The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

Travelers' Register, DEPARTURES. A.M. P. P. Lake Shore M.

8., East. 11:15 85 10:00 do Jefferson 4:50 do Erie Accommod'n. do Weat via 5:35 1:50 7:10 do via Sandusky. 830 do Sandusky 4.40 do via Norwall do Express accomodation. Columb Cin Indian's.

7:55 2:80 7:25 Lake Shore The 7.55 4:00 4:00 Pittana. Wheeling. 8:25 12 3:30 20 Great $7:00 7:45 Alliance A. 4. Mahoning 8:45 9:00 Alia LIC Datrolt ARRIVALS.

A. M. M. P.M. Lake Shore M.

East. 6:90 9:20 7:30 2:10 do Jefferson Accom'n. do Erie West, via Sandusky 9:49 do do via Norwalk 11:05 2:45 9:50 do Columbus, Cia'ti India's $7:10 9:20 9:30 Banduaby A. 0. 0.

9:20 Tuscarawas Val. Accom'n. 10:15 2:20 Galion 1:50 8:40 Alliance 10.20 Adantic Great Western. 4:05 do Mahoning Branch 10:45 4:05 Detroit 5.00 Trains marked ran on duudavs. Passeugers and baggage conveyed to either of the above trains from any part of the city at prices fixed by the City ordinance.

Leave orders at the OMNIBUS OFFICE. No. 134 BANK STREET, next to the Herald office. Palace and sleeping Car Tickets over the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern: New York Central and Hudson River, and Toledo, Wahash and Westand Michigan Southern Baggage Room, Deern Kailways. can be procured at the Lake Shore pot.


Leave Rocky River Leave Cleveland. 6:00 6:30 M. 7:30 8:30 9:80 x. 10:30 A 11:30 A. 12:15 P.

M. 1:45 P. 2:45 P. 3:45 P. 4:45 P.

1:00 P. M. 6:45 P. M. SUNDAY TIME TABLE.

Leave Rocky Leave Cleveland. 9:00 A. M. 9:45 4. M.

10:30 A. 11:15 M. 12:00 1:00 P. 1:45 P. M.

2.30 P. M. 3:16 P. 4:00 P. 5 00 P.

M. 6.00 P. GEO. G. MULHERN, 8up't.

Plain Dealer. TELEGRAPHIC ARKANSAS WAR. Statements In Relation to the First Fight-Querrilla Warfare. MEMPHIE, May privato dispatch from Pine Bluff, Arkansas, confirms the report of the Associated Press last night in reference to the fight between Baxter's forces, under General King White, and Brooks' forces, at New Gascony. The digpatch states that E.

Lee, son of Dr. Lee, And Pleasant Pendletou, son of Dr. Pendleton, were slightly wounded. None were killed on our side, while on the other eleven negroes were killed, twenty wounded, and twenty prisoners taken. General White holds all the white leaders as prisoners.

ST. LOUIS, May Democrat's Little Rock special says the Gazette this morning comments thus upon the affair yesterday at New Gascony "General King White has fought the first battle. He encountered about two mundred. Brooks men, or more properly a New Gascony, Jefferson county, yesterday, and killed wounded and captured the whole outfit. Thus the war opens and it will extend througbout the State unless the President takes speedy action in the matter.

A few more King Whites would soon settle the present troubles." The dispatch then states that General James F. fa*gau, a prominent Democrat who espoused tho Liberal cause in 1872, has been one of Brook's staur chest of the supporters, entire and militia has been of the placed State, in command rank of Major General. On assuming command he addressed the people of the State in calm, dignified manner, counselling law, order, and a peaceable solution of the difficultics. Simultaneously many of the most prominent Democrats have issued an address advising submission to the judicial tribunals of that State, strongly indorsing the course and "position of Brooks. The guerrilla warfare inaugurated by Baxter hag met with the seyerest censure from all classes of citizens.

Dispatches just received from Pine Bluff, say that White has returned, and reports seven of Brooks' men killed, twenty wounded and sixty prisoners. His own loss three. White a commenced the attack. Vandesande, in command of Brooks' volunteers, is badly wounded, and Sherif Vaughn was arregted. White's command leaves for a raid into Arkansas county tonight.

THE GALLOWS: Swinging off into Glory-Execution of a Negro In Kentucky, LOUISVILLE, May special to the Courier-Journalsays that Miles Alfred (colored), for the murder of Dr. Alfred, was hanged in Kentucky, in the presence of a numerous conconree. All etfort to extract a statement from last him night as to Mra. Alfred's complicity failed, the prisoner stolid silence to all questions. When on the scaffold, the about settled, and if you have anything to County Clerk said: "Miles, your doom is say tell me now." Miles replied, "all the hope I have 13 with my God.

I feel that my soul will go to heaven and that God has forgiven me." Just before the drop fell he make and again evaded the question, saying, was again asked if he had a statement to "Let mo go in peace to my God. I am ready to meet Him in glory." He was attended by two priests, who prayed with him to the last. He manifested no appear. ance of fear on tho scattold and passed his last night calmly and in prayer, and converse with the priests. After the drop fell he struggled but very little, and in eight minutes he was pronounced dead.

In thirteen minutes the body was cut down and the neck found to be broken. The body was buried in the Catholic cemetery. PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, May following is a statement of the public debt: Six per cent. $1,214,234,500 Five per cent.

609,802.250 Total coin 1,724,0 Lawful moncy 14,677,000 Matured 6,161.770 Legal tender 382,076,775 Certificates of depost. 51,860,000 Fractional eurrency 47,436,620 Coln 83,710,800 Total without luterest 515 084,198 Total 2,259,963,718 Total 37 181,584 Cash in treasury 90,301,052 Cash in treasury, 5,258,074 Special deposits held for redemption of certificates deposits as provided by law. 51,860,000 Total in treasury. 147 420 026 Debtless cash in treasury. 2,149,725,270 Bonde Decrease during the 2,903,451 issued to Pacitic Railroad Companies, interest payable in lawful money--principal outInterest accrued and not yet pald 04,623,512 1,202,470 Interest States paid by tue United Interest repaid by tine traasporta- 22,386,691 tion of malls, Balance Interest paid by the 8,051,418 United 17,335,273 CONGRESSIONAL NEWS.

WASUINGTON, May 1. -But little business of general interest was traneacted. Owing to the Illness of Mr. Norwood the discussion of the Civil Rights bill was postponed. At an early hour tbe Senate went into executive session.

the passage of a local bill the House Poland went into Committee the Whole, Mr. tion bill. in the chair, on the Indian AppropriaSpeeches on the general Indian question and the policy to be pursued toward them were made by Messra. Hanco*ck, Richmond, Knapp, Beck, Adams and Shanks, after which the clerk proceeded to read the bill by paragraphs for amendment. An evening session was held to discuss the Indian Appropriation bill.

ELECTRIC SPARKS. stated famine that is in tho prevaillog town in of Asia Angoria Minor, and alone it one hundred deaths occur daily from tion. A reward of $2,000 is offered for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of the mett family, at Homestead, on Wednesday. Ernest Love, the hired' man, a Prussian, about twenty. Ave gears of age, is the supposed marderer.

Two men, named Jonathan Williams and William Neismith, were killed by an explosion of fire damp in coal mine at Irvine's, on Friday. The accident was caused by the being left. anon ta alr and it is supposed the gas took fire from. a lamp. Mrs.

