and destroy all of the puffers in this area. Hop across the platforms and head through the next door.

Pit Tunnel

When you enter the room, you should notice some creatures running around on the level below you. Scan one of these before proceeding.


Get into morph ball mode and head down the ramp against the left wall. The easiest way to destroy the triclops is to lay a morph ball bomb in front of it. The triclops will pick it up and explode instantly. Kill the three of them here and then make your way through to the other side. Enter the door here to continue.

Triclops Pit

Head forward and jump down the step. There are some crates on the right to blow up if you need energy or missiles. Walk straight off and fall to the next level from here. Turn around and you should see a cave full of red lights. Go there and get into morph ball mode. Go into the small hole here and make your way through it. Follow the right wall around, killing any triclops that stand in your way. This should eventually lead you to another small hole in a wall. Go through it and make your way through the door ahead.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (9)

Storage Cavern

Make your way through this room to get a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 10

After you get it, head back to the door that takes you to the pit tunnel.

Triclops Pit

Face away from the pit tunnel door and you should see a bunch of platforms leading off into the distance. Lock onto and shoot any puffers that you can, and then jump across these platforms. You can safely stop only on the platforms that have lights on them, so be aware of that. Head through the door at the top once you make it up there.

Monitor Tunnel

Kill all the puffers and make your way across these three moving platforms. Go through the next door ahead.

Monitor Station

Those green lights in front of you look familiar, don't they? They're auto turrets like we saw on the space pirate's frigate. Take them out with missiles from a distance. Turn left and kill the puffer here. Make your way across the platforms on the left, and then head through the door on the left wall.

Shore Tunnel

There's nothing to see here, so just go through the next door.

Fiery Shores

Hop across the lava and onto the platform. Be cautious of the flames on the ceiling, because you do not want to run into them. Jump to the next platform and kill the magmoor here. Get to where the triclops is running around, get into morph ball mode, and kill it. Now use a bomb jump to get into the small tunnel. Once you get through it, shoot the crates and get back into morph ball mode. Follow the path behind where the crates were. Bomb-jump your way up to the catwalk, and then carefully make your way over it. At the end of the catwalk is a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 11

Roll off the side of the catwalk and kill the triclops below. Jump across to the first small tunnel and go through it again. Once you reach the end of the tunnel, face the opposite direction from where the crates were. Jump to the right and continue forward while avoiding the flames to reach another door. Go through it once you reach it.

Transport Tunnel B

Kill the magmoor here, get into morph ball mode, and roll down the path against the left wall. You can move pretty fast on these rails, but take your time, because you wouldn't want to fall off. Go through the next door.

Transport to Tallon Overworld West

Activate the transport by scanning the blue icon, and then walk into the hologram to be taken to the Tallon Overworld.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns East

Exit through the only door in this room.

Transport Tunnel B

Watch out for zoomers in this room, because it may be hard to see them. In the middle of the room is a bridge with a missile expansion underneath it. Just jump down to collect it, jump back up, and head through the door you haven't been through yet.

Obtained Missile Expansion 12

Root Cave

Kill the beetles in the middle of the room, and then go left and up the steps. Once you reach some branches, walk onto them and continue on the right side. Jump to the left and kill the zoomer here. Jump over to where the zoomer was and look around until you see a platform with small splashes of water coming off the top of it. Jump to the lower of these two platforms and then, from there, jump to the higher one. Shoot the door with a missile to get through it.

Root Tunnel

Kill the bloodflower on the right, and then proceed through the next door at the end of this tunnel.

Tallon Canyon

Use your map to find your way back to your ship for a quick save. You ship is in the landing site and is represented on the map by a save icon. After you save, make your way back through the root cave to the transport to Magmoor Caverns East.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns East

Step into the hologram to be taken to the Magmoor Caverns.

Transport to Tallon Overworld West

Make your way back to the monitor station.

Monitor Station

Be prepared to destroy a few auto turrets here. Once you're done with them, head toward the structure they were on and go up the ramp. Jump across the platforms to your left and climb the steps to continue. There is probably another auto turret firing at you now, so try to kill that as soon as possible. Continue along the wall and jump down to the platform just below you. From here, face away from the wall. You have to jump down to the broken bridge below. You'll end up inside of a room with a bunch of computer monitors. Head through the other exit, across the bridge, and through the next door.

Transport Tunnel A

As soon as you enter this small maze, stop over the first discolored block. There is an energy tank in here that is pretty difficult to obtain. You have to do a lot of double bomb jumps to get it. The problem is that all of the places where you have to bomb-jump have destructible floors that disappear after two bombs have hit them. If you fall into the lava, bomb-jump out as soon as possible. This may become very annoying, but it's worth it in the long run.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (10)

If you're having trouble getting the timing down, listen to the drum in the background music that beats steadily. Follow this pattern for four beats: bomb, wait, bomb, bomb. It's that simple.

Once you get the energy tank at the top of this maze, head through the exit on the left. Go through the door at the end of this tunnel.

Obtained Energy Tank 4

Transport to Phendrana Drifts North

Activate the transport by scanning the blue icon, and then walk into the hologram to be transported to the Phendrana Drifts.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns West

Head through the only exit here.

Shoreline Entrance

Use your charge beam to destroy the ice that blocks your path. When you reach the end of the tunnel, head through the door.

Phendrana Shorelines

After a brief cinematic, look up in the sky. You should notice some creatures flying by very quickly and leaving blue trails behind them. Scan one of these to get a new entry.


Now head along the left side of this area and jump across the gap. Pretty much directly across from the door that leads to the shoreline entrance is another door. The door is slightly hidden inside of a cave. Around the entrance to this cave is a new creature that is walking around. Scan it to receive another new entry.


Either shoot the crystallite with a missile or just walk by it, and then enter the door that's inside this cave.

Save Station B

You can save your game here if you want to. Exit the room when you're done.

Phendrana Shorelines

Head right and into the gap that you jumped before. Shoot the grating with a missile to destroy it, kill the crystallite inside, get into morph ball mode, and go inside the cave. Scan the orange marking on the wall to unlock the door that is directly above you. Exit this cave and go toward the cave where the door to the save station was. Face away from this cave and then head left along the rock face. Jump on the first platform that you see and then turn around so that you are facing the direction of the door that you just unlocked. Make your way to that door by jumping from platform to platform and killing any crystallites that are in your way. Enter the door to proceed.

Ice Ruins Access

Shoot the ice that blocks your path with the charge beam and then scan the new enemy that is behind it.


You can't kill it, so the best you can do is try to avoid it for now. Go into morph ball mode and try to roll under it without getting hit. There's another scatter bombu before the end of this access tunnel, so be ready to dodge that one too. Head through the door at the end of the tunnel once you get to it.

Ice Ruins East

Head forward and turn right. See those blue things in the snow ahead of you? They're a new type of enemy, so scan them while it's safe to do so.


These are some of the toughest enemies yet, so don't be afraid to use missiles if you need to. The trick to killing them is to lock onto them and then circle around them by dashing so that you can shoot at their back. Kill these two and then head to the right. Jump up the steps and head left. Continue down this path, kill the crystallites, and then jump to the roof of the building to continue. Kill the two crystallites here and then jump over to the door on your right. Go through this door when you get to it.

Plaza Walkway

Scan the burrowing creatures in this room to get another creature entry.


Kill these guys or simply run through the walkway and then head through the door at the end of it.

Phendrana Shorelines

Head left along the rock face and go into the next door you see.

Ruins Entryway

There are a bunch of pulse bombus in this room, so just get into your morph ball and roll across to the next door. Go through it as soon as possible to avoid being hit.

Ice Ruins West

Kill the baby sheegoths on your left. After that, turn right and go into the small room where the crystallite is. Scan the symbols on the wall for a new Chozo lore entry.


Now head to the gray door on your map. Shoot it with a missile to open it, then go inside.

Canyon Entryway

There are more scatter bombus in here, so just get into your morph ball and roll through. Go inside of the door at the end of the tunnel.

Phendrana Canyon

Jump down to the bridge below you and turn around. Get by the crates by blowing them up or walking around them, and scan the symbols on the wall for another Chozo lore entry.


Turn back around and head to the end of the bridge. There is a baby sheegoth below you, but that's where you have to go, so jump down and dispose of it. Facing away from where the bridge is, head to your right. Kill the crystallite and scan the blue icon to realign some platforms. Once the platforms are back in place, you have to quickly jump across them all before they break. If you fall, just go scan the blue icon and try again. At the end of the platforms is some new equipment to collect. It's the boost ball!

Well, it's time to test this sucker out. Jump down to the halfpipe below and head forward until you see a crystallite on a ledge above. This is where you want to be, so hold down B to charge up, then release it while rolling downhill to boost up there. Kill the crystallite when you get up there and continue forward. Kill a couple more crystallites and then head to the door to the canyon entryway. Go through this door to proceed.

Obtaining the Space Jump Boots

Canyon Entryway

Head back to save station B, which is connected to the Phendrana Shorelines, and save your game. OK, now go to Tallon Canyon on the Tallon Overworld.

Tallon Canyon

Head near the door that takes you to transport tunnel A and you should notice that you walk through a halfpipe. You want to roll up to the left side of this one. It may take a while, but keep at it. When you get on the ledge, head left and across the bridge. Morph-ball-bomb the wall at the end of it to open up a new path. There are two more walls blocking your path, so just dispose of them in the same manner. Go through the door at the end of this room to proceed.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (11)


There are some zoomers in here that are fairly hard to see, so try not to run into them. Make your way through this room and into the next door.

Landing Site

Well, this place is familiar. Carefully follow the ledge ahead of you, jumping over gaps as necessary. Enter the door on your left once you reach it.


There's something in this room. It's the space jump boots!


Space-jump your way out of this room when you're ready to move on. Now that we have the boost ball and space jump boots, we can pick up a few missile expansions in the Chozo Ruins.

Go to the main plaza first.

The Artifact of Strength

Main Plaza

Head to the halfpipe in the middle of the room. On the side of the halfpipe that is furthest away from the ruined shrine is a missile expansion. Just use your boost ball to get it. This should be fairly easy.

Obtained Missile Expansion 13

Now go to the ruined shrine.

Ruined Shrine

Jump on the step and then up to the halfpipe right above it. Get into morph ball mode and boost yourself up to the right side. Roll down the small tunnel here to collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 14

From here, head to the gathering hall.

Gathering Hall

Get up to the door that takes you to the east atrium. To the right and left of the door, you should notice two short, red pillar things. Jump on one of them and then space-jump to the platform above the door. Use a morph ball bomb to blow up the grate, and then collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 15

Now head back to the monitor station in the Magmoor Caverns.

Monitor Station

Get to the door that takes you to transport tunnel A and face away from it. Walk a few steps down the bridge, turn right, and look up. Space-jump up to the platform you see and turn around. Space-jump up to the bridge just above you and then walk over to the computer screens on the top of the building. On the floor, in the middle of them, is a new piece of equipment. Scan it to get a new research log.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (12)

OK, so get into morph ball mode, roll into the spinner, and use the boost ball a few times to raise a bridge. Walk across this new bridge and space-jump to the ledge straight ahead. Follow this ledge to the right and head through the door on your left once you reach it.

Warrior Shrine

Jump over the lava and collect the item that the Chozo statue is holding. It's another Chozo artifact!


Now it's time to head back to the Phendrana Shorelines.

Obtaining the Wave Beam

Phendrana Shorelines

From the door to the save station, turn left. Head past the stairs that you used before and to the left of the large ice pillar. Follow the wall and jump up to the next snowy area. From here, space-jump to the floating platform. Now space-jump over to the temple-looking thing and head through the door.

Temple Entryway

There's a wall of ice blocking this entryway and a pulse bombu stands between you and it. You have to use your charge beam to break the ice, but pulse bombus are extremely attracted to you when you use your charge. Do whatever it takes to break that ice, get into morph ball mode, and roll past the various energy-based creatures that stand in your way. Go through the door at the end of the entryway to proceed.

Chozo Ice Temple

Kill the baby sheegoth here and then look for a small white creature walking around on the rocks to your right. Scan it to get a new creature entry.


Start climbing up in the area where the ice parasite is. Jump into the Chozo statue's hands and over to the other side. Go behind the ice and then jump to the opposite side. Get on the platforms at the very top of the room and then jump over to where you can see another Chozo statue in the distance. Shoot the second statue on the right wall with a missile to uncover a morph ball slot. Use bomb jump to get into it, and then activate it with a bomb. This will give you access to a door next to the statue. Go through this door.

Chapel Tunnel

Get into your morph ball and roll through the small tunnel on the floor. This will take you to another morph ball maze. Bomb the first discolored block that is right below you when you enter the maze. Now head to the left and bomb the pillar two times. Go back to that first block, blow it up again, and bomb-jump to the left. Repeat the same process with the next pillar and block, and then roll out of the maze to the left. Go through the door here to continue.

Chapel of the Elders

Head toward the item in the back of the room. Before you get there, you'll be attacked by two baby sheegoths. There are a total of four baby sheegoths to kill, but they'll only come out two at a time. Once you destroy all four, a huge monster appears. Scan it for a new creature entry.


Looks like mommy's mad! Let's take this thing out before it kills us.

BOSS BATTLE 5: Sheegoth

This is actually a very easy boss battle, considering the size and looks of the creature. Take this thing out the same way that you would a baby sheegoth. Circle around it to avoid its attacks, and then after it attempts a breath attack, shoot it with a couple of missiles in the face. Just keep at it and you should have this thing beaten in no time.

Once it's dead, pick up your new weapon. It's the wave beam!

OK, now let's head to Ice Ruins West. On the way there, you can now kill the bombus with your wave beam. Cool, huh?