Desselem, president of the Women's League of Columbus, publishes a card declining to prosecute Charles Wagner for an alleged assault while she and her party were in his saloon. The failare of Lyman B. Frazier, of Lynn, formerly a shoe manufacturer, but lately engaged in real estate speculations, is announced; liabilities $200,000. Later reports from the inundated districts of Mississippi and Louisiana show that the waters are subeiding and that the damage to crops is not as great as at first reported, but still there is great suffering among the people. On Friday the wages of the workmen on the Camden Amboy Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad were restored to the rates before the reduction.

SPECIAL NOTICES. A New Enjoyment. Ladies, have you used MURRAY LANMAN': FLORIDA WATER! It is really the beat perfume to be found. It is equally suited for the handkerchief, the toilet and the bath. In.

France and England, in South and Central America, and in India and China, And itig the only perfume in extensive use; so ole and refreshing in ite delightfal fragrance, that when once weed it ie invariably preferred to all others. foba-fn BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys. T. Y.

McCRAY, ATTORNEY 121 SENECA -AT STREET. A w. NO. Practice in all the Course. ap 7 8m THOMAS EMERY, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law, Jy19 310 HENRY C.

WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Block, No. Cleveland. Public Ohio. Square, Room No.

4 Lyman's apr10y will practice in the State and United States Courts Office. Koom No. 1, Chamberlain's Block, correr of Superior and Bond Cleveland, 0 mai 2 3m MIX, NOBLE WHITE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW AND PROCTORS IN 150 Superior street. C. W.

NOBLE, Commissioner for New York, Pennsylvania and other States. jy1-9m LYMAN R. CRITCHFIELD. HOMER D. DE WOLF.



GARDNER, BURT CLARK. Produce Commission Merchants, And Proprietors Union Grain Elevators, oct5y CLEVELAND. O. Brans Pounder. TAMES PARNAN.

BRASS FOUNDER, And Steam, Water and Gas co*ck Manufacturer, NO. 28 CENTER STREET, 1an29y CLEVELAND. O. ATTORNEY. JOHN COON, Attorney-at-Law, Onlico, Burti-1m 11 Case Building.


Verbatim reports made of Legal Proceedings, Speoches. Sermons, dc. Depositions taken 89 Phor: hand. nov26.1m WOOD AND COAL. FREDERICK FEY, Dealer in WOOD, SOFT COAL.

Ofice and Yard, West River street, near Main street bridge. Residence 91 Lake atreet. an7 2m COAL AND IKON. Andrews, Hitchco*ck DEALERS COAL AND PIG IRON, NO. 4 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Water 0.

H. ANDREWE, Claveland, 0. 1 O. ANDREW8 HITCHCOUK, W. J.


311 Pearl Street. And Livery, Boarding and Sale No. 4 McLean street. McDOWELL, CAUL BRETT, MINERS AND DEALERS Summit Mine Massillon, Mineral Point and Brier Hill Coals, Office, No. 1, corner River and Front Sta.

8 Mir Nut by the Carvo CI EVELAND. O. OF WM. KIDD, Mannfactarer of Fine Jewelrv. Notorial, Society Seals and Badger made to order.

OFFICE AND FACTORY, 117 SRNROA STREET DRUGGISTS. EDWIN SMITH SON, (Successors to Clark, Smith No, 119 Superior Cleveland, 0. Wholesale Retail Druggists, Dental and Surgicall Depot, Dental Kcep in and stock a full lice of Drugs, Fancy Goods, Barber Chaira Cratchus, Tru-see, Elas. tic Stockings. Surgical Splints, Will orders promptly at lowest rates feb1itt MACHINERY J.

STOVERING MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, and Machinery of Every Description, dinary Brewery, Bolts Tannery and and Distillery work, Bridge and Screws. bi Particalar oacksmithing. attention given to General Jobbing and Nos. 5 and 7 Winter street, MARBLE D. T.

JONES SON, STEAM MARBLE WORKS, (Established in this city In 1881,) 28 Prospect street, Cleveland, 0. DEALERS DE cotch and Amerioan Granite Monuments, Marble Mantles and Grates. MILLINFRY. MILLINERY. RICH GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES.

all the latest etylee, trimmed and antrimmed. Richest Laces and Fincet French Flowers at low prices. J. GREGORY spr16 ABOVE THE PARK. ROQUET- REAL ESTATE.

May 1st, 1874, WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE THIRTY SEVEN LOTS, Being the Southerly Half of the LEWIS DIBBLE ESTATE. Every Lot Desirable! Terms Easy! Title Perfect DIAGRAM. WILLSON AVENUE. HOUSE. LRWIS MAN NORWOOD AVENUE.

S. S. 00E SHIPHERD, 137 Superior Street. 8p16 Bowman Bros. Levan, Are exhibiting fall lines of HAVILAN'S FRENCH CHINA, ROYAL EARTHENWARE, Fine Table and Cutlery, Rogers Bros.

Plated Ware, A visit of inspection solicited. 120 SUPERIOR STREET. apr10 TUBE WORKS. National Tube Works Company, Of Boston, and McKeesport, Pa, MANUFACTURERS OF Lap Steam, faterand Gas Pipe and Boiler MACK'S Patent Iojector for tires and Stationary Bolters, sole Agents for EATON COLE'S Brass Goods and Malle able and Cast Iron Fittings. PEEr'S Patent Valves, the best made.

B. F. STURTEVANT'S Blowers, the best in the World. BLAKE'S Steam Pumps, second to none; superior to all. THOMPSON'S Wood Working Machinery.

SMITH GARVIN'S Tools. BAXTER'S Eagines and Boilers. BLAISDELL'3 Iron- working Tools, Send for Price Lists and Circalars. 57, 59, 61 and 63 Center Street, apr30-y e02 CLEVELAND OHIO, STOVES. STOVES.

FURNACES AND RANGES. WE OFFER FOR SALE Stewurt and other Stoves, H'arren and Magee Ranger, Lawson's Hot Air Furnaces, and general assortment of House Furnishing Goods. We manafacture a complete line of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware and attend promptly to Tin Roofing and: all kinds of Job Work. Bingham, Williamson Co. 145 ONTARIO STREET.I apr15 3m GENTIAN BITTERN.

BUHRER'S GENTIAN BITTERS. Best Tonio in Use, Manufactured by S. BUHRER, Nos. 64 and 66 Merwin street, Cleveland, Ohio. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY mATTR PLUMBING.

CC. Noah Ellen, Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitter. My spring stock is now complete with Bath Tabs, Boilers, Portable Wash Stands, and I would reepeetfully ask 8 compariwork and prices by any one la need of Piumbling, Gas or Steam Fitting. Work in all branches attended to by PRACTICAL WORKMEN. I have Just received a new line of GAS FIXTURES, for the spring trade, embracing all kinds of CHANDELIERS.


long. 1 11x36 inch Second-hand Engine, 10x20 incn do do do (upright) inch Engine, (new.) 4x6 inch Verticle Engine, (new.) 1 Second-hand Pump, 6x7 Inch steam Cylinder. I 48 inch Blower. West St. and Canal Basin, OLEVELAND, ORIO.


STFAMER EVERY ALTERNATE DAT. Tuesday procced. vis Londonderry. Thareday Steamers Queenatown. Raturday Steamers direct to Glaegow FROM PIERS 20 AND 21 NORTH HIVER.

N. Y. HATES OF PASSAGE- PAYABLE IN CURRENCY. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, QUEENSTOWY OR BELFAST, Cabin $65 to $90, according to Accommodatione, Cabin Retain 'lickets issued at reduced rates. te $35.

Steerage $30 Drafts issued for any amount at reduced retes. For Tickets or farther information, appl F. BRAYTON. 6 Atwater Hock; CH MBER AIN. GORHAM PARK 99 Superior street; MAN 222 Superior street; J.

C. WAGNER BROTHER, 178 Saperior street, Cleveland. april 8m STATE LINE! STEAMSHIPS: STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, STATE OF MINNESOTA, STATE OF ALABAMA. STATE OF STATE OF GEORGIA, STATE OF FLORIDA, (building.) TATE OF INDIANA, STATE OF NAVADA, (building). To Glasgow, Belfast, Liverpool, Londonderry, State of Virginia sails Tuerday, March 10th.

State of Alabama Saturday. 21st. State of Per April FROM PIER 86, NORTH RIVER, N. Y. WEEKLY SAILINGS NEXT SUMMER.

Rates of Cabin, $90 and $80, gold, Steerage. $30. currency; prepaid, $32 currency. Drafte at lowest rates. For further particulare apply to AUSTIN, BALDWIN Agents, No.

72 Broadway.Steerage Passage Office, No. 45 Broadway. Tickets, Drafts and every information furniebed by B. F. DAVIES Agents, Room 1, 827 30 perior street, Cleveland.

SAMPLE HARRIS, Agents for Chicago and the Northwest, cor. Canal and Madison streets. Chica go, Dle. jan15 GUION LINE BETWEEN New York, Queenstown Liverpool CARRYING THE D. 8 MAILS.

IDAHO, NEVADA, MINNESOTA. COLORADO, MANHATTAN, NEBRASKA. WISCONSIN, WYOMING, SAILING FROM NEW YORE EVRRY WEDNESDAY. CABIN Passage frowu New York 880 gold; State rooms on same deck as Saloon.STEERAGE: $30 from New Yorx: $32 from Hamburg Havre, London, vol, Queenstown. Glas.

gow, Londonderry, verlast, or Cardiff, pay. able in Currency. Paseage from Ur LO France, Norway, Sweden, at Lowest Rates, Remittances to grust Britain Ireland and the Contineat. Apply to WILLIAMS GUION, 29 Broadway, Now York, or to HERDMAN KOLBB, Baperior-aurset, Cleveland. 0.

HERDMAN KOLEK arr: aleo Passage Agents for the NEW YORK AND HAMBURG and NEW YORK AND BREMEN Mail of Stearashipe to and from these Porte Weekly. Also by the Inman Lane, White Star and Natioual Line every Thareday and Satarday, aud the anchor and State Lines of Glasgow steamere touching at Loudonderry and Bellast twice each week. DIGUT DRAFTS payable in all the principal cities of Great Britain, Ireland ar.d all over the Continent of Europe. Steerage from Bremen by N. Lloyd's Line and from Hamburgh by the I umburgh-Amer.

Line Steamships to New York io currency FOREIGN STEAMERS. National Line of Steamers To Liverpool and Queenstown. NOTICE. This Company takes the Risk of Insurance (up to $500,000 in gold) on each of its thus giving Passengers the best possible guarantee for safety and avoiding of danger at Eva. The moet soatherly rou baa ALWAYS been adopted by ibis company to avoid ice and headlands Tout.

TongSPAIN. HO, FGYPT. 5,080 ITALY. .4,341 LAN .3,874 3,676 HELVETIA. 3,976 5,441 ERIN .4,040 THE QUEEN (71 .4,276 DENMARK 3,724 I GREECE .4.310 One of the above stearacra will leave New York every Wednesday: Liverpool every Wednesday; Queenstown every Thursday: fortuightly to Loudon direct.

Cabin Passage to $70, $80 and $180. Prepaid Cabin Psesage frora Liverpool and Excurpion Tickets to Liverpool and return at lowest rates. Stecrage Passage to $29 Passengers booked to and from Liverpool, Cardiff, brisiol, Queen town, Londonderry, Glasgow, London, Antwerp. Hotterd.m, Gothenburg, Christiana, or Copenhagen. The Steamships of this line are full-powered, and the largest in the Atlantic eervice leaving the port York.

They are built in water-tight com partmente, and are spar-decked, every convenience for the comfort of and 80- curing epeed, safety and comfort, with economy. For further particulars apply at the company' office, 69 BROADWAY. F. W. J.

AURST. Manager. Or to CRUMB BASLINGTON, 145 Ontario street. C. W.

my 29 1v CitizAnA' Having and LOAN STOVES, The Best Cook S'ove In the Market IS The Fearless THE BASE BURNERS: "Brilliant," "New Brilliant," Dust," "America," "Shining Light." Are hy any in the country. The soft coal stove for beating purposes, excele all others. Partiee desiring brick net Rangog will do well to era nine tue "BARSTOW" before making a eelec ton. A few Furnaces to be disposed of at cost. Gas Fixtares at cost.


OYSTERS. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. As the has 'now opened, we offer Lo the trade, IN AND TUBS, The old reliable brand of C. S.

MALTBY'S. BALTIMORE OYSTERS forget to call upon J. I. A. S.


Cleveland Pittsburgh R. R. ON 15, AND 1873, Traine APTER leave Cleveland MONDAY, daily, DEC. (Sundays excepted), as follows: STATIONE, Mail. Fast Lino.

Accomo'n Leave 8:25 12:20 P. 3:30 P.M. Arrive at Hudson. 9:36 1:32 4:43 10:11 2:01 5:17 Alliance. 11:00 2 41 6:05 11:38 4:10 11:40 Canton 11.50 6:55 Massillon, via Alliance.

12:13 P.M. 7:15 1:31 8:17 Massillon, via 7:00 Arrive at Akron 110:21 5:25 Pittsburgn. 3:40 6.50 2:20 Whecling. 6:10 A. 6:10 New York via Harrisburg.

3:15 5:00 11.50 Philadelphia 11:55 12:35 P. 7.35 Philadelphia. 8:00 9:10 A. 4:10 8 40 8:40 5:30 Boston 9:05 P. M.

110:35 P. 5:50 Washington 10:35 44 10:10 8:30 Cars ran through from Cleveland to New York (via Pittsburgh) with but one change, viz: Pittsbargh Through Tickets can be procured at Union Ticket Office, 134 BanK street, at the Union Pas senger Station and at Raclid avenue Station. Sleeping car accommodations from Pittsburgh East can also be secured at the latter office. By the 3:30 P. M.

Accommodation Train cars run through without change from Cleveland to Cayaboga Falls. Akron and A through car leaves daily by the 8:25 8. m. train for Gambier, Mount Vernon, Columbus, Cincinnati and intermediate points without change. CONNECTIONS.