Obtaining the Super Missiles

Ice Ruins West

Go into the building with the crystallite in it that's just to the right of the entrance. Make your way to the top of the building by space-jumping from floor to floor. On the top floor you should be able to see a stalactite outside. Scan it to get a research entry.


Now lock on to the stalactite and fire a missile at it. This will cause it to fall down and create a platform for you. Jump down to where the stalactite is and jump from it to the roof of the ruined building in front of you. To your left you should notice a couple of crystallites. Kill them and then jump into the place where they were crawling around. Switch to your scan visor, tilt your view up a little, and then scan in the area directly in front of you. This should give you a new creature log.


It's better to scan them from a distance so that you don't miss them while they're flying toward you really fast. Jump to the next crumbling roof in front of you and head left across it. The ice shriekbats are going to attack you now, so be ready for them. After you dispose of them, you should see a crystallite and some crates on a structure that's diagonal from the one you're on. Space-jump over there after killing the crystallite. Now head to the purple door on your map by jumping straight across the different structures in front of you. Shoot the door with the wave beam to open it, and then head through.

Courtyard Entryway

Watch out for the pesky scarabs and pulse bombus in here. Make your way through the next door when you reach it.

Ruined Courtyard

Head to the right and activate the spinner there by using the boost ball. This should open up the pipes high above you. Directly across from this spinner is another one. Go to it and activate it the same way you did this one. This will open the two remaining pipes and activate a morph ball slot above you. To get to this morph ball slot, start from the door that leads to the courtyard entryway and head left. Jump across the pieces of ice/snow as they get taller and taller, and then jump to the platform with the slot on it. Do a bomb jump to get into the slot, and then use a bomb to activate it. This will make water start pouring out from the pipes. Face away from the slot and jump across the floating pieces of ice until you see a circular hole with yellow lights around it. You want to get in that hole. Inside, you will find an energy tank.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (13)

Obtained Energy Tank 5

Roll out of the tunnel and head to the morph ball slot again. Activate it like you did before, but this time make a point to get onto the structure in the middle of the room. Jump across the floating ice on the left again, but this time, jump over to the platform on your right and make your way to the next platform around the corner. From here, jump to the large piece of rock sticking out of the wall. Jump to the next rock, and then to the structure in the middle of this area.

Don't go in the purple door just yet. First, head through the door with the blast shield on it (gray on your map). This is a save station.

Save Station A

Save your game if you want to, and then head back into the ruined courtyard.

Ruined Courtyard

OK, now it's time to head through the purple door. Shoot the door with the wave beam to open it, and then head through.

Specimen Storage

Take out the turret here with either missiles or your charged wave beam. In a few seconds a new creature is going to rush toward you. Scan it to get a new creature log.


Don't be afraid to blast this guy with a couple of missiles if you want to. He's just going to be right in your face otherwise. Head through the next purple door when you're done.

Research Entrance

Lock onto and shoot the turret in the distance before it gets a chance to activate. After a short cinematic, you'll have to fight a bunch of creatures to unlock the doors. Scan one of these creatures for a new creature entry.


Kill all of the pirates (with missiles if you want to), and the doors will be unlocked. Go through the blue door on your map.

Map Station

Walk into the hologram to receive the map for this area. Once you're done, head back into the research entrance.

Research Entrance

Head straight across the room to the opposite wall. Take a left, go up the ramp, and follow the blue walkway to the next door. Shoot the door with the wave beam and go through it.

Hydra Lab Entrance

Kill the two bombus in here and head through the next purple door.

Research Hydra Lab

Scan the blue icon on your right to disable the force field that seals off the lab. Once the force field's down, space pirates will start attacking. There are a lot of them in here, and I think the best way to do this room is to shoot first and ask questions later. Start blasting space pirates with missiles and your wave beam. Jump up to the blue walkway and continue climbing and killing until you reach the top and the battle music stops. Now it should be safe to look around. There are a bunch of pirate data entries on the computer monitors in this room. Make sure you get them all.

The first three are on the ground floor, on computer monitors in an alcove to the right of the door that you entered through.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Phazon Analysis

NEW PIRATE DATA: Mining Status

NEW PIRATE DATA: Security Breaches

The last two are on the top floor, on some computer monitors just before the purple door on the ceiling.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Parasite Larva

NEW PIRATE DATA: Glacial Wastes

After you've collected these log book entries, make your way through the purple door on the ceiling by shooting it with the wave beam and then jumping up through it.

Observatory Access

There are a total of three turrets in this access hall. The first one will be shooting at you right when you come through the floor. If you need health or missiles, blow up the crates near where you enter the room. When you're done with the crates and turrets, head through the next purple door.


Kill all of the space pirates in here and a little blue icon will become active. Scan this blue icon to activate a morph ball slot. To the left and right of the blue icon are two more pirate data entries.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Phazon Program


Go and activate the morph ball slot. This will start some pistons moving and enable another morph ball slot. Head to the new slot and activate it. This will extend the lower node of the holographic projector and enable four spinners located around the projector. Activate each of them to turn on the projector.

There are two planets circling around that will have red icons on them when you view them with your scan visor. Scan both of these planets to get two new research entries.



Climb to the very top of this room by jumping on the platforms on the walls. Straight above the projector there is a platform with an item on it. Jump to this platform and you get the super missiles!

Go through the blue door at the top of this room.

Obtaining the Thermal Visor

Save Station D

Save your game if you feel like it, and then head back into the previous room when you're done.


Go straight ahead and through the purple door to continue.

West Tower Entrance

Kill the scatter bombus and crystallites that block your path, and then shoot the next door with a missile to unlock it. Go through this door.

West Tower

Scan the blue icon on the right to activate the transport, and then walk into the hologram to use it. Go through the purple door at the top.

Control Tower

Kill all of the space pirates here, and then a couple of flying pirates will show up. Defeat them all to unlock the door in this room. Break some crates if you want energy or missile ammo, and then head through the new purple door.

East Tower

Scan the blue icon on your right to activate the transport, and then walk into the hologram to use it. Head through the purple door at the bottom of the tower to continue.

Aether Lab Entryway

Kill the scatter bombus and make your way through the next purple door.

Research Lab Aether

Walk into this room, and after a brief cinematic, scan the familiar-looking creature in the tank in front of you. This will score you a new creature entry.


Yikes! The metroid broke out of the tank! Shoot it with everything you've got and be prepared to get into morph ball mode and lay a bomb if it attaches to your face. Now kill the space pirate that starts attacking you. Right in this area there are two more pirate data entries. They are on either side of where the tank holding the metroid was.


NEW PIRATE DATA: Metroid Studies

Jump across to the next area and scan the computer monitor for another pirate data entry.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Phazon Infusion

Make your way down to the bottom floor and destroy all of the space pirates in this room. The last two pirate data entries in all of the Phendrana Drifts are in a small nook on two computer monitors. This nook is opposite the purple door in the floor. Scan these two entries to add them to your log book.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Metroid Forces

NEW PIRATE DATA: Metroid Morphology

Now that there are no more enemies in here right now, let's collect a couple of items in the room. First, activate the elevator on the ground floor by scanning the blue icon. Ride the elevator up and head up the blue walkway. You should notice a very narrow catwalk above you. Jump up to the small platform at the beginning of this catwalk, get into morph ball mode, and roll across it very slowly. At the end of the catwalk is a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 16

Drop down to the bottom floor and look for a containment tank with an energy tank inside of it. Shoot the tank with a missile and collect your energy tank.

Obtained Energy Tank 6

Now head through the purple door in the floor.

Research Core Access

Scan this new type of beetle for a creature entry.


Blast these things and then head through the next purple door.

Research Core

Kill the space pirates and flying space pirates in here and then, from the door that you entered through, head right. Scan the computer monitor with the red icon to deactivate one of the control circuits for the tank in the middle. Head down the blue walkways until you come to another set of computer monitors, and scan the red icon here to deactivate the auxiliary circuit for the tank in the middle. Jump down to the bottom level and destroy the two turrets here. Scan the last red icon on a computer monitor here to deactivate the main circuit. There's some new equipment in the middle tank, so pick it up.

It's the thermal visor!

After you pick up the thermal visor, all of the lights will go out. Switch to your new visor by pressing down on the control pad.

Kill all of the shadow pirates and head back to the top of this room. A couple of metroids will escape when you're on your way up, so be ready for that. To the right of the door at the top of the room there is a weird symbol. Shoot it with your wave beam to unlock the door, and then enter the door.

Obtaining the Spider Ball

Research Core Access

Scan one of the creatures in here for a new log book entry.


Shoot these things with a few missiles to destroy them, and then head through the door on the ceiling.

Research Lab Aether

Make your way to the door at the top of this room by using the elevator and killing any space pirates, turrets, and metroids that stand in your way. Go through the door once you reach it.

Aether Lab Entryway

Kill the scatter bombus and head through the next door.

East Tower

Walk into the hologram, and then exit through the door once you reach the top.

Control Tower

Run straight ahead and go through the next door.

West Tower

Walk into the hologram, and then exit through the door.

West Tower Entrance

There's nothing at all in here, so just head through the door.


Jump across to the other side of this room and enter the door.

Save Station D

It feels good to save, no? Now head back into the observatory.


Jump to the bottom of the room, kill the space pirates if necessary, and go through the door that takes you to observatory access.

Observatory Access

Kill the sentry drones here and make your way through the door on the floor.

Research Lab Hydra

Jump down to the bottom of this room and head through the door that leads to the hydra lab entryway.

Hydra Lab Entryway

Kill the scatter bombus and go through the next door.

Research Entrance

Run straight forward and head through the door in front of you.

Specimen Storage

There's nothing in here, so just exit through the door ahead of you.

Ruined Courtyard

Natural light at last! Switch back to your combat visor and then go through the door to save station A.

Save Station A

Save your game and then exit this room.

Ruined Courtyard

Head to the door straight across from where you are. Shoot the cordite above the door with super missiles to destroy it, and then fire your wave beam at the same spot to supply the door with power. Go through this door to continue.

Quarantine Access

Kill the pulse bombus in here and go through the next door.

North Quarantine Tunnel

Get into morph ball mode and roll through the tunnel quickly. Go through the door ahead of you.

Quarantine Cave

Jump down to the main section of the room and some rocks will come to life! Scan this creature for a log book entry.


BOSS BATTLE 6: Thardus

OK, this battle isn't going to be too tough, so don't worry about it. Just put on your thermal visor and lock onto Thardus' weak spot. Shoot it several times, and then you'll be able to see it even without the thermal visor.

Thardus has a few attacks. The most common are when he rolls into a ball and tries to crush you or when he throws large pieces of rock at you. The ball attack can be avoided by standing in the middle or dashing out of the way. To avoid the rocks that he throws, simply shoot them before they hit you. This will also usually leave you with some energy pickups. If Thardus freezes you, just hit the B button repeatedly to escape.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (14)
If your thermal visor becomes overloaded, switch back to your combat visor by pressing up on the control pad. You should be able to lock onto Thardus' weak point without the thermal visor when this happens.

Once you defeat Thardus, collect your energy and missile ammo along with your new equipment. It's the spider ball!

Scan the rail in this room to get a new research entry.

NEW RESEARCH LOG: Spider Ball Track

Use your spider ball and roll up the rail across from the door that you haven't been through yet. When the track brings you over the ledge with the door on it, let go of the R button and go through this door.

The Artifact of Nature

South Quarantine Tunnel

Roll through this tunnel in morph ball mode and then go through the purple door ahead of you.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns South

Activate the transport by scanning the blue icon, and then walk into the hologram to be taken down to the Magmoor Caverns.

Transport to Phendrana Drifts South

Go through the door with the missile lock on it to find a save station.

Save Station Magmoor B

Save your game if you want to, and then head back into the transport room.

Transport to Phendrana Drifts South

Go through the purple door ahead of you.

Transport Tunnel C

Watch out for the flames coming from the ceiling and head through the next purple door.

Magmoor Workstation

Kill the three flying pirates in here and jump down to the lower level. Don't worry about losing health, because it'll be refilled in just a minute. Switch to your thermal visor and you should be able to see three different power conduits around this room. Shoot each one with your wave beam to open a new path. In the middle of this room, where you can see a couple of triclops below, there is a hole for you to roll into. Kill the two triclops down here and head down the tunnel where the lava has been cooled. Scan the blue monitor here to cool another tunnel, and roll back out into the main room. Roll into the tunnel that is second on the right. The first one is just the tunnel you entered this area through. Scan the blue monitor here and head back into the main room again. This time, the tunnel you want is directly on your right. Roll down here, and at the end you'll find an energy tank!

Obtained Energy Tank 7

Get out of this underground area and right in front of you, you should see some steps with lights on them. Face away from these steps and you should see a faint purple light in a crevice across from you. Head toward that purple light.Turn right and jump up onto the rocks. Go through the blue door to continue.

South Core Tunnel

Scan the huge creature in front of you for a new creature log.


Just lock onto this thing and fire a shot at it when it's open. It will create a temporary platform for you to jump across, so make use of it before it flips back over. Kill the burrowers on the other side and make your way through the next purple door.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (15)

Geothermal Core

Use the puddle spores as platforms and make your way through the blue door ahead.

North Core Tunnel

Lock onto the stalactite above the magmoor and fire a missile at it. This will create a new platform for you and crush the magmoor. Jump on the stalactite that you just felled and make your way through the next purple door.

Twin Fires

Shoot the stalactite to your right with a missile, and then jump onto it. Watch out for puffers and magmoor. Make your way across the platforms on the right wall, and then shoot down the next stalactite. Jump to the fallen stalactite and then to the area with the boxes and flames coming out of the walls. Get into morph ball mode and roll under the two flames here. On the other side, shoot down the stalactite above the magmoor, use it as a platform, and make your way through the next door while avoiding the flames.