At Alliance with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway for all points East and West. At Pitteburgh with the Pennsylvania Railroad, Alleghany Valley Railroad and Pittaburgh Connellaville Railroads. At Wheeling and Bellaire with the Baltimore Ohio and Hempfelu Railroads. TRAINE ARRIVE AT CLEVELAND-Filteburgh MornIng Express and Accommodation, 10:20 A. New York, War hington and Wheeling Mail, 1:50 P.

New York and Washington Express, 8:40 P. JOHN THOMAS Sup't. Lake Shore and Michigan South ern Railway. Eastward. Leave Arrive.

RAILROADCARDA. Steamboat 5:20 a Atlantic Express, 7:30 a 7:00 Toledo Buffalo 11:15 Day Express $2:10 Jefferson 4:50 20 a Special N. Y. 17:30 a Westward. Leave.

Arrive. Chicago Accommodation, vis 8 Special New York Exprees, via Western Express, via Nor- a walk. $2:50 Sanansky Accommodation. MA a Pacific Express, dally, via Oleveland Accommodation, 7:30 pm 7:05 am via pm 11:05 am except Sundays. except Mondays.

Atlantic Express makes direct connection with trains for Jamestown and Oil City. Special Chicago Express and Western Express make direct connections with trains for Detroit and Jackson. Special Chicago Express makes direct connections with trains for Homer, Albion and Eaton Rapids. Special Chicago Express and Pacific Express make direct connections with trains for Three Rivers, Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. Sleeping Coaches on Atlantic Express for New York without change.

Also Drawing Room Coach tor Rochester. Drawing Room Coach on Day Express for Bufalo. Sleeping Coaches on Cincinnati Express for Albar withont change. Sleeping Coaches on Special New York Express for Rochester, without change. Jeo Sleeping Coach for Buttalo Drawing Room Bleeping Coaches on PaciAc Express and Special Chicago Express for Chicago.

Ticket Oficos at 134 Bank street, Union Depot, and Acantic Great Western Railway Depot. CHARLES PAINE, Gen'l Sup't, Cleveland. O. F. E.

Gen'l Wort'n Chicago, hi. Winter Arrangement. Atiantic Great Western R. R. In efect Monday, 1873.

TINTIL leave, FURTHER NOTICE, TRAINS from Depot of Atlantic and Great Western Railroad as 7:00 A. M. (daily,) -LIGHTNING Sleeping EXPRESSLeavittaburg (8:45 a ru NEW YORK WITHOUT CHANGE Airives at Mcadville 11:00 m. (Dinner), Franklin 12:30 p. Oil City 1:00 p.

Curry 12:30 p. Hornelsville 6:15 p. m. (Supper); Corning 8:05 p.m.; Elmira 8:38 p. Binghamton 10:53 p.

arriving at New York 7:10 a.m. 7:45 P.M. -NEW Sundays YORK excepted.) EXPRESS Sleeping (daily Coaches front Cle. eland througa without change. Arrives at Meadvile 12:25 a.

Corry 2:17 a. Horneltevilse 8:20 (Breakfast); Cornir 10:22 8 Elmyre. 10:51 a. m': Binghampton 12:49 p. New York 8:25 p.

Boston 5:50 a. m. 7:20 A. M. ping at all way Stations.

Stop Arrives at Youngstown 10:35 a. Sharon 11:25 a.m.: Leetonia 11:25 8. New Liebon 12:10 p. m. necta at Leavi: tsbarg with Mail Train No.

06 for all local points east on main Line. 3:45 P. M. LOCAL -Stopping at at all Vienna WAy 7:23 p. Leetonia Youngstown 7:00 p.

Sharon 7:55 p. 7:20 p. New Lisbon 8:37 p. Conrects at Leavitteburg with traiu No. 8 tor Meadville and intermediate points arriving at Meadville at p.

ARRIVES AT CLEVELAND 7:5 a. 10:45 a.m; 4.05 p. 7:30 p. This is the only route by which passengers can and reach points Corry, on the Binghampton, Elmira, drie Railway without change of Cara, and with but one change to Boston and New England cities. Thists the only route to the OIL REGIONS without change.

Through Ticke and information regarding the rente can be obtained at the Union Ticket Office, 134 Bank street, at the Depot of Atlantic Great Weetern k. of G. F. Bowman, corner of Pearl and Detroit streets. Passengers purchasing through tickets via this line will be to the A.

G. W. Depot free of cr arge. Omnibuses will call for passengers at points within transfer limits, by leaving cal.a at tho 0m- nibus Olice when purchasing tickets. B.

SHATTUC, Gen. Passenger Agent. P. D. COOPER, Gen'l Supt FOUTS.

Agent Cleveland Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis E'y. "BEE 15th, AND AFTER farther MONDAY notice, Passenger DEC. Trains will leave Cleveland and arrive at points Barded below, as follows Creatline 11:05 7:55 8 9:30 6:15 10:45 7:25 No. 1. No.

No. 12:50 8:05 Columbus. 2:00 9:00 1:80 a Springfield. 3:15 2:32 8 4:15 8:36 Cincinnati. 6:00 St.

Louisville. 12:15 8:40 1:50 1:45 Union. 4:10 4:05 a 7:45 7:30 Terre 11.10 11:39 8 1:40 3 18 8 3:32 6:45 8 7:15 St. 7:35 a 7 55 Kansas 110:25 9:30 a SLEEPING CARS ON ALL MIGHT TRAINS. ALL TRAINS leave Cleveland daily, except Sax days, and run through to Cincizaati, Indianapolis and Loneville.

PASSENGER TRAINS returning, arrive at Clove land at 7:10 A. 10:15 A. 2:20 P. 9:35 M. Through Parlor and Sleeping Coach on Not, for St.

Louis via Indiapolis without change. Parlor and Sleeping Car on No 5 for Columbus. For THROUGH TICKETS and particular informstion, apply at the Union Ticket Ofice, 134 Bank street, or at Ticket Office, Union Passenger Depot Cleveland. E. 8.

FLINT, Gen'l Sup C. COBB, PIERSON, Gen'1 Goueral Pass, Ticket Agent, Agent. Cleveland, 0. Cincinnati, Sandusky Cleveland RAILROAD. The direct route to Springfeld, London.

Columbus, Xenia, Dayton, Cincinuati, Louisville, Indianopolie, Terra Haute, St. Lorie, Kansas City, and all pointe Soutb and Southwest. Dc and after this date, until further notice, Passenger Trains will as followe: No.5 M. No.9 N't No. 9 Ac.

D'y ex. San. D'y ex San. Sun only Ly 8:00 a 5:20 pm 5 20 pm Arr at 8 6:00 6:00 Lv 8:53 a 7:00 BE 6:00 Ly AreenSprings 9.03 a 9:19 6:19 Lv 8:03 7:03 ArT at Carey a 9:02 8:00 Arr at Findley, a Ly 9:10 Lv .10:21 a 9:05 Ly 10:59 a 9:59 Ly 11:87 a 10:40 Arr Bellafantain 18:45 12:09 a Ar Bellefontain 1:15 13:10 a Lv 2:35 1:45 Arr at 3:15 pm 2:10 a Arr at 4:20 10.40 Arr at Columbus 5:35 11:40 a Arr at 4:26 3:36 a Arr at Cincinnati 6:30 6:00 a No. connects at Clyde from both East and West: at TiAn for the Wear: at Forest for the West: at Belleroatsine for the Weat: at Springfeld with 00- Jambas Train for London and Columbus: st Cincinnati with the Obio and Mississippi, abd Louisville, Cincinnati and Lacington Train for the South and West.

No. 9 connects at Clyde for and from both the East and West: st Forest for the West; at Beliefon taino for both East and West: at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi, and Lonisyille line and Lexington trains for the South and West. I rains arrive: Night Express. at 8:85 a. dally except Mondays.

Sunday Accommodation from Carey, 8:85 a. Mondaye only. Mail Express at 7:00 p. dally except Sundays. Sleeping cars attached to No.

9, and Day Cars to No. 5, ran through to Cincinnati Fizough tickets to principal points South, Southweet and Weat at as low rates as by any other route can be procured at the ofices of the company in Sandueky, and at principal statione on the line. Baggage checked through to prizcipal points. Bertas in the sleeping couches can be secured in advance by telegraphing or applying to the General Ticket Agent in the Depot Building on Water street, between Fulton and Lawrence streets, Sandusky. BUXTON, G.

T. BENEDICT, Gen'! Manager, C. Superintendent. M. Gen' Micket AZ SHERIFF'S SALE.

The State of Obio, Cuyaboga County, Superior City of Cicveland. TO 'THE cf an order of sale issuca from Saperior Court of Cleveland, and direc ed to me, in the acion James H. Hardy, plaintiff and Joeeph J. Ryan et al, defendante, I eball offer for eale at lic auction at the south dour of the County Court Hodge, in said city, on Saturday, the id day of May, A- D. 1874, between the hours of 2 o'clock and three clock p.

of eaid day, the following deecribed lands ard tenemants, toSitaste in the City of Cleveland, County Cuya. and State of Obo, being the east half of euh. division lot number (29) in James II. Hardy's allotmeut of part of o' igical lot 830. in Newburgh township, now the city of Cleveland, Cuyaboga County, Obio, referenee had to volume three (3), page fifty- eight (58), of maps of Cuyaboga unty Land Records, in the office of the Recorder of enid county.

Appraised at $300.00. Term cash. PARD B. Sberiff and Special Master Commissioner. J.

B. HARDY, Pi A's apr1 30d SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO,) Cuyanoga County. City of Cleveland. PURSUANT TO sale THE issued from COMMAND the OF superior Court of Cleveland.

and to me directed, in the action of James II Hardy, plaintiff, and Amos P. Stanton and othere. defendante, I aball ofter for eale at pub ic auction, at the south door of the County Court House. in said city, on Saturday, the 8th day of Mey, A D. 1811, between the bours of o'clock and three o'clock p.

m. of fad day the following deecribed Jands and tenements, to wit Situated in the city of Cieveland, Cuyaboga County. State of Ohio. being abdivision Jot number eighty four (84) in James Hardy's al otment of a part of original lot No. 330 in Newburgh townebip, now city of Cleveland, Cayahoga County, Ohio, re erence for particulars as to the eize and bounca ies eee volume 4 of Maps and Subdivisions, page 4, Cuzahoga County Records.

Terms cash. PARD B. SMITH, Sherif and Special Master J. H. HARDY, P.

apr8 330 SHERIFF'S SALE. THE SPATE OF Curabega County, ea. PURSUANT Fieris 10 THE Facias. lesued COMMAND from the Court of Common Pleas of said coanty, and to me directed, in the action of J. Howard Webster, plaintiffs.

and H. Olweted, Administrator of the estate of William Garrett, deceased, and others, defend. anto. I have levied upon the lands and tenements hereinafter deecribed, and shall otter the tame for vale at public anction, at the south door of the County Court House. in the city of Cleveland, and County aforeeaid, on Saturday, the 23d of May, A.

D. 1874. between the hours of two o'clock and tres o'clock p. m. of said day.

Said lanas and tenements are described as fo lows, to- wit: Situate in and the of township of Royalton, County of Cuz abo2a, State Obio, and bounded as follows: Commencing at the center stage of Hoyalion Towned 1 and running in a northerly airection along the ori ginal division live 10 lands owred by Martio Billingu; thence in an easterly direction on said Billinga' south 'ine five chains to a post; thence in 8 southerly direction and on the west line of lands deeded by George Jobneon to Julia Spragae to the center of the east and west center road through eaid township; thence west along the center of said highway to the place of beginning. Said tract taing three acres of lana. at $1,000 00. Terms cash. PARD.

B. SMITH, Sherif. G. V. LYNDE, Att'y.

apr23-30t SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF OLIO, Saperior Court of County, 88. of a writ of TO THE COMMAND Fiera Facias isened from the Superior Court of Cleveland, and directed and delivered to me, in the action of Selah Chamberlin et plaintin, and the McNairy C.aflin Manufa turing Company, defendant. I have levied upon the goods and chattels hereinafter describ.d, and halt offer same for sale at public auction, on Tharedey, the 7th day of May, A D. 1874.

commencing at 2 o'eloce m. of said day, on the premixes of the McNairy Clatlin Maunfacturing Company, on Wasson street. in said goods and chattels are described as follows: All the lomber and timber in the yard of the raid McNairy Cladia Manufacturing Company being between 20,000 and 80.000 feet in various lots. Terms of sale cash. Bur27.10d PARD.

B. SMITH. Sherif. SHERIFf'S SALE. THE Unyaboga STATE County.

OF OHIO, Com. Pleas Court. of a of Fieria Facias, leeded from the TO THE COMMAND Court of Common Pleas of said County, ama to me dir. cted, in the act.on of American steel and Boller Plate Company, againet Wo. B.

Anderson et I have levied upon the following described goods and chattels, and shall otter the same for sale at public arction at the Boiler Shop of T. J. McGarry, No. 208 Central Way, on Monday, May 11th, A. D.

1874, beglouing at two o'clock p. m. 4 Care Scat Arm Cosirs, 2 Writing Desks, 1 Coa! Stove. 1 Letter Press. 1 Pat.

nt Stamp Canceller, 1 Set Drafting Tools, 2 Soap Kertles, 1 Het Platform Scales. 2 3 B'acksmiths Bellows, 1 Set Rollers. 1 Punch, 1 pair 1 Iron Vise, 1 Blower and Pipe, 1 Iron C.aue, Palleys and Chains 1 brill Machine and Table, 1 Steam angine and Boiler, 1 4-rindstone and Frame. 1 Screw Plate and 10 Tape, 2 lives of Pulleys and Belts, and a lot of Boiler Makers' Tools: also the interest of said defendants in a certain leasebold expiring Oct. 1st.

1877. Terms cash. PARD. B. SMITA, Sherif.

WILEY, CALY TERRILL Pit'E: Att'ys. my 1 CITY NOTICE. Brokenshire, Louis Ritter and TO WHOM IT MAY CONJohn Frazee, three oleinterested freebolders of the corporation. bare reported to the Council a an estimated assessment on the property abutting on Jadd street, (formerly Spruce alley. The awarded is made to pay the damages and expenses incurred in widening Judd street, (formerly Spruce alley The said is on file in the office of the City Clerk, All parties having objections to said asaessment.

most tile the same in writing with the City Clerk within five we -kg aluer the drst publication of this Dotice. THEO, VOGES, City Clerk. Cleveland, pril 30 1874. apr30 WATCHES AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS! S. A.