Twin Fires Tunnel

Get into morph ball mode and roll into the small cave on your left. Use the spider ball track to get across this room. Now let's head to the lava lake.

Lava Lake

Get to the section of this room that borders the lake tunnel. Shoot the large pillar in the center of the room with your super missiles to destroy it and find a new Chozo artifact! Hop over to collect it.


Head to the transport to Phendrana Drifts North.

Obtaining the Wavebuster

Transport to Phendrana Drifts North

Take this transport to the Phendrana Drifts.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns West

Head to the door that leads to the temple entryway in Phendrana Shorelines.

Phendrana Shorelines

If you're facing the door that leads to the temple entryway, head a little to the left. There should be a cordite statue on the wall. Shoot it with your super missiles, and then scan where the statue was to open a new path just to the left of where the statue was. Get into morph ball mode and use the spider ball track inside of this new place to get a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 17

Now head to Ice Ruins East.

Ice Ruins East

From the door that leads to ice ruins access, head straight. Turn right when you clear the first building and make your way up the steps ahead. Follow this path to the left. After you jump across the broken bridge, walk through the small opening and turn left. In the pillar to your left is a spider ball track. Use the track and collect the missile expansion at the end of it.

Obtained Missile Expansion 18

OK, now let's head to research lab hydra.

Research Lab Hydra

Kill any pirates, turrets, and metroids that come after you in this room, and head toward the top floor. Shoot the large pillar here with super missiles to reveal a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 19

Now let's get out of this creepy place and head back to the Chozo Ruins. Take the transport past where you beat Thardus to the Magmoor Caverns, take the transport to Tallon Overworld West, and finally take the transport to Chozo Ruins West. Head to the main plaza once you get to the Chozo Ruins.

Main Plaza

Get to the platform on top of the door that leads to the ruined shrine access. On the tree in front of you, there should be a spot where your beam weapons bounce off of it. Shoot this spot with some super missiles. Now space-jump over to the hole in the tree and collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 20

Now head to the ruined fountain.

Ruined Fountain

Get into morph ball mode and get in the fountain when the water isn't spraying out of it. When the water lifts you to the ceiling, press the R button to start riding on the spider ball track. Roll to the end to get a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 21

Now head to the dynamo.


To the left of the door, you should see a spider ball track. Jump on the ledge, and then follow the track up to get another missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 22

Now head to the ruined shrine.

Ruined Shrine

Get on the halfpipe and use the boost ball to get on the left side. Roll into the hole here and use the spider ball track to reach the purple door. Go through this door when you get to it.

Tower of Light Access

There's nothing in here, so just head through the next door.

Tower of Light

Jump onto the platform ahead of you, and then jump to the platform above it. Whip out your scan visor. Along the top of this room, you should see a bunch of pillars that you can scan. The scan visor will say something about them being weak and made of brinstone, so you should shoot them with missiles. Three missiles apiece should be sufficient. Once you've shot all four support pillars, jump to the central platform. This will cause the upper level of the room to fall down a level, giving you access to another set of pillars. This will also release some new enemies, so scan one of them to get their entry.


Quickly jump up to another platform to avoid these guys, and then jump to the central platform. Crawling on the walls is another new enemy. Scan it to get a log book entry.


Now you have to shoot the four damaged pillars here. If you accidentally hit an oculus, your missile will deflect and be wasted. If you're running low on missiles, then be patient. After you shoot all of these pillars, the ceiling will fall another level. Jump to the higher platform and then to the central platform to avoid the plated puffers. Now shoot the four pillars here just like you did the last ones. When the ceiling falls, jump the higher platform and then continue jumping from one platform to the next until you are at the very top of the room. There should be some new equipment here. It's the wavebuster!

Head to save station 1.

The Artifact of Wild

Save Station 1

Save your game if you want to, and then go to the sun tower.

Sun Tower

Switch to your power beam so that you can use super missiles on the cordite coverings on the left and right walls. You can also kill the wasps in here more quickly with the power beam. Scan the two runic symbols once you have destroyed the cordite coverings. Head to the spider ball track and face away from it. On the pillar to your immediate right is another icon to scan. Look up to scan it. The last runic symbol is on the pillar that is diagonal from this one. It's on the side of the pillar that's facing the corner of the room.

Now use the spider ball track to reach the top of the room. At the end of the first track, you'll have to use a bomb jump to get across the gap to the next track. Wait for an opening between the creatures circling the gap and head up. Continue in the same manner until you reach the top. If you're having trouble with the last gap, just roll all the way to the wall and use a bomb jump.

Head through the door once you reach it.

Sun Tower Access

Whoa! What the heck was that? Well, it's gone now. Continue through the next door to proceed.


Uh, oh. A bunch of weird things just jumped out of Flaahgra's "corpse." Scan one of them to get a new creature entry.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (16)


BOSS BATTLE 7: Chozo Ghosts

OK, there are only three of these guys, but they're still kind of tough if you don't know what you're doing. Switch to your power beam, because that's the only weapon you're going to be able to hurt these with. Use super missiles to kill these guys quickly. When they shoot a projectile at you, jump over it or dash out of the way to avoid being hit. If this hits you, you won't be able to fire for a few seconds.

Once you've defeated them, jump to the center and collect The Artifact of Wild!


Now head to save station 2.

Obtaining the Ice Beam

Save Station 2

Save your game if you want to, and then head to the furnace.


Use the morph ball track to get up into the tunnel. Now comes the fun part. Roll across the blocks as quickly as you can and use bomb jump to get onto the next ledge. From here, just roll to the right until you get to the next tunnel. The blocks disappear after a short period of time, so if you fall, just head left and try again.

Once you get out of the tunnel, scan the creatures to your right to get a new log book entry.

NEW CREATURE LOG: Plated Parasite

When you touch the ground in this room, you'll be attacked by a group of beetles. Finish them off and turn left. Walk forward a bit and scan the symbols on the wall for a new Chozo lore entry.


Get into morph ball mode and go into the tunnel that is below this lore.

Crossway Access West

Roll to the end of this very long tunnel and go through the purple door to proceed.


Jump into the halfpipe structure below you and use it to get to the ledge on the far end of this room. To your left are three new Chozo lore entries to scan. Make sure you get them all.

NEW CHOZO LORE: Infestation


NEW CHOZO LORE: Hatchling's Shell

Near the other side of this ledge is some cordite. Shoot it with a super missile and scan the area where it was to reveal a spider ball track above you. Use the boost ball on the halfpipe to reach the spider ball track you just uncovered. Roll to the end of the short track and use a bomb jump to get into the morph ball slot. Bomb the slot to reveal a morph ball track on the other side of the halfpipe. Do the same thing over here that you just did. This will lower a piston to ground level. Roll onto this piston before the timer runs out and you will be carried up to a small tunnel. Take it left and collect another missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 23

Get back over to the ledge where the cordite and three Chozo lore entries were. Go through the tunnel here and shoot the door with a missile to continue.

Elder Hall Access

Kill the scarabs in your way and proceed through the next door.

Hall of the Elders

Get into morph ball mode and roll into the tunnel on your left. Scan what looks like a save station in this room to get a new research entry.

NEW RESEARCH LOG: Missile Station

Step into it and then head back out through the tunnel.

Jump down to the area below and kill the Chozo ghost. Once you kill it, a large Chozo statue's hands will start glowing. Scan the symbols behind the statue to get a Chozo lore entry.


Now, get into morph ball mode and land in the statue's hands. It will propel you toward a spider ball track, so hold down the R button on your way through the air. Roll up the track and activate the morph ball slot. This will activate three colorful panels somewhere else in the room. Jump back up to where you entered the room via the platforms on the wall. Facing the tunnel that leads to the missile station, turn right and jump to the platform above you. Walk over to the colorful panels. Shoot the purple one with the wave beam, use a bomb jump to get into the morph ball slot, and then activate it with a bomb. This will open a new path in the area below you.

Have the statue throw you again. This will bring you to a new area. Just roll to the right to continue. In the small area at the end, scan the blue icon to remove the safety window behind you. Now you can get back into the main room if you want to, but don't do it now! Head through the new door up here to proceed.

Reflecting Pool Access

There's nothing to see here, so just head through the next door.

Reflecting Pool

Get into morph ball mode and roll to the bottom of the pool ahead of you. In the middle there is a plug that you can bomb to drain the water.

Use the halfpipe here to reach the upper level of the room. There are stone toads on both sides of the halfpipe, so if you get swallowed, just bomb them and try again. Head to the left side first and enter the door here.


Collect the new equipment in the middle of this room. It's the ice beam!

Switch to the ice beam by pressing down on the C stick and shoot the door to open it. Go through it to continue.

Obtaining the Gravity Suit

Reflecting Pool

Now get back into the halfpipe and get to the right side of the room. Shoot the door up here with a missile and head through it.

Save Station 3

Save your game if you want to, and then head back to the Hall of the Elders. We need to pick something up there.

Hall of the Elders

Jump back down to the area where the statue is. Kill the three Chozo ghosts here with super missiles. Once they're all dead, head back up to the colorful panels and shoot the white one with your ice beam. Activate the morph ball slot with a bomb and then have the Chozo statue throw you again. This will bring you to a small room that contains only an energy tank. Collect the tank and head through the small tunnel to get out of here.

Obtained Energy Tank 8

Head back to save station 3, which is connected to the reflecting pool. Get here by jumping through where the safety window was before you disabled it. This is around the area where the colorful panels are.

Save Station 3

If you feel like it, save your game. Now use bomb jump to get into the small tunnel in this room. Roll down this tunnel and go through the next door to proceed.

Transport to Tallon Overworld East

Scan the blue icon to activate the transport, and then walk into the hologram to be taken down to the Tallon Overworld.

Transport to Chozo Ruins East

Head through the white door ahead of you.

Transport Tunnel C

Shoot the geemers with missiles if you want them out of your way. Get into morph ball mode to roll under the branches that block your path, and then head through the next door.

Overgrown Cavern

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (17)
Shoot the venom weeds below you and then roll through the branches to collect a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 24

Get out of morph ball mode, shoot the remaining venom weeds, get into morph ball mode again, and roll through the opening ahead. Go through this door to proceed.

Frigate Crash Site

Make your way along the left wall. When the flying pirates come near you, fire at them with the ice beam to freeze them, and then shoot them with a single missile to finish them off. Now you don't have to waste two missiles on each one anymore. After you kill them off, head to the landing site.

Landing Site

Save your game at your ship to get full energy and missiles. Now head to the transport to Magmoor Caverns East.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns East

Take this transport to the Magmoor Caverns.

Transport to Tallon Overworld West

Head to the transport to Phendrana Drifts South.

Transport to Phendrana Drifts South

Take the transport up to the drifts.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns South

OK, now we're where we want to be. Look for the spider ball track in this room. Use it to get up to a new door, and then shoot it with the ice beam to open it. Go through it to proceed.

Transport Access

Remember, it's always easiest to take out bombus with the wave beam rather than get hit by them. Dispose of this one and head through the next door.

Frozen Pike

Jump down to the water at the bottom of this room. You'll find a new creature down here, so scan it to add it to your log book.


You can kill this thing by shooting it when its middle is exposed, but you can just leave it for now if you don't feel like fighting it. Face toward the door you entered this room through and look for some steps leading out of the water. When you reach the surface, climb up the huge vines and then turn left. Jump over to the opening across the gap, jump across to the next platform, and then jump to the platform with the purple door on it. Go through this door to continue.

Frost Cave Access

Get into morph ball mode and bomb-jump into the tiny crevice. Follow it to the end, and then get out of morph ball mode. Kill the beetles and the scarabs blocking your path, and then make your way through the purple door.

Frost Cave

In a couple of seconds, a new creature is going to float up to you from the lower part of this room. Scan it to get a new creature entry.

NEW CREATURE LOG: Hunter Metroid

Shoot it with your ice beam and then finish it off with a missile. There's another new creature gliding around near the top of the room. It doesn't seem to be a threat, so just scan it to get the creature entry.


Now target the stalactite in the distance and fire a missile at it to knock it down. Jump to the area below and then look for another stalactite to break down. You should find one on the wall where the lone purple door is. It's not the door you entered this room through, and it's not the door that's across from that one. Use the second stalactite you knocked down as a platform to reach the door, and then go inside of it.

Save Station C

Save your game if you want to, and then leave this room to continue.

Frost Cave

Get to the purple door on your right by using the other stalactite you knocked down as a platform. Go through the door to proceed.

Upper Edge Tunnel

Get into morph ball mode and roll through this long tunnel. Go through the purple door to continue.

Phendrana's Edge

Kill the two flying pirates by shooting them with your ice beam and finishing them off with a single missile each. Jump down into the water and head through the purple door.

Lower Edge Tunnel

Kill the bombus with your wave beam. When you can't walk down the tunnel anymore, get into morph ball mode and roll down it. Go through the door ahead.

Hunter Cave

Shoot down the three stalactites on the ceiling with missiles. Jump down to the water and take out any creatures as necessary. Climb the platforms along the wall until you can jump over to one of the stalactites that you knocked down. Jump across them, and then jump on the stalactite that landed in the snow and ice (not the water). From here, you can jump up to a platform with a purple door on it. Go through this door.

Lake Tunnel

Kill the bombu and go through the next door.

Gravity Chamber

Walk down this path until you see some moving vines down below you. Scan these for a new creature entry.


Aim for the tips of the vines and shoot at them to make them retract. There is also a jelzap down there, so beware. Jump down below and head left up the steps. Follow the path along the wall, and then take out a similar group of enemies below you. Climb the steps here and walk into the icon to collect your new equipment. It's the gravity suit!

Jump out of the water (it should be easy now that you have the gravity suit), and then head through the purple door you haven't been through yet.