ORTH Is now ready, and takes pleasure to show his large and gaut stock of Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, AND Silverware, In al of the very Latest Eastern styles, at Prices to suit purchasers 403 Pearl Street Sign of the Large Street Clock Hair Work In Fine Gold MountInge, of all the latest etyleR, made to order. a most desirable Present for the Holidays. dec4 M. GROSSMAN, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hoop Skirts and Corsets! Ladies' Undergarments made to order. Childron's Carriages At $5 per cent less than any other dealer.

MEDICAL. DRS. BONAPARTE CO. PRIVATE DISEASES AND WEAKNESSES. PRIVATE DISEASES cured In the abortest possible time at the Cincinnati Lock Ho8pital, 182 Sycamore street, with out the use of mercury, loss of Ime, or change of diet.

DR. BONAPARTE, by special stady and experi ence in the hospitals of New York, London and Paris, is enabled to guarantee a care in the most complicated cases. Recent cases of Gonorrhea and Syphilis cured in a few days, without coabge of diet or hindrance from business. Secondary Syphilisthe last vestige--eradicated without the nee of mer. cury.

Involuntary of sem*n stopped 1n abort time. Sufferers from impotency or loss of sexual power, restored to full vigor in a few weeks Gleet or Gonorrhea of lung standinz, where all internal remedies have failed, permanently and epeed ily cared by a new treatment. Victime of self -abuse and excessive venery, fering from Spermattorrhca, aad loss of physical and mental power, Indigestion, Constipation, tiona, Nervous tough, hypochondria are treated for Liver Complaint, Dyspepsta, and Consumption, by ignorant men, who mistske the effects for the causes of the evil, and thus multipiy both. a Married men, and those contemplating marriage, should restore vigor to their bodies and minds, are they entail misery and diseases upon those of their posterity. GREAT MEDICAL BOOK gent for two 3 cent stamps.

Communications by mail entirely confidential. No letters will be answered unless they contain a remit tance or a postage stamp. Call or address DRS. BONAPARTB REYNOLDS No. 182 Rycamore bet, Fifth and Sixth, cast side, Cincinnati, 0.

Off re hours A a. m. to 9 n. m. SLIPPERS.

G. RETTHERG. MASTER'S SALE. the command of an order of sale leaned from the Superior Court of Cleveland, 1a the County of Cuyaboga, and State of Obio, to me directed as Special Maater of Said Quart. in the case of E.

S. Ganson. plaintif, and G. W. Fabrion, et defendante, I shall for gale at public vendue, on the 4th day of May.

1874. at the hour of eleven in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland, in said County, the folowing described premisee: Situate in the City of Cleveland, County of hogs, and State of Ohio. and is known as subdiviaion lot No. 100 of Haskins' eubdivision of original 100 acre lot No. 333 in Newburgh Township, but Dow in the city of Cleveland aroreald.

Said subdivision lot is recorded in vol. 3. page 27, iu Cuyahoga records of Aleo anotber piece or persel of Jand in the City of Cleveland atoresaid and is Kuown as gublot No. 99 in Hiram Hasting' subdivision of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 14 in delah Chamberlin 'e allotment of par. of ori: inal lot No.

333 in said Newburgh township, each of said lots bereby conveyed are 45 feet frout on Giddings avenue and 2:0 fret deep. First lot appraised at $2 150. Second lot G. W. LYNDE, Special Master Commissioner of said Court.

WM. V. TOUBLEY, Ati'ye for Pit'f. a or2-30d MASTER'S SALE. MASTER'S SALE.

decretal order of sale TO is. sued from the Superior Court of Cleveland, in th3 County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, on the 10th day of April, A. D. 1814, in a certain action where in W. Field Edward et Keegan are et al.

defendante, are and and directed James and delivered to me, I ball otter for sale at pablic auc. tion, at the eouth door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on the day of May, A. 1374, between the hours of two and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described lance and tenements, to wit: situate in the city of land, Cuyahoga County Ohio, ald kacwo as fablot No. 6 or Averili Brad. ord'a allotment of part of original lot No 53 of formerly Brooklyn Townebip, but no city of Cieveland, West Side, being fifty foot front on the north eido of Bailey street and extending one hundred leet deep to the north line or said lot No.

53 Appraised at $2.500. Terms of sale cash. HENRY C. WHITE, Mater Commissioner. W.

S. KERBUISH, Defendant Field's Attorney. abr24-8' MAs. LA the command of a dec. et al order of sale irsued TO from the Court of Common Ple wIthin and for the County of Cuyaboga, and State of Ohio.

on the 20th day of April, A. D. 1874, in a certain action therein penning. wherein Abraham Stearn is plaintiti, and b. LeBaron e.

al, are defendants, and directed and deliveren to me, I shall offer for sale at pablic auction, at the south door of the County Court House. Cleveland, Obio, on the 25th day of May, A. D. 1871. between the buure of two and taree o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described real estate, to wit: Situate in the townebip of Brooklyn, (now vidag of West Cleveland.) County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and known as lot No.

20 in lI. P. Malone's allotment of part of original lot No 29 as shown by plat and earvey of said euboivieion re corded io the of the County Recorder in Volume 5 of maps and subdivisions, page 14, subject to a I legal roads. atreets and highway8, being 35 feet font by feet deep. Appraised at $450.

Terma of sale cash. HENRY C. WHITE, Master Commiesioner. ESTer BURKE, P.aintid's ttorneye. April 21 1874 apr23-30d MASTER'S SALE MASTER'S SALE order PURSUANT from in the State of Ohio, to me directed as Master the Court of Common Pleas, of Cuzahogs County, miesioner of said Court, in a corta'n action whe.

ein The Forest City United Land and Building Association 18 plaintiff, and Thomas Lavau et defend. ante, I shall offer for sale at public vendne, on toe 28th day of May, 1874, at the bour of eleven in forenoon of raid day, at the south of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland. in said County, the following described premises: Sit. uated in the city of Cleveland, in the State of Ohio and which is also in the County of Cuyaboga, and is known by being part of original acre lot in said city of Cleveland, and bounded follows: Beginning at a point in center of Willson avenue 0u a line with the south line of the Orphan Asylum lot; thence south on a line with the center of Willeon avenue fifty feet; thence west on a line parallel with the south line of the Orphan Asylum lot two boudred a id seventy nine feet: thence north to gaid Orphan Asylum lot tity feet; thence east on a line said Orphan Asylum two hundred and seventy-nine feet to the place of beginning. Appraised at $7,500.

W. LYNDE, Master Commissioner. W. V. TOUSLEY, Attorney.

apr27 30d MASTER'S SALE. the command of a decreta! ails8 order of sale, TO ieeved from the Supcrior Court of Cieveland, in the County of Curaboga, and State of Ohio, on tho 80th day of Aprli, A. D. 1874 in a certain action therein pending Bryant F. Whitmacie plaintit and Orville D.

Ford et al. are defendants, and direrted and delivered to me. I eball offer for sale at public auction, atthe eouth door of the County Court House, Cleveland, Ohio, on the 30th day of May, A. D. 1874, between the hours of two and three o'clock in lands the and afternoon of eaid day, the following described tenements, to- wit: Sitnated in the Township of East Ceveland, (now city of Cleveland) County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, and known 88 being part of original lot 403 dexcribed as follows: Beginning at a stone set at the corner oflands owned by Justus L.