The Artifact of Lifegiver

Chamber Access

Kill the sentry drone and head through the next door.

Hunter Cave

Run along the ledge to the right and go through the new purple door. You don't have to kill the flying pirates if you don't want to.

Hunter Cave Access

Head through the water and kill any jelzaps that are in your way. Go through the next door to continue.

Frozen Pike

Kill the jelzap here, and then make your way up the steps and around the path. Get rid of the two flying pirates with your ice beam and missiles. Climb over the branch bridge and turn left. Jump over to the area beyond the gap, but this time, keep jumping from platform to platform (turning around if you don't see one in front of you), until you reach the door that takes you to transport access. Along the way, you'll have to roll up into your morph ball and use some bomb jumps behind an ice wall. When you finally reach this door, go through it and head to the Tower of Light in the Chozo Ruins.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (18)

Tower of Light

Jump down into the water and head through the tunnel opposite the door you entered through. When you hit the wall, jump up to get out of the water. There's a purple door on the ceiling. Shoot it and jump up into the room.

Tower Chamber

Walk into the artifact to collect it. It's the Artifact of Lifegiver!


Now get out of here and head to the watery hall.

Obtaining the Power Bomb

Watery Hall

Face away from the runic symbol that's below the area with all of the eyons. Get into morph ball mode and roll straight ahead into the water. Get out of morph ball mode once you hit the wall, and then space-jump out of the water. Before you is a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 25

OK, now let's head back to the frigate crash site on the Tallon Overworld.

Frigate Crash Site

Enter this room through the Waterfall Cavern. Kill the beetles and flying pirates, and then jump into the water. Follow the left wall and keep looking up until you see a missile expansion. You have to space-jump from the branches on your right to reach them.

Obtained Missile Expansion 26

Continue following the left wall and head up the steps that have the blue glowing lichen on them. Keep an eye on the wall to the left of you and watch out for an opening. Once you find it, get into morph ball mode, roll inside the opening, and then roll through the small tunnel between the two glowing patches of lichen. Get out of morph ball mode and jump out of the water. Head to the part of the frigate where the white door is on your map. Blast the boxes that are stacked up in front of the door, and then go through it.

Frigate Access Tunnel

This tunnel's dark, but there isn't anything harmful in it. Get into morph ball mode and roll through it if you need the extra light. Head through the door at the other end of the tunnel when you reach it.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section C

Jump down to the bottom and head through the tunnel. When you can't walk through it anymore, get into morph ball mode and roll through it. Go through the door to continue.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section B

There are two auto turrets here. Freeze them with your ice beam and then shoot them with a couple of missiles each. Switch to your thermal visor to find the power conduit in this room. Shoot it with your wave beam to supply power to the door in front of you. Go through this door and head through the next door to continue.

Main Ventilation Shaft Section A

Scan the swarm of creatures that come toward you for a new creature entry.


Kill some of these if you want, and then head through the door at the end of this tunnel.

Reactor Core

Jump down into the water and scan this new type of pirate for a log book entry.


These are very easy to kill. Just shoot them with the ice beam and then hit them with a single missile while they're frozen.

After you've finished the two of them off, go all the way to the bottom of the room and switch to your thermal visor. You have to find four power conduits. The first one is on the wall with the blue door that you haven't been through yet. Shoot it with the wave beam to activate it, and then head to the wall across from it. Turn right and walk down this path to find the second one. Continue even further down this path to find the third one. The fourth one is a bit higher up, so we'll have to use the floating platforms in the middle of the room to get up there. Jump up until you see the place where all the lines from the other conduits are leading. It's a huge door against the same wall that the first conduit was on. To the left of the door is the last conduit. Shoot it with the wave beam, and then head through the door to continue.

Reactor Access

Go through the door on your right.

Save Station

Save your game if you want to, and then head out of this room.

Reactor Access

Find the two power conduits (by using the thermal visor) on either side of the door that you have not gone through yet. Shoot both of them with your wave beam, and then head through the door.

Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma

Follow the left wall straight ahead and shoot the glass out with a missile. Enter this small area to collect an energy tank.

Obtained Energy Tank 9

Switch to your thermal visor and head outside of this small room. Look for a power conduit on the wall where the glass you broke used to be, and shoot it with your wave beam when you find it. Jump on top of where you got the energy tank and jump up the platforms from left to right. Watch out for reaper vines. After you have ascended a couple of platforms, turn around and look for another power conduit across from you. Jump over to the platform next to it, and then shoot it with the wave beam. Turn around and jump to the platform on your right. Continue jumping from platform to platform until you reach the top. You'll know you're almost there when you see a dead space pirate splash into the water. Shoot the final power conduit, which is next to the door, to supply power to it. Head through the door to continue.

Deck Beta Transit Hall

There's nothing to see here, so just head through the next door.

Biohazard Containment

Take out the two auto turrets here, and then switch to your thermal visor. Locate the two power conduits. One is on the side of a pillar near the door you entered this room through. The other you can find by following the outside wall all the way around. There's only one more power conduit to go, so it must be in the water. Jump into the water and scan one of the drones here for a new creature entry.


Well, take them out with the wave beam. After they're gone, use your scan visor to look for a door made of cordite. Shoot it with super missiles once you find it to reveal a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 27

OK, now use your thermal visor to locate the final power conduit. Once you've activated the final one, go through the door.

Deck Beta Security Hall

Shoot the aqua reapers that block your way and head through the door around the corner to the right.

Biotech Research Area 1

Kill the three aqua pirates here, and then switch to your thermal visor. We have to find a total of three power conduits to continue. They're all very easy to find in this room, so I'll let you get them yourself. Once you've activated all three of them, head through the door to continue.

Deck Beta Conduit Hall

This is very similar to Deck Beta Security Hall. Shoot the aqua reapers and head through the door that is around the corner to the right.

Connection Elevator to Deck Beta

The floor's going to break out from under you when you enter this room. When you hit the bottom, switch to your scan visor and look around until you see an orange-and-blue glowing organism on the wall. Scan it to get a new creature entry for your log book.


Head through the door to continue.

Hydro Access Tunnel

Get into morph ball mode and roll into the small tunnel. This will take you to a mini-maze. Your bomb jumps will make you go a lot higher in here. Bomb-jump up and then head to the right. Drop down here and stop. High above you is an energy tank. To get it you are going to need impeccable bomb-jump timing and a lot of patience. You should lay a bomb just before the peak of each bomb jump to make it up there. Once you get high enough, the energy tank is on your left.

Obtained Energy Tank 10

OK, now go back to the bottom, roll right, and bomb-jump your way to the top. Head to the right to exit the mini-maze. Go through the door here to continue.

Great Tree Hall

Follow the wall on your left and go around the pillar. Make your way up the steps and out of the water. Right in front of you should be a door. Shoot it with the ice beam to open it, and then head inside.

Transport Tunnel E

Walk across the bridge in the middle of the room and kill all of the seedlings that get in your way. Head through the door at the end of this tunnel.

Transport to Phazon Mines East

Scan the blue icon to activate the transport, and then walk into the hologram to be taken down to the phazon mines.

Transport to Tallon Overworld South

Go through the purple door here.

Quarry Access

There's nothing to see here, so just head through the next door.

Main Quarry

Head down the steps and look for the turrets on your left. You'll notice that these shoot white projectiles, so they're actually a different type. Scan one of them for the creature entry.


It takes three missiles to kill one of these. I recommend using your ice beam to freeze them so that they can't fire at you while you're taking care of them. Opposite the mega turrets is a catwalk. Climb it and be prepared to take out a few space pirates. Once you reach the pirate structure, head across the bridges and get onto the rocky ledge on the other side. Jump on top of the rock and to the top of the structure.

Switch to your thermal visor and search for a power conduit. Once you find it, shoot it with the wave beam. This will activate a terminal inside of the structure you're standing on.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (19)

Just head left around the pillar to find the entrance that leads to the terminal. Scan the terminal to activate some crane controls. Once you're done with this, head back out and around the pillar. Get into morph ball mode and use the spider ball track. Once you reach the "pole" at the end, let go of the R button and try not to fall off. Use a bomb jump to get up into the crevice and collect the missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 28

Head back down to the bottom of this area and go to where the mega turrets were. To disable the force field here, you'll have to scan two activation switches. They're both blue icons that show a red square when you use the scan visor over them.

Once you've disabled the force field, head toward the purple door that you haven't been through yet. Use the spider ball track to get to the door, and then head through it.

Save Station Mines A

Scan the blue icon to open the bars that are blocking your way into the save station. Save your game if you want to, and then head back out of this room.

Main Quarry

Head through the disabled force field and go through the door there.

Security Access A

There are two mega turrets around the corner, so be ready for them. Head through the door to continue.

Mine Security Station

Kill the three shadow pirates, and then continue through the room. Walk by the force field and turn left. Turn right into a small tunnel and follow the ramp inside of it. Turn right and continue through the room. You'll be attacked by a new type of pirate. Scan one of them to get the creature entry.


These guys are pretty tough. Switch to your wave beam if you want to deal any damage to them. Once they're dead, go around the corner and head through the purple door on the ceiling.

Security Access B

Shoot away some of the stuff blocking your path and be ready to kill two shadow pirates. Go through the white door on the ceiling to continue.

Elite Research

Kill the two space pirates in front of you. Scan the computer terminals here to activate some lifts and get a new pirate data entry.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Elite Pirates

Jump up the platforms and get ready to fight two wave troopers. Walk around the outside wall until you reach a couple more terminals. Scan one of them to activate another set of lifts. Jump up these platforms and scan the new type of pirate that's in front of you.


Switch to your power beam to deal damage to this thing. If you want to, use a super missile to kill him off really quick.

To proceed you're going to have to use the industrial-grade pulse beam to blast down some walls. To aim the pulse beam, you use the spinner located near it. To fire it, you scan the computer terminal on the right. There are only two walls that you have to worry about breaking down.

Get into the spinner and use the boost ball to rotate the pulse beam. Stop rotating it when the barrel is facing the three pipes on the far side of the room. Now use a bomb to get out of the spinner and scan the terminal to fire at the wall. This should open up a path with a white door in it.

Get into the spinner and use the boost ball to rotate the pulse beam until it is facing directly to the left. Scan the terminal to fire the beam and reveal a missile expansion. Jump over the gap to collect it.

Obtained Missile Expansion 29

Now head through the white door you uncovered with the pulse beam.

Research Access

Get on the spider ball track and roll to the bottom while avoiding the electrified blades that are spinning below you. Go through the white door at the bottom of this room.

Ore Processing

Kill the two power troopers that attack you when you enter this room. After you've taken care of them, head to the side of the room opposite the door you entered through. Face away from the wall, and then bomb-jump into the thing that looks like a morph ball slot.

Lay bombs until the blue track on the bottom cylinder is facing you. Ride the blue track up and then follow the outside wall until you reach another cylinder rotator.

Lay bombs until the red track is facing the left side. Now drop down to the bottom of the room and rotate the bottom cylinder three times so that the red track lines up. Now ride the red track to the top.

Get out of morph ball mode and head to your left. Kill the wave trooper here, and then head through the white door to continue.

Elevator Access A

Shoot all of the scatter bombus with your wave beam to destroy them, and then either roll down the spider ball track or just jump to the bottom of the room. Head through the white door.

Elevator A

Scan the blue icon on your right to activate the elevator, and then step into the hologram to ride it down to level two. Go through the white door.

Elite Control Access

You should see an explosive box up on the ledge across from you. Shoot this box from a decent distance (so that you don't get damaged) to reveal a missile expansion and destroy two pirates that are near it. Jump over to the vent, get into morph ball mode, and bomb-jump to collect it.

Obtained Missile Expansion 30

Now head through the purple door.

Elite Control

Ahh! A giant monster is coming toward you! Make sure to scan it to get a new creature entry.


BOSS BATTLE 8: Elite Pirate

Switch to your thermal visor and you should be able to target the plasma rifle that's on his back. Shoot it with missiles until it breaks, and then finish him off by shooting missiles at his face. If he's not blinking red each time you hit him, then you're doing something wrong. Just space-jump over his shock blasts if he uses any.

Once he's dead, the room still isn't clear.

From the entryway, turn left. Head all the way to the top of the ramp and kill all of the shadow pirates in your way. There are also some power troopers in here. Once the music stops playing, it's safe to look around the room. There are eight pirate data entries in this room, are you ready to collect them?

Elite Control

There are three on the bottom floor:


NEW PIRATE DATA: Hunter Weapons

NEW PIRATE DATA: Metroid Prime

And there are five on the top floor:

NEW PIRATE DATA: Chozo Artifacts


NEW PIRATE DATA: Chozo Studies


NEW PIRATE DATA: Prime Mutations

Once you've downloaded all eight entries, head through the white door on the ceiling of the top floor.

Ventilation Shaft

Run to the left, turn right, and then head through the white door.

Omega Research

Kill the two wave troopers here, and then head down to the lower level and kill the three power troopers. There is one more pirate data entry in this room to download--look for the red icon and scan it.


Go through the white door on the floor to proceed.

Dynamo Access

Head through the door at the other end.

Central Dynamo

There's an invisible enemy you have to fight here, but don't worry about scanning it, because you can't. Use the wavebuster to kick its butt and open up a maze in the floor below you.

Roll into the hole to enter the maze. Make your way through the maze by rolling around slowly so that you don't get electrocuted. If you notice that part of the ground is discolored, use a bomb to clear a new path. In the center of the maze is some new equipment. It's the power bomb!

Head through the white door that is to the right of where you entered this room.

Obtaining the Grapple Beam

Save Station Mines B

Save your game if you want to, and then exit this room.

Central Dynamo

Now that we've filled up our health and found a safe place, let's head back to the ventilation shaft to pick something up. To get back out of this room, use the platforms that are glowing blue.

On your way through omega research, you'll have to kill an elite pirate to unlock the door leading to the vent shaft.

Ventilation Shaft

At the end of the right wall, use a power bomb to destroy the grating. Roll into the opening this creates, go through the short tunnel, and scan the blue icon on the other side to turn on the fan. This will cause all of the plated puffers to smash into the fan and make the room poison-free. Get back into the main part of the room and collect the energy tank in front of you.

Obtained Energy Tank 11

Head back to central dynamo.

Central Dynamo

By now, some new enemies should appear. Scan them to get a new creature entry.


Kill these guys if you want to, and then let's head to the ore processing room. You'll have to use the halfpipe in the ventilation shaft to get to the next room.

Ore Processing

Turn right here, and then jump across to the other platform. Use a power bomb on the bendezium to clear it out of the way. Get into the rotator slot and use two bombs to make the yellow track face away from you.

Drop down to the next level and bomb that rotator three times. Finally, head to the ground floor and bomb the rotator once. The final hologram (next to the rotator slot) should have a connected yellow line leading all the way to the top now. So ride the yellow track from the ground level all the way to the top. Go through the white door ahead of you.

Storage Depot B

Collect your new equipment. It's the grapple beam! Exit this room to proceed.

Obtaining the X-Ray Visor

Ore Processing

Head to the right and scan the grapple icon to get a new research entry.


Swing across to the other side of the gap and go through the white door.

Waste Disposal

Get into morph ball mode and roll into the water mini-maze. Make your way out of the maze and head through the door.

Main Quarry

Head back to security access A.

Security Access A

Kill the shadow pirates here. By now, a monster should have dropped some power bomb ammo. If not, just keep an eye out for it and scan it when you can. Note that this should be your final research entry.


Head to the far end of the room and use a power bomb against the grate. Go inside of the new opening to collect a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 31

Now head back to the Great Tree Hall on the Tallon Overworld.

Great Tree Hall

From the door to transport tunnel E, shoot the seedling, and then jump to the platform in front of you. Turn a bit to the left, kill the seedling, and jump to the next platform. Jump to the platform on the wall to your right. Shoot the seedling to your left, and then jump to the platform where it was. Now jump to the platform that the waterfall is splashing against.

Get into morph ball mode and activate the spinner to open a new path. Jump up to where the bars were blocking before and kill the bloodflower around the corner. There is another bloodflower and a seedling to your left, so watch out.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (20)

Jump to the platform on the right wall, and then jump across to the left wall. Turn left and jump to the ledge with the cave. From here, jump over to the area where the tree with the spider ball track around it is. Ride the track as far as it will take you, and then hold left and release the R button. You're going to fall, but as soon as you're passing the next part of the track, press the R button again to connect to it. Ride this track to the top and go through the white door.

Life Grove Tunnel

Use a power bomb on the rock blocking your path. Get into morph ball mode and roll through the small tunnel you just cleared. This will bring you to a short mini-maze. Roll to your right and bomb-jump over the first bump. Now you'll be in a sort of halfpipe thing. If you can manage to boost-ball all the way to the top platform and then lay a bomb, you'll get a missile expansion. You'll have to learn how to use the boost ball well to get this one.

Obtained Missile Expansion 32

Once you're done with this, roll out of the maze to the right.

Life Grove

Roll off the side and get the new piece of equipment in the middle of this room. It's the X-ray visor!

The Artifact of Chozo

Get on the platform in the middle of the room (where the X-ray visor was) and use a power bomb to destroy the walls. Head toward the waterfall and get into morph ball mode. Use a bomb on the drain to raise a pillar. Go to the base of the pillar and roll into the spinner there. Activate the spinner and a new Chozo artifact will rise from the water. Space-jump from the land to get it.


Head to the platform where you got the X-ray visor and face toward the pillar that you raised to get the artifact. Head left and begin climbing these platforms. Get into morph ball mode and bomb-jump your way through the short wall maze. Start walking across the wooden bridge, and you'll be attacked by some Chozo ghosts. Jump down and switch to your X-ray visor. Now you can see these guys all the time. Finish them off, and then get back to the wooden bridges from before. Jump toward the waterfall, and then through it. Take a right and follow another wooden bridge. Jump to the platform on your left and then jump over to another wooden bridge. Jump to the grassy platform ahead, and then, finally, jump to the platform where the Chozo head statue is. Get into morph ball mode and roll into the hole at the base of the statue. Don't roll off the side or you'll have to do that all over again!

Head back through the mini-maze and go back to the tree with the spider ball track on it in the Great Tree Hall.

Obtaining the Ice Spreader

Great Tree Hall

From the spider ball track tree, face toward the white door across the room. Jump to the platform on your left, face the white door again, and then switch to your X-ray visor. You should see a new platform right in front of you. Jump onto this platform, and then turn right toward the blue door that you haven't been through yet. Space-jump over to the platform with that door on it, and then go through it.

Great Tree Chamber

Walk forward and collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 33

Go back to the Great Tree Hall and drop to the bottom of the room. Go through the white door that you haven't been through yet.

Transport Tunnel D

Kill the seedlings and make your way through the next door.

Transport to Chozo Ruins South

Scan the blue icon and step into the hologram to ride the transport up to the Chozo Ruins.

Transport to Tallon Overworld South

OK, now head for the furnace.


Look for an area of the floor that is very beat up and cracked. Use a power bomb here to reveal a halfpipe. Use the boost ball in the halfpipe to reach a spider ball track. Once you're on it, try to avoid the plated parasites and roll to the left. Bomb-jump to get onto the track against the wall, and follow it until you can see your shadow over a path below you. Let go of the R button and slowly make your way across this path. Get on the spider ball track at the end of it and continue rolling. Drop from this track to the one below it and keep on going. It's time to drop down to another path below you. This time your shadow is going to be harder to see, so be careful. Follow this until it ends, and then bomb-jump up to another spider ball track. Go with this track to the top and collect a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 34

Now head back to the ruined fountain.

Ruined Fountain

Go through the door next to the fountain.

Meditation Fountain

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (21)
Go through the next door.

Magma Pool

Use your grapple beam to grapple across to the other side. As soon as you land, get into morph ball mode and lay a power bomb to blow up the wall. Pick up your very first power bomb expansion.

Obtained Power Bomb Expansion 1

Scan the symbols on the wall behind where the expansion was to get the final Chozo lore entry.


Head through the purple door to proceed.

Training Chamber Access

Near the end of this tunnel, right next to the purple door, are a bunch of red leaves. Get into your morph ball mode and roll into these leaves to find a secret passage. At the end of this passage is a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 35

Training Chamber

Kill the Chozo ghosts here. Get in the halfpipe and go into morph ball mode. Boost-ball up to the slot on the right side and activate it with a bomb. Get over to the small elevator quickly, and then when it reaches the top, bomb-jump and ride the spider ball track. Roll through the tunnel and collect your energy tank.

Obtained Energy Tank 12

Get back to the halfpipe and get into the other morph ball slot this time. Activate it to open a new path. Head to the small tunnel opposite the door you entered this room through. Bomb-jump into it and get through the mini-maze without getting smashed (too much). Roll through the tunnel to proceed.

Main Plaza

Turn left and look for the grapple point above you. Space-jump toward the grapple point and grapple across to collect a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 36

Now it's time to head back to the Magmoor Caverns. Use the transport to Magmoor Caverns North to get there.

Transport to Chozo Ruins North

Head for the triclops pit.

Triclops Pit

Watch out for the two flying pirates in here. From the door to the pit tunnel, follow the right wall until you come to some crates. Destroy the crates and switch to your X-ray visor. You should now see a platform across from you. Space-jump over to this platform. These platforms slowly descend once you get on them, so you'll have to hurry. Turn left, jump to the next platform, turn left again, and jump to the final platform. Shoot the pillar in front of you with a super missile, and then jump over and collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 37

OK, now head to the monitor station.

Monitor Station

Kill the two flying pirates, and then head to the warrior shrine.

Warrior Shrine

Use a power bomb at the base of the statue. This will create an opening. If you didn't fall in it already, go down there. Get out of morph ball mode and jump up to collect a power bomb expansion.

Obtained Power Bomb Expansion 2

Go through the small tunnel to be dumped in the fiery shores.

Fiery Shores

Go through the door to the shore tunnel.

Shore Tunnel

Get into the middle of the glass tunnel and use a power bomb. This will destroy a good portion of the glass here. Jump down to a platform in the lava on either side of the "bridge" you just created, and then look around until you see a new piece of equipment. Jump over to collect it. It's the ice spreader!

Now head to the geothermal core.

Obtaining the Plasma Beam

Geothermal Core

From the door to the south core tunnel, jump up the two platforms on the left wall. Look for the first grapple point ahead of you, and then swing over to the platform. Get into the spinner that's on this platform and use your boost ball to raise a platform. Now, face away from the spinner and jump to the platform across from you. Use the spinner here to raise another platform. Jump to the platform above the first spinner, turn left, and then jump to the platform where you can see the spider ball track. Activate the spinner to raise another platform, and then use the spider ball track to get on top of it. Jump to the platform across from you and activate the morph ball slot with a bomb.

Now there's a pipe with a spider ball track on it extended to this platform. Bomb-jump up and start riding the track. Bomb-jump to the next track. When you reach the end of this, disconnect from the track, and then press and hold the R button while you're falling to connect to the track below you. Use a bomb jump to get to the next piece of track. Continue in this fashion until you reach a platform that you can drop down to.

Bomb-jump up to the track with the parasites on it. Avoid them or kill them with bombs and head to the upper right corner. Disconnect and head down this path to continue. Make sure you are holding down the R button when you roll down this ramp. If you aren't, then you're going to fall and have to repeat this. Bomb-jump up to the top, and then drop down the other side. Follow the track to your right and either kill or avoid the parasites. When you reach the end of this track, hold right on the control stick, disconnect from the track you're on, and then connect to the other track below you.

Use drop or bomb jumps to make your way to the top of this section, and then make the long drop to the track below you. Cross another area with parasites and then drop down to your right. Bomb-jump up until you reach the top, and then roll to the right and disconnect over the platform with the door on it.

Shoot the door with the ice beam, and then head through it to continue.

Plasma Processing

Jump across the gaps to get your new piece of equipment. It's the plasma beam!

Now head to the Phendrana Drifts via the transport to Phendrana Drifts South.

The Artifact of Sun

Transport to Magmoor Caverns South

Go up the spider ball track and head through the door.

Transport Access

To your right, you should see a wall of ice. Shoot it with your plasma beam to destroy it. Jump into the new opening, get into morph ball mode, and roll in to collect your shiny new energy tank.

Obtained Energy Tank 13

Turn around and head to the quarantine cave.

Quarantine Cave

Use the grapple points on your right to swing over to a platform. Over here is a small tunnel that you can enter in morph ball mode. Head through the tunnel.

Quarantine Monitor

Collect the missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 38

Head back out the tunnel and go to Ice Ruins West.

Ice Ruins West

From the door to the courtyard entryway, jump straight across the gaps until you reach the structure with the crates on it. Shoot the ice here with your plasma beam, and then drop into the new opening to collect a power bomb expansion.

Obtained Power Bomb Expansion 3

Head to the Phendrana Shorelines.

Phendrana Shorelines

From the little cave that leads to save station B, follow the right wall until you walk between a pillar and the wall. If you turn left and look at the pillar, you'll see a missile expansion behind some ice. Shoot the ice with your plasma beam and collect the expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 39

Head up to the Chozo ice temple.

Chozo Ice Temple

Go to the Chozo statue at the top of this room (near the chapel tunnel), and melt the ice in its hands with your plasma beam. Jump onto the statue's glowing hands and go into morph ball mode. This will open a new path at the base of the statue. Roll in here to collect a new Chozo artifact.


Now head out of here and to Ice Ruins East.

The Artifact of Elder

Ice Ruins East

Stay on the ground level and head toward the door to the plaza walkway. When you're right below the door, face right to find some more ice. Shoot it with your plasma beam, and then go inside to collect another missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 40

Now it's time to head through some pirate-filled areas to get to the control tower. Make sure to use your new plasma beam on the pirates here, because it is really powerful against them.

Control Tower

Kill the four flying pirates here. Jump to the small room on top of the east tower and look for a window made of ice. Shoot the window with your plasma beam to get rid of it, switch to your scan visor, and look out the window. You should be able to locate a fuel cell across from you. Fire a super missile at the fuel cell from here to open a new path. Jump down from this room and head to the left wall. Get into morph ball mode and roll around until you find the hole in the ground. Once you find it, collect the Chozo artifact in the room that it leads to.


Head forward from where you got the artifact and turn right. Bomb-jump onto this walkway and roll forward to get back to the main part of the room.

Now go to the frost cave.

The Artifact of Spirit

Frost Cave

Kill the two flying pirates here, and then use the glider as a grapple point to reach a ledge opposite the door to the frost cave access. From the highest point here, look at the ceiling. You should see a stalactite up there, so when you find it, shoot it with a missile to knock it down. The stalactite will fall into the frozen pond below and create an opening in it. Jump into the pond and collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 41

Get out of the pond and head to the room called Phendrana's Edge.

Phendrana's Edge

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (22)
Kill the two flying pirates here. Head left from the door you entered through and jump across the gap to the platform. Turn right and jump across the broken bridge. Now jump to the platform on your left. From here, you'll be able to reach a grapple point to your right. Grapple from here to the next point to the left, and then to the platform against the wall ahead of you. Jump up the two floating platforms and look for another platform to jump to. Once you're up here, use a power bomb to reveal a new door. Shoot it with the plasma beam to open it, and then head through it.

Storage Cave

Collect the Chozo artifact in the middle of the room.


Now head back through the door.