Cozad and J.D. Bennett on the porth line of Jot 403 running thence south 483 feet alorg J. D. easterly line to the north line of Moclid venue; thence N. E.

80 2.12 feet along the moth line of fald avence to a stone; thence 249 15' W. 409 feet to a etone set in the north line of lot 403. thence W. N. 111 4-12 feet to the place of begioning, contaluing 819 1000 acres.

Appraised at $5,500. Terms of sale cash. HENRY C. WHITE, Mas'er Commi-sioner. MITCHELL COZAD, Plaintif'a attoreeys.

April 30th, 1874. apr80-30d MASTER'S SALE- alias PURSUANT legued TO from the Court of Common to me directed. in an action wherein Sarah J. Wade is plaintif and James McBride, Ellen Mcbride. N.

P. Bowler, Solomon Schlos F. Luawg. the Forest city United Loan and Building Apsociation and David Arodt are defendante, 1 shall offer for sale at the south door of the County Court House, in the city of Cleveland. on the 80th day of May, 1874, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock a.

the following deecribed property: Being lot No. forty- four (44) of James M. Hoyt's eabdivision of tea acre lots Nos 123 and 124, in city of Cleveland County of Cagahoga, and state of Ohio, as recorded in volame one (1) of maps, page 30, of the land recorda of said county. Subject to the payment of the sum of twenty dollars a month to said Land Association, subject to its rules and regalations, during its istence. Appraised at $1,000 CO.

Master Commissioner. SAMUEL M. WYMAN. HAMILTON DENNIEON. Att'3 8 for PI'.

a pr30 30d DISSOLUTION. D' SHE The co OF partnership existing CO-PARTNER- between Knigbt and Boyes, coal dealers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. either party being authorized to settle claims of the dr 0. The coal bariaors will be continued as heretofore under the Arm name of Knigat Coal Go. G-peral office and yard at C.

P. R. R. Pier, Dear Union Passenger Depot. Up town office and yard at So perior etreet and C.

P. R. R. crossing, formerly Crawford, Scott Co's yard. Cleveland.

April 18. 1874. spr13 3w Tu CLEVELAND, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP the toal Garry Iron Rooing Co. is this day by muconsent, Mr. Garry retiring.

B. F. Powers and G. E. Needbam remain.

who will'attend to and settle all businees connected with the late Arm. GARRY IRON ROOFING CO. Thanking my friends for their liberal patronage ners during the the past year I solicit for my remaining partsame support they so liberally conferred upon myself. apr22c JOHN GARRY. DISSO OF have agreed to PARTNERSHIP dissolve their the partnereb new firm, p.

All outatandings tave to be paid to Spitzig Weisbarth, Cleveland, April 13; 1874. SPITZIG LEDERLEY. Referring to the above the undersigned give DOtice that they will continue the business of the hitherto Arm of Spitz'g Lederley ander the new firm, Spitzig Weisbarth. All will be collected and all debts of the old firm paid by them. Cleveland, April 18tb, 1874.

apr20-10t SPITZIG WEISBARTII. NOTICE. NOTICE appolated THE Aseignte UNDERSIGNED the HAS erty and effecta of W. B. Hanco*ck, and had duly goode, propAll persons having cleims againet the Baid Hanco*ck are requested to present same duly attested to the undersigned within the time required by law.

B. W. SMITH. Cleveland, April 23d. 1874.

apr23-3 PROPOSALS. BOARD OF INFIRMARY DIRECTOR'S OFFICE,) 145 Champlain strect. CLEVELAND, April TOTICE Board of proposals will be received at the office of the 15, until Infirmary 12 o'clock Directors, 145 Champlain street. Nay 14th 1874, for supplying Shanks the Infrmary with Salt and eph Meats 1814, to May for 15th, Soap, 1875. for Bald one year from May 15th.

be meat and Shanks must subject of at goud, all found times to and who esome quality, being ance of the Steward and the inspection and acceptPhysician of Intrmary, the quantity te be determined by the Steward. Ject all Board bids. reservds the right to accept any or The reBy order of the Board. apr23-15d JOUN GARRY, Clerk. BOARD OF INFIRMARY 145 DIRECTOR'S 01 FICE, Champlain street, NOTICE CLEVELAND, TO O.

29th, 1871. Board of be received at the office toe Room 1:, until Armary 12 Directors, 145 Champlain etreet, In supplying the o'clock May 14th, 1874, for from May 15th, 1574, Infirmary to with Bread for one year to be subject at all May 15th, 1874, said Bread times to the inepection and ac8ry, ceptance the of Steward the to Steward and Physician of Infrm. The Board reserves the rignt the 10 quantity. determine reject all bids. accept any or By order of the Board.

apr29-15d JOHN GARRY. Clerk. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICEISHEREBY GIVEN THAT fled as Aseignee of L. been Mellen appointed Co, and and all quali- ties Indebted to said L.

F. Mellen Co. will at oncemake yayment to me, and the creditors of said L. F. Meuen Co, will resent their claims to me, according, to law.

A. REDINGTON. Cleveland O'. April 27tb. 1874 ur SALE A ADMINISTRATOR'S las been culy appointed and fled as Administrator the estate of Alfred Hebard, deceased, late of Cleveland, ROBERT PENN, 256 St.

Clair street. Cleveland. March 19th. 1874. ab18 SwTa PROPOSALS.

CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, CLEVELAND, April 9th. 1874. NOTICE TO WHOM hereby given IT that MAY the CONland plication Hi'la for Street permission Hailroad to lay a Company street has dled an spWool- railroad track on Kinman etreet be ween Wilson avenue and the P. R. R.


No. 7 CITY HALL CLEVELAND, April 11th. 1874. TO SEWER BUILDERS Sealed proposals will be roceived at the office of the 9th. Board 1874, for of the Improvements, until 12 o'clock May coneuraction of main sewer Columbus street, from Walworth Run to the erly limits of the city in Sewer District No.

12: Plans and specifcations may be seen and blank Civil proposals Eugineer. can be obtained at the oftice of the City, Each proposal must contain the full name of the pereon or persons making the same, and must be 18 accompanied accepted by contract sufficient will be surety, entered that if the fame into. the No blanke proposal furnished will be entertained unless made on by the Engineer. all The bids. city reserves the right to accept any or reject By order of the Board.


7, CITY HALL, CLEVELAND, 1874. posals will be Union received at etrents, the repaving proNOTICE TO CONTRACTORS -EAST ofice of the Board of 9th 1874. Improvements, for until repaving 12 o'clock Saturday, May and Union and improving East River with streets, between Superior and St. Clair Medina, N. sand atone.

Also for the whole or a 1 art of the old and aforesaid. paving upon said streets, between the points curbing Plane and speciacations may be seen and blank Civil proposals Engineer, can be after ebtained May at the office of the City 4th, 1874. Each proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties making the same, and must be accompanied by good and sutcient surety that if the proposal is accepted a contract will be entered into. the No blanks proposal will be entertsined unlese made on The furniened by the City Civil Engineer. all bids.

city reserves the right to accept any or reject By order of the Board of Improvements. CHAS. H. STRONG, apr18-td City Civil Engineer. ALS OFFICE OF THE CITY CIVIL ENGINEER, No.