The Artifact of World

Phendrana's Edge

Now it's time to use the glider as a grapple point. Your goal is to get to the platform on the left side of you, so do whatever you can to make that happen. Roll through the tunnel here to continue.

Security Cave

Get the power bomb expansion in the middle of the room.

Obtained Power Bomb Expansion 4

If you've been following this walk-through from the beginning, then you just got the final power bomb expansion. Congratulations. Now head to the gravity chamber.

Gravity Chamber

Get out of the water and shoot the icicles on the ceiling with your plasma beam to destroy them and reveal a grapple point. Get to the door that takes you to chamber access and face away from it. Now use the grapple point to reach the missile expansion up here.

Obtained Missile Expansion 42

Now let's head back to the Tallon Overworld. Use the transport to Magmoor Caverns South and the transport to Tallon Overworld West.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns East

Head to the Root Cave.

Root Cave

Kill the beetles here, and then start climbing to your left. Climb all the way up to the door that leads to the root tunnel, and then grapple to the point across from it. Make your way to the platform on your right, and then jump up to the next platform. Watch out for zoomers and kill the bloodflower. Go to where the creature was, and then jump to the platform on your right (it has a zoomer on it, so shoot it before you jump). Switch to your X-ray visor and jump across the platforms you couldn't normally see. Once you get to the big area that you can see without the X-ray visor, turn around. Jump to the invisible platform to your left, turn left, and jump over to collect your missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 43

Get back to the platform you jumped here from and space-jump over to the red door. Shoot it with your plasma beam, and then go through it.

Arbor Chamber

Collect the missile expansion in the middle of the room.

Obtained Missile Expansion 44

Just one more item to pick up now. Go to the Hall of the Elders in the Chozo Ruins to get it.

Hall of the Elders

Kill the Chozo ghosts. Get up to the colorful panels, and then shoot the red one with your plasma beam. It will turn into a morph ball slot, so get inside of it and use a bomb to activate it. This will reveal a path beneath the big Chozo statue in this room. Jump down to the new path and go through the white door.

Elder Chamber

Collect the Chozo artifact in this room.


Now take the transport to Tallon Overworld South and the transport to Phazon Mines East.

Obtaining the Flamethrower

Transport to Tallon Overworld South

Head to the mine security station.

Mine Security Station

Make your way through this room, killing all of the troopers as you go. Near the door to security access B there is a gate with a terminal behind it. Use a power bomb to destroy the gate, and then scan the terminal to deactivate the force field you passed on your way here. Head back to where the force field was and go through the red door.

Storage Depot A

There's some new equipment in the middle of this room. It's the flamethrower!

NEW BEAM COMBO: Flamethrower

Now head to the elite research room.

The Artifact of Warrior

Elite Research

Use a power bomb right next to the tank with the large creature inside of it. This will destroy the tank, and the creature will start attacking you. Make sure to scan it for a new creature entry.


BOSS BATTLE 9: Phazon Elite

This thing is actually pretty easy to defeat. Just fire at it with your plasma beam while space-jumping over its wave quakes. If you seem to always get hit by wave quakes when you hit the ground after a jump, that means you're jumping too soon. Besides making wave quakes, the phazon elite will also sometimes walk toward you with its hand outstretched and absorb your attacks. You can't damage it when it's doing this, so just run away until it goes back to wave quakes. After you defeat the phazon elite, a new Chozo artifact will appear.


Now head to dynamo access on level two.

Obtaining the Phazon Suit

Dynamo Access

There is an elite pirate in here that you have to kill. Once you've destroyed it, head through the door to the central dynamo.

Central Dynamo

Destroy the ice troopers here, and then go to the white door that you haven't been through yet. Blow up the rubble in front of it with a power bomb, and then head through the door to continue.

Quarantine Access A

Get into morph ball mode and immediately roll into the hole on the right. Roll through the room, and then bomb-jump out the other side of the tunnel. Scan the blue icon here as quickly as possible to deactivate the mega turrets. They can't harm you now, so go ahead and blow them up if you want to. Now go through the purple door.

Metroid Quarantine A

Switch to your scan visor and scan the terminal with the red icon. This will release some metroids from containment. Switch to your ice beam, and then jump down to the area below. Kill anything that moves by freezing it with your ice beam and shooting it with a missile. Go to the area where the metroids were previously contained, and you should see a huge pit of phazon. There may also be another metroid over here, so kill that before doing anything. To the left of the pit are some huge mushrooms. Jump up onto the one that's closest to the phazon pit and switch to your X-ray visor. This should reveal some moving platforms over the pit. Jump across these platforms, and then to the other side of the pit.

There are more metroids to kill here, so finish them off before they cause you any trouble. Right near this side of the pit is another large mushroom. Jump up on it and switch to your X-ray visor. You should see a different moving platform on this side of the pit. Jump onto it and make your way to the ledge on your left. There's a spider ball track up here, so if you don't see one, then you're in the wrong place. Before you use the track, use a power bomb. Go into the cave that you just uncovered and use another power bomb at the end of it. This will reveal another opening with a spider ball track in it. Ride the track to the end, and then get out of morph ball mode and switch to your X-ray visor. Look for another invisible platform that is moving up and down. Jump on this platform, ride it to the top, and then jump to the missile expansion to collect it.

Obtained Missile Expansion 45

Now get back to the spider ball track where you blew up the first wall. Bomb-jump up to it and ride it as far as you can. Drop down to the track below it and continue to the end. Disconnect from the track and go through the white door to proceed.

Elevator Access B

Kill the burrowers in this room, and then jump across the gap to the red door. Shoot the door with your plasma beam, and then go through it.

Elevator B

Scan the blue icon on your right to activate the elevator, and then walk into the hologram to be taken down to level three.

Go through the red door here to continue.

Fungall Hall Access

Kill the pirate and jump down to one of the mushrooms below you. Make your way to where the pirate was standing and face away from the door. Walk down to the huge mushroom on your right. Underneath this mushroom is a missile expansion. You get it by going into morph ball mode and rolling under the mushroom. Since there is phazon down there, you will suffer some damage, but if your energy is almost full, it's not really anything to worry about. If you like being cautious, you can come back here after you get the next suit.

Obtained Missile Expansion 46

Go through the red door to proceed.

Fungall Hall A

Make your way through this room by jumping from mushroom to mushroom. If you fall, head back to where you entered the room and start jumping across them again. There are hunter metroids in this room, so have your ice beam and missiles ready to take care of them. Once you reach the glider, grapple off of it to reach the white door. Go through this door when you get to it.

Phazon Mining Tunnel

Use a power bomb on the rock blocking your path. Get into morph ball mode and roll through the small tunnel you uncover. This will bring you to a mini-maze. Roll all the way to the left until you stop moving. Now use the boost ball to get across the platforms on your right. If you roll at normal speed, they will disappear while you're on it and drop you into the phazon. Exit this area via the small hole on your left and go through the red door.

Fungall Hall B

It's pretty dark in here, so switch to your thermal visor if you need help seeing. You should also switch to your ice beam, because there are metroids in here. Jump across the mushrooms and shoot the metroids as you go. Underneath the red door on the right (check your map) is a circle of mushrooms. Go down there and use a power bomb to find a missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 47

Grapple off of the glider to reach the door on your left. Go through it.

Missile Station Mines

You can reload your missiles here if you want to. When you're done, head back through the door.

Fungall Hall B

Now grapple from the glider to reach the other door. Go through it to continue.

Quarantine Access B

Switch to your X-ray visor and your wave beam. There are some invisible bombus in here. You can't scan them, so don't worry about that. Kill them and make your way through this small room by jumping from mushroom to mushroom. Go through the red door at the end of the room.

Metroid Quarantine B

Some red troopers will drop down and start attacking you. Scan one of them to get a new creature entry.

NEW CREATURE LOG: Plasma Trooper

Kill these guys with your plasma beam. There are two more plasma troopers across a phazon pit. Take them out from here. Ride the morph ball track up and drop to the track below it. Follow this track to the end, and then get out of morph ball mode on this platform. Jump to the next platform that's over the phazon pit. Try not to jump too far to the left or you might end up hitting a rock and falling into the phazon below you. Walk to the corner of this platform that is closest to the grapple point above you, and then grapple across to the other side of the pit.

Scan the terminal on your left to deactivate the force field. Kill the plasma trooper and the two wave troopers behind the force field. Now that the enemies are gone, let's explore this room a little.

When you walked through where the force field was, there was a shaft made of cordite to your right. Go shoot that with a super missile to reveal another missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 48

In the same area as the missile expansion, there are a few computer terminals. Scan the one with the red icon to get your last pirate data entry.

NEW PIRATE DATA: Special Forces

Now head through the red door that is on the same floor as the missile expansion and the pirate data.

Save Station Mines C

I would highly recommend that you save here. When you are done, exit this room.

Metroid Quarantine B

Now head through the red door that's up the ramps and at the other side of the room. It's the only door you haven't been through yet.

Elite Quarters Access

Kill the plasma trooper that attacks you, and then shoot the snow/ice that's above the partially concealed door. This will give you access to the door, so go through it.

Elite Quarters

There's a really big pirate in the tank ahead of you. Walk close enough to scan it so that you get the creature entry.


Uh-oh! It broke out of the tank! Now begins one of the toughest battles in the game. If you die, make sure to scan the omega pirate again when you fight it. You don't want to accidentally miss its creature log and not have 100 percent of your log book at the end of the game.

BOSS BATTLE 10: Omega Pirate

A lot of people have trouble with this boss, so if you end up dying, don't be too discouraged. You just have to keep trying. To damage the omega pirate, you're going to have to shoot off the phazon plates in four locations on its body. Two are on its legs and two are near its shoulders. The omega pirate has long-range (plasma cannon), medium-range (wave quake), and short-range (hitting you with its arms) attacks. In addition, the omega pirate will walk around with its hands outstretched and absorb all of your fire. You absolutely cannot harm the omega pirate when it is doing this. The only time the phazon plates are vulnerable to attack is when the omega pirate is attacking you. I would recommend that you attack at the start or finish of every wave quake. Shoot each plate with a super missile, and then the omega pirate will collapse.

It's not dead yet, of course. It calls for help from some of its trooper friends. Kill these guys now if they are ice troopers (with the ice beam and missile) or power troopers (with the super missile). If they are wave troopers or plasma troopers, don't bother attacking them now, because that will take up time that you don't have.

Switch to your X-ray visor and wait for the omega pirate to reappear over one of the phazon deposits in the room. He'll still be mostly invisible, but you can lock on and shoot him to cause real damage when he shows up. Once he reappears (in "shadow" form), he'll start to replace his phazon plates. Once all four are replaced, you'll have to break them all again to do any damage. Shoot him with super missiles while he is repairing his phazon plates. After you hit him, he'll disappear and then reappear at another phazon deposit in the room. More troopers may also drop down and start attacking you. Don't worry about your health, though--worry about the omega pirate's. Hit him with as many super missiles as you can before he recharges completely.

Once he's back up and walking around, kill any troopers that happen to be around as soon as possible, and then repeat the whole process.

Eventually, you'll kill him.

The huge creature will fall on Samus, infusing her with phazon and making her power suit become the phazon suit! You'll also get the phazon beam weapon. Look at all those energy power-ups over that phazon.

Hey, wait! You can walk on phazon now! Collect this energy, because you're probably relatively low on it right now.

If you didn't forget to scan omega pirate, then head back to save station mines C immediately and save your game. You don't want to have to kill that thing again, do you?

The Artifact of Newborn

Save Station Mines C

Head back to the phazon mining tunnel. We have to pick something up. Watch out for metroids on your way there, because there are plenty.

Phazon Mining Tunnel

Roll to the right and use a bomb to destroy the rock. Roll down that way and continue down the tunnel, bombing each rock that is in your way. At the end of the tunnel, bomb-jump up to get the last Chozo artifact: newborn. Now head back to elite quarters.

The Final Stretch

Elite Quarters

Scan the blue icon to the right of you to activate a platform. Take the platform up and head through the red door here to continue.

Processing Center Access

Right in front of you is an energy tank.

Obtained Energy Tank 14

Scan the blue icon to open the path, and then walk through the phazon to the red door ahead. Go through this door when you reach it.

Phazon Processing Center

Kill the different kinds of troopers and the mega turret here. Now make your way over to the floating platforms and start jumping up them. When you reach the third floating platform, switch to your X-ray visor and try to find an invisible platform.

Jump to the platform, and then to the one above it. From here, make the long jump down to the ledge on your left. Use a power bomb to break the wall down and collect the final missile expansion.

Obtained Missile Expansion 49

Jump back to the invisible platforms and make your way onto the visible ones again. From the highest floating platform, jump to the platform on the pillar against the wall. Take out troopers as necessary, and then jump over to the next platform. Get into morph ball mode and get on the spider ball track. Make your way left by bomb-jumping. When you reach the end, face away from the white door and ride the spider ball track on the pillar to the left. Drop down to the walkway at the end of this track and kill any troopers that are firing at you. Jump to the platform on the pillar that's in the corner. Turn left, and then jump across these square platforms until you can reach the platform on the pillar in the other corner. Turn on your X-ray visor if you are having trouble seeing the platforms. This will also reveal an invisible moving platform at the top of the room. Once you get on this platform, just ride it to the end, and then jump off to the platform with the white door on it. Go through this white door to proceed.

Transport Access

Head through the next door.

Transport to Magmoor Caverns South

Scan the blue icon and ride the transport to the Magmoor Caverns.

Transport to Phazon Mines West

Head through the door.

Workstation Tunnel

Watch out for zoomers and power-bomb the rubble to move it out of your way. Head through the next door.

Magmoor Workstation

This looks familiar. Return to the landing site on the Tallon Overworld via the transport to Tallon Overworld West.