7 CITY HALL, CLEVELAND, 1874. NOTICE TO avenue CONTRACTORS Woodproposals will be received at the oftice of the Board of Improvements until 12 o'clock Saturday, May 16th, 1874. for improving the following streets, towit: For grading, draiuing and improving Woodland Ilille avenue de 'ween Quit cy and Kineman etreete. For gradi.g and pay'ng Kinsman street from Wilton avenue to the Poutherly limits of the city. street to be rav.d with wood treated with the Thi The many procees, with stone carbs and gutters.

city reserves the riebt to let the grading and paving or together an they may elect. Plane and epecifications may by Feen and blank proposals can be obtai. ed at the office of the City Civil Enzineer after May 5th, 1874. Each must contain the fall name of the party or partics making the fame, and muet be acis companied accepted, by gutlicieut eurety that. if the proposal a contract will be entered into.

No proposal will re entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the angineer. all The city reserves the right to accept any or reject bids. By order of the Board. CHAS. H.

STRONG, arr16-4w City Civil Enginex. FROPOSALS. St. C.air CHIEF St, OFFICE, FIRE DEPT, no of Academy ('LEVELAND, April 22d, propyeale Will be received at the office SEALED ter Blythe, Architect, No. 6 Cushing Bleck, Euclid avenue, until 12 o'clock in May 4th.

1874, for the carpenter work for new Engine and Hook and Ladcer House on the corner ol church and Sta.e streets Plans and specifcations can be seen and blank proposals can be obtained at the otice of Walter Blythe, Architect Each proposal must contain the full Dame of the party or parties making the same and must be accompanied by a good and ecticient. eurety that if the proposa! is accepted a contract will be entered into. blanks No proposals forniehed will at be the office entertained of the unless made cA architect. bids. The city reserves the right to accept or reject all By order of the Committee on Fire and Water.


CLEVELAND, Ohio, April 20th. 1874. TO IDGE BUILDERS.Sealed proposals will be received office of the Board of Improvements, until twelve o'clock May 4th, 1874. for the coustruction and erection of an iron swing bridge at the south and of Upper Central Way bridge, in accordance with the plans for ments the and same fie adopted by the Board of on in the cilice of the City Civil Engincer. Plans and one may be seen and blank propreals can be obtained at the office of the City Civil Engineer after Aprll 18, 1874.

Each propoeal mart contain the full name of the by party rood making ard the same, and must be accompanied euficient surety that if the same is cepted a contract will be entered into. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the The blanks furnished by the City Civil Engineer. all bids. city reserves the right to accept any or reject By order of the Board. arr75-td CHAR.

H. STRONG, City Civil Engineer. CITY NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF IMPROVEMENTS, CLEVELAND, April 1874. NOTICE IS IN aeking that KEY Ordinances GIVEN be THAT passed Dave providing for the eprirklire of the tollowing sueets been fled in the oilca of Board of provemente, each certified to by the City Civil En-' as euticient under the law, 10 wit: Petitiona to spriakle Perry etreet from Euclid avenue to Broad way: Erle street from Lake street to Woodland avenue: St.

Clair etreet from Water to Erie stree': Woodland St. street from Erie to Dodge avenue from Ohio 10 Greenwood etreet: Brownell etreet from Enclid to Ecavill averue, and Lorain eirect from Columbus street to Waverly avenue. These petitions will be considered by the Board of Improv. menta, at tile office on Monday. the 5th day of 1 May.

at 3 o'clock Any objectione the which eprinkin property owners may desire to make against of eaid portions of said etreete, will there be beard. By oruer of the Board of Improvemerts. apr22ta G. WATTERSON, Clerk. CITY NOTICE.

NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that City Council following resolution was adopted by the 1871: of the City of Cleveland, April 14th, thirds Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council (twoof all the members concurring) it is deemed necessary to re grade, drain and Improve Jennings avenue. between Scranton avenge and a one bandred and thirty-two (139) feet south of the south of the south line of Crown street, to conform to the established grade of said street, in accordance with the Civil plans Engineer. and profiles on Ale in the office of City be The filed time expires within which claims for damages may on the 15th day of May, 1874. apri1-2w THEO. VOGES, City Clerk, TOTICE WHOM IT MAY Hardy, three -Louis Hitter, C.

C. Rogers and J. H. disinterested freeholders of the corporation, have reported to the Council an mated assessment on toe property abutting on Slater etreet. awarded The said and assessment is made to pay the damages tending expenses incurred in opening and Slater street, from Cyprces street to Wood.

land avenue. City The said aseessment is on file in the office of the Clerk. must All ale parties the having objections to said assessment, wi same in writing with the City Clerk hin five weeks after the fret pablication of this notice, Cleveland, April 2d. THEO VOGES. City Notice.

1874. NOTICE TO kitter, 0. IT Rogers MAY and CONation, Hardy, have three reported disinterested to the freeholders of the corporCouncil an estimated atreet. aseessment on the property, abutting on Slater The awarded assessment is made to pay the damages and expense incurred in opening and tending Slater street, between Cypress street and avenue, City The Clerk. said assessment is on file in the office of the All parties having objections to said A88688- Clerk ment, must within file five the same in writing with the City of this notice, weeks after the first publication Cleveland.

April 16. THEO. VOGE3, City Clerk. 1874. Li GAL NOTICE.

The State of Obio, In the Superior Court of Coanty, 88. Cleveland. N. Seckier, plaintin, against. B.

Roussey, Charles Prevost. Ode Provost, D. T. Lock; wood et defendants. PREVOST, ODELE PREand D.

Loca whose reeldence and whereabouts are unknown, will of, ake notice that N. Seckler, plaintif, Cleveland. Ohio, did, upon the 1st day A. 1874, file his petition in toe autotior Court of Cleveland, Cuyaboga County, 0 do, against the eaid B. Houseey and othere, de endante, eetting forth in substance that he recovered a Judgment agaipst the said B.

on the 10th day of November, 1813, for the sum of $1194) and costs of gait, before one W. Goddard, a Justice of the Peace in and for eaid county of Cugatoga, and that un the 29th of November, 1873, said plaintig recovered another judgment against the said B. Boursey in the Superior Court of Cleveland for the eom of $403.23 and costs of eult; that p.aintit has caused executions to be upon said judgementa, which said executi no were returned on the day of April, 1874, indoreed in eutetance 88 follows: Levy made on the certain Jande and tenements sitDale in Cleveland, Cuzahoga county, Onto, being a certain leasehold estate now owned by said B. Hour Bey. Plaintiff prays that an acconnt may be taken ander the decree and order of said Court of whatis due to said defendants from the said Rouseey, and that said leasebold, interest and improvements may be sold.

and that the proceeds of said sale may be plud, after satiefying the just demands of said defendante, to the discharge and payment of plaintif's judgment. Toe said Charles Provost, Odelle Prevoat and T. Lockwood are notided tbat they are required to appear and answer eald petition, setting up their said interest in eald premises on or before the third Saturday after eix weeks from the date of this DO: tice, HESSENMUELLER KELLY, adri3 6w Attorneva for Pisintif RPn6 NOTICE. HERE WILL BE. A MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Celtic Index Publishing Company he'd in the office of the Compsay, Seneca street, on Monday.

the let day of June, 1874, at 7 o'clock p. m. By ofder of the President. apr30-801 T. P.


The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.