Landing Site

Save your game at Samus' ship, and then head into the artifact temple.

Artifact Temple

Walk down to the place where you got your first artifact to activate all 12 of them and power up the unlocking mechanism. Suddenly you're attacked by a huge flying creature! It swoops in and destroys the central pillar.

Scan this guy to get his creature entry. Make sure to scan it each time you die and have to fight it again (which will probably happen).


BOSS BATTLE 11: Meta Ridley

This is another boss that a lot of people have problems with. Don't forget to scan him each time you fight him if you're going for 100 percent log book completion.

Shoot Ridley with super missiles whenever he is hovering in front of you. You can deal damage by hitting him in the mouth or the chest. Dodge his attacks by dashing, space-jumping, and hiding behind the remaining pillars.

When you get Ridley down to about 20 percent of his energy, his wings will burn up, and then melee combat will begin. This is where it gets hard for most people. The trick is to know when to dodge and when to shoot. After that, all you need is patience. Shoot a missile at Ridley every time he goes to use an attack other than charging at you. This will make him recoil in pain. Now shoot missiles at him until he goes back into his normal position. Just keep dodging and shooting when he gives you the opportunity to do so.

Once you defeat Meta Ridley, a dozen Chozo ghost-looking creatures will show up and hover in the spots where the 12 pillars were before. They open the way for you.

Did you scan Meta Ridley? I reminded you twice, so don't blame me if it turns out that you didn't. Anyway, step into the blue aura to be taken to the impact crater.

Crater Entry Point

There's a save station in here that you can use. It's highly recommended that you save here. Go through the red door to proceed.

Crater Tunnel A

Scan the new swarm of creatures that are running around in here to get a brand-new creature entry.


Jump over the orange phazon, because your suit is still vulnerable to it. Go through the red door ahead.

Phazon Core

There's a new type of metroid in here. Scan it for another new creature entry.

NEW CREATURE LOG: Fission Metroid

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (23)

Don't bother trying to kill this thing unless you just feel like goofing off. Each time you kill one, it'll split into two, and the two will be vulnerable only to a random type of weapon. It's best to just avoid these and hurry to the top, only bothering with them if they attach themselves to you.

Pretty much directly opposite from the door you entered through, there are some platforms running up the wall that resemble teeth. Climb to the top of these "teeth," and then jump to the platform next to the highest one. From here, continue jumping from platform to platform until you can jump to an area in the middle of the room. Then walk across the "bridge" to the red door and go through it.

Crater Missile Station

You can reload your missiles here. You'll probably want them full for what's coming up soon. Leave this room when you're all set.

Phazon Core

From the door, turn left and follow the wall. Turn right after you pass the big pointy rock, and then jump to the platform. Continue jumping higher and higher on these platforms until you can jump to the middle once again. Cross another "bridge" and head through the red door to continue.

Crater Tunnel B

To your left is a spider ball track. Get on it by bomb-jumping, and then roll to the end of the track. Bomb-jump to reach the track above you, drop to the track below you, then drop to the next track below you, bomb-jump to the track above you, drop to the track below you, and then head through the red door.

Phazon Infusion Chamber

Ack! There's a huge black creature in here. Follow it to the next room.

Subchamber One

Scan the beast to get a new creature entry.


BOSS BATTLE 12: Metroid Prime

Look to see what color the "veins" (not the eyes) on the metroid prime are. Respond with a charge beam of whichever color it is. Wait for it to recoil, and then pause to see what color it has changed to. Follow up with another charge beam, and then watch it recoil. Now to the next part of the battle.

Subchamber Two

Now you'll have to go through three color changes. Also new to this part is that the metroid prime will charge at you. When it does this, roll into one of the grooves in the ground to avoid being hit. After you make it recoil three times, you'll move to the next area.

Subchamber Three

This is basically the same thing as before, but now the metroid prime will cycle through all four different colors. When it turns red, do not use the flamethrower, because all it seems to do is waste missiles. Just fire normal shots with your plasma beam when it turns red.

Subchamber Four

Now the metroid prime changes colors as often as it wants to. It doesn't wait for you to hit it this time. Basically, it's going to throw everything it's got at you until you deplete the rest of its energy. Once you've taken it out, it will fall down to a room below.

Walk to where it fell, and you'll go to the next area.

Metroid Prime Lair

Now it looks more like a metroid. Scan it to get a different creature entry.

NEW CREATURE LOG: Metroid Prime (Second Form)

BOSS BATTLE 13: Metroid Prime (Second Form)

This battle can be very tough or very simple depending on how much energy you have left right now. Regardless, if you are good at dodging and aiming, you'll probably still survive.

The metroid prime only has two real attacks, a sort of charge attack and a plasma quake (similar to the elite pirate's wave quake). If you stay far enough away from it, you'll never have to worry about its charges hitting you, but you'll be space-jumping over the flame rings from the plasma quake for the entire battle.

Avoid its attacks and wait for it to make a phazon deposit on the ground. When it makes the deposit, it will also likely change its visibility. Cycle through the thermal, X-ray, and battle visors until you can see the metroid prime, and then stand in the phazon deposit, lock on, and fire at it like crazy. Just hold down the A button to fire a constant stream at it. This is the only way to hurt prime in this form.

Sometimes when the prime makes phazon deposits, a few metroid might appear as well. If they start to get on your nerves, just get into morph ball mode and use a power bomb to decimate them. Once you've depleted all of its energy, you've beaten the game!

Congratulations! You've just completed the game! Depending on what percentage your save file is at, you'll get one of three endings. The endings are pretty similar with just a few small differences.


Pickups are listed by order of appearance in the walk-through.

Energy Tank Locations

Energy Tank 1 (Chozo Ruins)
Go through the door that needs to be opened with a missile in the hive totem room (the room where you got the missile launcher and fought the hive mecha). It's in the room called Transport Access North.

Energy Tank 2 (Chozo Ruins)
It's on a ledge in the main plaza of the Chozo Ruins. To get it you need to head through the vault and exit through the room called Plaza Access.

Energy Tank 3 (Chozo Ruins)
It's in the furnace of the Chozo Ruins.

Energy Tank 4 (Magmoor Caverns)
It's in the transport tunnel A mini-maze. When you enter the maze from the right side, stop over the first discolored block. You have to do a lot of double bomb jumps to get this tank. The problem is that all of the places where you have to bomb jump have destructible floors that disappear after two bombs have hit them. If you fall into the lava, bomb-jump out as soon as possible.

Energy Tank 5 (Phendrana Drifts)
In the ruined courtyard, head to the right and activate the spinner there by using the boost ball. This should open up the pipes high above you. Directly across from this spinner is another one. Go to it and activate it the same way you did this one. This will open the two remaining pipes and activate a morph ball slot above you. To get to this morph ball slot, start from the door that leads to the courtyard entryway and head left. Jump across the pieces of ice/snow as they get taller and taller, and then jump to the platform with the slot on it. Do a bomb jump to get into the slot, and then use a bomb to activate it. This will make water pour out from the pipes. Face away from the slot and jump across the floating pieces of ice until you see a circular hole with yellow lights around it. You want to get in that hole. Inside, you will find an energy tank.

Energy Tank 6 (Phendrana Drifts)
In research lab aether, drop down to the bottom floor and look for a containment tank with an energy tank inside of it. Shoot the tank with a missile and collect your energy tank.

Energy Tank 7 (Magmoor Caverns)
In the magmoor workstation, kill the three flying pirates and jump down to the lower level. Switch to your thermal visor, and you should be able to see three different power conduits around this room. Shoot each one with your wave beam to open a new path. In the middle of this room, where you can see a couple of triclops below, there is a hole for you to roll into. Kill the two triclops down here and head down the tunnel where the lava has been cooled. Scan the blue monitor here to cool another tunnel, and roll back out into the main room. Roll into the second tunnel on the right. The first one is just the tunnel you entered this area through. Scan the blue monitor here and head back into the main room again. This time, the tunnel you want is directly on your right. Roll down here, and at the end you'll find an energy tank!

Energy Tank 8 (Chozo Ruins)
In the Hall of the Elders, head to the colorful panels and shoot the white one with your ice beam. Activate the morph ball slot with a bomb and then have the Chozo statue throw you again. This will bring you to a small room that contains only an energy tank. Collect the tank and head through the small tunnel to get out of here.

Energy Tank 9 (Tallon Overworld)
It's in the cargo freight lift to Deck Gamma, in the crashed space pirate frigate. Follow the left wall straight ahead and shoot the glass out with a missile. Enter this small area to collect an energy tank.

Energy Tank 10 (Tallon Overworld)
It's in the hydro access tunnel, in the crashed space pirate frigate. Get into morph ball mode and roll into the small tunnel. This will take you to a mini-maze. Your bomb jumps will make you go a lot higher in here. Bomb-jump up and then head to the right. Drop down here and stop. High above you is an energy tank. To get it you are going to need impeccable bomb-jump timing and a lot of patience. You should lay a bomb just before the peak of each bomb jump to make it up there. Once you get high enough, the energy tank is on your left.

Energy Tank 11 (Phazon Mines)
In the ventilation shaft, at the end of the tunnel, use a power bomb to destroy the grating. Roll into the opening this creates, go through the short tunnel, and scan the blue icon on the other side to turn on the fan. This will cause all of the plated puffers to smash into the fan and make the room poison-free. Get back into the main part of the room and collect the energy tank in front of you.

Energy Tank 12 (Chozo Ruins)
In the training chamber, kill the Chozo ghosts. Get in the halfpipe and go into morph ball mode. Boost-ball up to the slot on the right side and activate it with a bomb. Get over to the small elevator quickly, and then when it reaches the top, bomb-jump and ride the spider ball track. Roll through the tunnel and collect your energy tank.

Energy Tank 13 (Phendrana Drifts)
In transport access, face away from the door to the transport to Magmoor Caverns South. To your right, you should see a wall of ice. Shoot it with your plasma beam to destroy it. Jump into the new opening, get into morph ball mode, and roll in to collect your shiny new energy tank.

Energy Tank 14 (Phazon Mines)
In processing center access, after beating the omega pirate.

Missile Expansion Locations

Missile Expansion 1 (Chozo Ruins)
In the ruined gallery, stand near the door that leads to the north atrium and look across to the other side of the room. On the lower left, near the water, you should notice that the wall looks different. Shoot it with a missile and then collect the expansion.

Missile Expansion 2 (Tallon Overworld)
At the landing site, head slightly to the right behind your ship. On your left, you should notice a short cave with tangle weeds in it. Get into morph ball mode and roll inside. Collect the expansion here.

Missile Expansion 3 (Chozo Ruins)
It's in the burn dome in the Chozo Ruins. After you defeat the incinerator drone, directly across from the only door in this room is a small wall that you can bomb. Roll through the tunnel that the bomb creates and collect a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 4 (Chozo Ruins)
In the watery hall access, between the two descending ramps in this room is a small "island" in the water. Shoot the wall directly next to this "island" with a missile to collect your expansion.

Missile Expansion 5 (Chozo Ruins)
Right near where you got the charge beam (watery hall), there is a circular entrance that needs to be bombed open. Go through the dynamo access tunnel that leads to the dynamo. To the right of the entrance, you should notice a metal gate that appears to be blocking some sort of cave. Shoot this gate with a missile and then collect the missile expansion behind it.

Missile Expansion 6 (Chozo Ruins)
In the ruined shrine, get into morph ball mode and roll through the small hole. Kill the enemies once you get out of the hole, and then look at the right side of the room. You should see a small tunnel that is blocked off. Use a morph ball bomb to get rid of it and then roll into the hole. Inside is a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 7 (Chozo Ruins)
In the ruined nursery, head to the door that takes you to the north atrium, but don't go through it. Face away from the door, walk forward a bit, and then turn left. You should notice a weird tunnel cutout in the wall in front of you. Head down to the ground level and look at the wall with the cutout in it. You should see a small platform on the ground. Get on that platform and go into morph ball mode. Use a bomb jump to get into the crevice, and blow up the pale block that is underneath the dark block with a bomb. Now go back up to the higher entrance and make your way through with bomb jumps and bombing the blocks in your way. At the end of this thing is a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 8 (Chozo Ruins)
In the ruined gallery, head down to the area where the door to the map station is. Face away from this door and you should notice a small tunnel that is slightly off the ground on the wall in front of you. Roll over there, use a bomb jump to get inside, and collect your missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 9 (Chozo Ruins)
In the vault, face away from the door that leads to the plaza access. You should notice three circular slots with glowing rings around them. You have to get into each of these slots and use a bomb. Before doing that, however, you have to bomb the gates off of the slots. To activate the middle and highest slots, you'll have to use bomb jumps. It may take you a few tries to get the timing right, but don't get discouraged. Once you have bombed all three slots, the cage in the middle of the room will open to reveal a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 10 (Magmoor Caverns)
Make your way underneath the grating in the triclops pit to find a room called Storage Cavern. The missile expansion is in this room.

Missile Expansion 11 (Magmoor Caverns)
In the Fiery Shores (from the door to the shores tunnel), hop across the lava and onto the platform. Be cautious of the flames on the ceiling, because you do not want to run into them. Jump to the next platform and kill the magmoor here. Get to where the triclops is running around, get into morph ball mode, and kill it. Now use a bomb jump to get into the small tunnel. Once you get through it, shoot the crates and get back into morph ball mode. Follow the path behind where the crates were. Bomb jump your way up to the catwalk, and then carefully make your way over it. At the end of the catwalk is the missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 12 (Tallon Overworld)
In transport tunnel B, in the middle of the room is a bridge with a missile expansion underneath it. Just jump down to collect it.

Missile Expansion 13 (Chozo Ruins)
In the main plaza, head to the halfpipe in the middle of the room. On the side of the halfpipe that is furthest away from the ruined shrine is a missile expansion. Just use your boost ball to get it--this one should be fairly easy.

Missile Expansion 14 (Chozo Ruins)
In the ruined shrine, jump on the step and then up to the halfpipe right above it. Get into morph ball mode and boost yourself up to the right side. Roll down the small tunnel here to collect your missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 15 (Chozo Ruins)
In the gathering hall, get up to the door that takes you to the east atrium. To the right and left of the door, you should notice two short red pillar things. Jump on one of them and then space-jump to the platform above the door. Use a morph ball bomb to blow up the grate, and then collect your missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 16 (Phendrana Drifts)
In research lab aether, activate the elevator on the ground floor by scanning the blue icon. Ride the elevator up and head up the blue walkway. You should notice a very narrow catwalk above you. Jump up to the small platform at the beginning of this catwalk, get into morph ball mode, and roll across it very slowly. At the end of the catwalk is a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 17 (Phendrana Drifts)
In Phendrana Shorelines, face the door that leads to the temple entryway, and head a little to the left. There should be a cordite statue on the wall. Shoot it with your super missiles, and then scan where the statue was to open a new path just to the left of where the statue was. Get into morph ball mode and use the spider ball track inside of this new place to get a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 18 (Phendrana Drifts)
In Ice Ruins East, from the door that leads to the ice ruins access, head straight. Turn right when you clear the first building and make your way up the steps ahead. Follow this path to the left. After you jump across the broken bridge, walk through the small opening and turn left. In the pillar to your left is a spider ball track. Use the track and collect the missile expansion at the end of it.

Missile Expansion 19 (Phendrana Drifts)
In research lab hydra, kill any pirates, turrets, and metroids that come after you in this room, and head toward the top floor. Shoot the large pillar here with super missiles to reveal a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 20 (Chozo Ruins)
In the main plaza, get to the platform on top of the door that leads to the ruined shrine access. On the tree in front of you, there should be a spot where your beam weapons bounce off of it. Shoot this spot with some super missiles. Now space-jump over to the hole in the tree and collect your missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 21 (Chozo Ruins)
In the ruined fountain area, get into morph ball mode and get in the fountain when the water isn't spraying out of it. When the water lifts you to the ceiling, press the R button to start riding on the spider ball track. Roll to the end to get a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 22 (Chozo Ruins)
In the dynamo, to the left of the door, you should see a spider ball track. Jump on the ledge and then follow the track up to get another missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 23 (Chozo Ruins)
In the crossway, shoot the cordite on the ledge where the three Chozo lore entries are with a super missile and scan the area where it was to reveal a spider ball track above you. Use the boost ball on the halfpipe to reach the spider ball track you just uncovered. Roll to the end of the short track and use a bomb jump to get into the morph ball slot. Bomb the slot to reveal a morph ball track on the other side of the halfpipe. Do the same thing over here that you just did. This will lower a piston to ground level. Roll onto this piston before the timer runs out and you will be carried up to a small tunnel. Take it left and collect another missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 24 (Tallon Overworld)
In the overgrown cavern, shoot the venom weeds below you and then roll through the branches to collect a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 25 (Chozo Ruins)
In the watery hall, face away from the runic symbol that's below the area with all of the eyons. Get into morph ball mode and roll straight ahead into the water. Get out of morph ball mode once you hit the wall, and then space-jump out of the water. Before you is a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 26 (Tallon Overworld)
Enter the frigate crash site through the waterfall cavern. Kill the beetles and flying pirates, and then jump into the water. Follow the left wall and keep looking up until you see a missile expansion. You have to space-jump from the branches on your right to reach them.

Missile Expansion 27 (Tallon Overworld)
It's in the biohazard containment on the crashed space pirate frigate. Jump down to the bottom of the room and use your scan visor to look for a door made of cordite. Shoot it with super missiles once you find it to reveal a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 28 (Phazon Mines)
In the main quarry, climb the catwalk and be prepared to take out a few space pirates. Once you reach the pirate structure, head across the bridges and get onto the rocky ledge on the other side. Jump on top of the rock and to the top of the structure.

Switch to your thermal visor and search for a power conduit. Once you find it, shoot it with the wave beam. This will activate a terminal inside of the structure you're standing on.

Just head left around the pillar to find the entrance that leads to the terminal. Scan the terminal to activate some crane controls. Once you've done this, head back out and around the pillar. Get into morph ball mode and use the spider ball track. Once you reach the "pole" at the end, let go of the R button and try not to fall off. Use a bomb jump to get up into the crevice and collect the missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 29 (Phazon Mines)
In the elite research room, get into the spinner and use the boost ball to rotate the pulse beam until it is facing directly to the left. Scan the terminal to fire the beam and reveal a missile expansion. Jump over the gap to collect it.

Missile Expansion 30 (Phazon Mines)
In the elite control access room, face away from the white door, and you'll see an explosive box up on a ledge across from you. Shoot this box from a decent distance (so that you don't get damaged) to reveal a missile expansion. Jump over to the vent, get into morph ball mode, and bomb-jump to collect it.

Missile Expansion 31 (Phazon Mines)
In security access A, use a power bomb against the grate. Go inside of the new opening to collect a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 32 (Tallon Overworld)
In the life grove tunnel, use a power bomb on the rock blocking your path. Get into morph ball mode and roll through the small tunnel you just cleared. This will bring you to a short mini-maze. Roll to your right and bomb-jump over the first bump. Now you'll be in a sort of halfpipe thing. If you can manage to boost-ball your way all the way to the top platform and then lay a bomb, you'll get a missile expansion. You'll have to learn how to use the boost ball well to get this one.

Missile Expansion 33 (Tallon Overworld)
In the Great Tree Hall, from the spider ball track tree, face toward the white door across the room. Jump to the platform on your left, face the white door again, and then switch to your X-ray visor. You should see a new platform right in front of you. Jump onto this platform, and then turn right, toward the blue door that you haven't been through yet. Space-jump over to the platform with that door on it, and then go through it. The room with the expansion is called Great Tree Chamber.

Missile Expansion 34 (Chozo Ruins)
In the furnace, look for an area of the floor that is very beat up and cracked. Use a power bomb here to reveal a halfpipe. Use the boost ball in the halfpipe to reach a spider ball track. Once you're on it, try to avoid the plated parasites and roll to the left. Bomb-jump to get onto the track against the wall, and follow it until you can see your shadow over a path below you. Let go of the R button and slowly make your way across this path. Get on the spider ball track at the end of it and continue rolling. Drop from this track to one below it and keep on going. It's time to drop down to another path below you. This time your shadow is going to be harder to see, so be careful. Follow this until it ends, and then bomb-jump up to another spider ball track. Go with this track to the top and collect a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 35 (Chozo Ruins)
In the training chamber access tunnel, right next to the purple door, are a bunch of red leaves. Get into your morph ball mode and roll into these leaves to find a secret passage. At the end of this passage is a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 36 (Chozo Ruins)
In the main plaza (enter through the training chamber), turn left and look for the grapple point above you. Space-jump toward the grapple point and grapple across to collect a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 37 (Magmoor Caverns)
In the triclops pit, from the door to the pit tunnel, follow the right wall until you come to some crates. Destroy the crates and switch to your X-ray visor. You should now see a platform across from you. Space-jump over to this platform. These platforms slowly descend once you get on them, so you'll have to hurry. Turn left, jump to the next platform, turn left again, and jump to the final platform. Shoot the pillar in front of you with a super missile, and then jump over to collect your missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 38 (Phendrana Drifts)
In the quarantine cave, use the grapple points to swing over to a platform. Over here is a small tunnel that you can enter in morph ball mode. Head through the tunnel to reach the quarantine monitor. In the middle of this room is a missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 39 (Phendrana Drifts)
In the Phendrana Shorelines, from the little cave that leads to save station B, follow the right wall until you walk between a pillar and the wall. If you turn left and look at the pillar, you'll see a missile expansion behind some ice. Shoot the ice with your plasma beam and collect the expansion.

Missile Expansion 40 (Phendrana Drifts)
It's in the Ice Ruins East. Stay on the ground level and head toward the door to the plaza walkway. When you're right below the door, face right to find some more ice. Shoot it with your plasma beam, and then go inside to collect another missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 41 (Phendrana Drifts)
In the frost cave, from the door to the frost cave access, kill the two flying pirates here, and then use the glider as a grapple point to reach a ledge opposite the door to the frost cave access. From the highest point here, look at the ceiling. You should see a stalactite up there, so when you find it, shoot it with a missile to knock it down. The stalactite will fall into the frozen pond below and create an opening in it. Jump into the pond and collect your missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 42 (Phendrana Drifts)
In the gravity chamber, get out of the water and shoot the icicles on the ceiling with your plasma beam to destroy them and reveal a grapple point. Get to the door that takes you to the chamber access and face away from it. Now use the grapple point to reach the missile expansion up here.

Missile Expansion 43 (Tallon Overworld)
In the root cave, kill the beetles, and then start climbing. Climb all the way up to the door that leads to the root tunnel, and then grapple to the point across from it. Make your way to the platform on your right, and then jump up to the next platform. Watch out for zoomers, and kill the bloodflower. Go to where the creature was, and then jump to the platform on your right (it has a zoomer on it, so shoot it before you jump). Switch to your X-ray visor and jump across the platforms you couldn't normally see. Once you get to the big area that you can see without the X-ray visor, turn around. Jump to the invisible platform to your left, turn left, and jump over to collect your missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 44 (Tallon Overworld)
From where you collected missile expansion 43, get back on the platform you jumped there from and space-jump over to the red door. Shoot it with your plasma beam, and then go through it. You'll now be in a room called the arbor chamber. Collect the missile expansion in the middle of this room.

Missile Expansion 45 (Phazon Mines)
In metroid quarantine A, jump on the single large mushroom that is on one side of the phazon pit. Jump up on it and switch to your X-ray visor. You should see a moving platform on this side of the pit. Jump onto it and make your way to the ledge on your left. There's a spider ball track up here, so if you don't see one, then you're in the wrong place. Before you use the track, use a power bomb. Go into the cave that you just uncovered and use another power bomb at the end of it. This will reveal another opening with a spider ball track in it. Ride the track to the end, and then get out of morph ball mode and switch to your X-ray visor. Look for another invisible platform that is moving up and down. Jump on this platform, ride it to the top, and then jump to the missile expansion to collect it.

Missile Expansion 46 (Phazon Mines)
It's in the Fungall Hall access, underneath the huge mushroom that's surrounded by phazon. You get it by going into morph ball mode and rolling under the mushroom. Since there is phazon down there, you will suffer some damage, but if your energy is almost full, it's not really anything to worry about. If you like being cautious, you can come back here after you get the phazon suit.

Missile Expansion 47 (Phazon Mines)
It's in Fungall Hall B, underneath the door to quarantine access B. There is a circle of small mushrooms here. Use a power bomb to reveal the missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 48 (Phazon Mines)
It's in metroid quarantine B, on the other side of the phazon pit, just to your right when you enter the structure that was blocked by a force field. Shoot the cordite shaft with a super missile to reveal this missile expansion.

Missile Expansion 49 (Phazon Mines)
In the phazon processing center, kill the different kinds of troopers and the mega turret here. Now make your way over to the floating platforms and start jumping up them. When you reach the third floating platform, switch to your X-ray visor and try to find an invisible platform.

Power Bomb Expansion Locations

Power Bomb Expansion 1 (Chozo Ruins)
In the magma pool, use your grapple beam to grapple across to the other side. As soon as you land, get into morph ball mode and lay a power bomb to blow up the wall. Pick up your very first power bomb expansion.

Power Bomb Expansion 2 (Magmoor Caverns)
In the warrior shrine, use a power bomb at the base of the statue. This will create an opening. If you didn't fall in it already, go down there. Get out of morph ball mode and jump up to collect a power bomb expansion.

Power Bomb Expansion 3 (Phendrana Drifts)
In the Ice Ruins West, from the door to the courtyard entryway, jump straight across the gaps until you reach the structure with the crates on it. Shoot the ice here with your plasma beam, and then drop into the new opening to collect a power bomb expansion.

Power Bomb Expansion 4 (Phendrana Drifts)
In Phendrana's Edge, head left from the door to the upper edge tunnel. Jump across the gap to the platform. Turn right and jump across the broken bridge. Now jump to the platform on your left. From here, you'll be able to reach a grapple point to your right. Grapple from here to the next point to the left, and then to the platform against the wall ahead of you. Jump up the two floating platforms and look for another platform to jump to. Once you're up here, it's time to use the glider as a grapple point. Your goal is to get to the platform on the left side of you, so do whatever you can to make that happen. Roll through the tunnel here to get to the security cave and get your last power bomb expansion.

Game Bonuses

Metroid Prime Unlockables

Hard mode: To unlock hard mode, complete Metroid Prime on the default difficulty setting.

Image Galleries: There are four image galleries. Here is how to unlock them:

Image Gallery 1: Download 50 percent of the log book scans.
Image Gallery 2: Download 100 percent of the log book scans.
Image Gallery 3: Complete the game on hard mode.
Image Gallery 4: Get all the pickups (energy tanks, missile expansions, power bomb expansions).

Metroid Fusion Connection Bonuses

To make any use of these you'll need Metroid Prime, Metroid Fusion, a Game Boy Advance, and a Game Boy Advance-to-GameCube cable.

To play the original Metroid from the NES on your GameCube, complete Metroid Fusion for the Game Boy Advance and connect Fusion to Metroid Prime.

To enable Samus' Metroid Fusion suit in Metroid Prime, complete Metroid Prime and connect Metroid Fusion for the Game Boy Advance to Metroid Prime.

Metroid Prime Walkthrough (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.