Am I the only one who hasn't ascended? - Chapter 1 (2024)

Chapter 1 Am I the only one who hasn’t ascended?

A sharp headache awakened him from his deep meditation.

He opened his eyes and let the world come crashing down on him.

Only to see the white sun high in the sky, the blue sky, the blue sky …… is still the familiar sky, the sky inside the dome.

Here is the Spirit Mountain hundred halls ranked second in the Ding Ling Hall, the hall of heaven and earth to become a unity of its own, take the nine states of the earth veins for their own use, to provide an endless source of spiritual qi for the retreat, is the world’s most prestigious cave and blessed land.

He was here in seclusion, seeking a ten thousand-miracle golden pill that could reach the Heavenly Court of the Immortal World.

As the closed disciple of the Spirit Mountain Mountain Master Song Yijing, he rightfully enjoyed the most favorable cultivation environment under the sky, and was confident enough to successfully condense the dan in a maximum of three months, becoming the youngest Jindan Realist in the Immortal Calendar’s 10,000 years of history.

The Spirit Mountain was the leader of the Immortal Way in the Nine States, and its founder, Chi Cheng, was the first ancestor of the Ten Thousand Immortals to ascend to the Immortal World and establish the Heavenly Court. The contemporary mountain master, Song Yijing, is truly the first person in the mortal world……. With such multiple backgrounds, his path to immortal cultivation should be unbeatable.

But now it seems, the condensation thing seems to have repeated, he should not have awakened so early, after waking up should not be blank, as if lost a lot of memories, limbs and bones are even softer and weak, should be full as a huge river and sea of true essence is also close to depletion, Dantian Yu Fu is still empty.

This is not only not smooth condensation, is simply a defeat, as if overnight back to the early stage of foundation building.

However, he did not feel discouraged, as if there was no setback under the sky that was worth discouraging.

Failure to condense dan, then condense another one …… Just the dan material prepared during the retreat has been exhausted, the cultivation regression has also more or less injured the foundation, although the temple is full of spiritual qi, but it is not suitable for the treatment of injuries.

Thinking of this, he reluctantly got up and casually said, “Ascension Record.”

The next moment, a gentle golden light blossomed in his hand, and an apricot-colored booklet floated in front of him. On the cover, the words Ascension Record were written in an ancient script, but below it was his personal signature.

“Oh, Wang Luo.”

Seeing that familiar handwriting, only then did he finally shake off the chaos in his head, remembering that his name was Wang Luo, born in Spirit State in a worldly paradise with beautiful mountains and waters, but at a young age, he was affected by the wars in the mortal kingdom, and was fortunate enough to have his master, Song Yiging, pass by, save his life, and bring him back to the mountains for cultivation, thus starting a supreme immortal destiny.

And the book of ascension in hand is the clear evidence of the immortal destiny.

Every person who enters the mountain will be given a copy of the ascension book personally given by the master of the mountain, which is both the identity certification of the spirit mountain people and the supreme magic treasure to assist in the cultivation of the mountain, with its many functions and magical powers, which is sufficient to accompany the cultivator all the way to the ascension.

And what Wang Luo wanted right now was the most basic summoning function.

“Senior sister, failed to condense dan, seeking comfort.”

When he encountered problems with his cultivation, his first reaction was not to seek help from his master, because although Mountain Master Song Yijing was the best in the world, and was sincere to his shut-in disciple, he had been cultivating for more than four hundred years, and was only a foot away from ascension, so he no longer had the time to be distracted from the affairs of the mortal world.

As a matter of fact, the one who really guided Wang Luo’s cultivation was Senior Sister Deer Zhiyao, who had been taught by a substitute teacher.

A strange person in the true sense of the word.

As the first disciple of Mountain Master Song Yijing, Deer Zhiyao’s talent was unquestionable. Before Wang Luo entered the mountain, she was recognized as the most gifted in the world, and she was already proficient in a hundred arts by the time she condensed her dan, and her achievements were not even inferior to Immortal Ancestor Chi Cheng.

However, in his memory, there was actually very little about his senior sister’s preaching and teaching, but more of a picture of daily companionship.

Because Deer Zhiyao’s daily life, the picture style is really too clear.

When Wang Luo first entered the mountain gate, he was led by Song Yijing to meet the Spirit Mountain cultivators, who were either enthusiastic or cold, but always reserved their status and held their manners.

Only Deer Zhiyao let out a whisper, “There’s a Zhengtai!?”

Then she picked up Wang Luo and lifted him high.

Once lifted, it was so high that it broke through the clouds – on the spur of the moment, she directly threw Wang Luo up a hundred feet into the air, leaving the little boy who had first entered the Spirit Mountain with an unforgettable first impression in his life.

After returning from the Sijingtai, Deer Zhiyao was still arranged to teach on behalf of the teacher, but in addition to guiding the cultivation, she always liked to tell some strange stories.

In the stories, there were a lot of inexplicable words, such as Zhengtai and fa*ggot. There were also a lot of stories that were not in line with etiquette, such as Zhengtai and fa*ggot.

When Wang Luo couldn’t understand, Deer Zhiyao would even kindly explain, “Let’s say that you are a Zhengtai and Song Yijing is a fa*ggot.”

Although every time he explained like this, he would cause Mountain Lord Song Yijing to become furious, but Deer Zhiyao always managed to escape from that world’s number one person’s anger, and then told Wang Luo even more bizarre stories.

Those stories took place in another world, where everywhere is puzzling unfamiliar terms, such as single fat mansion tube maniacs; everywhere is very different from the reality of the social organization, such as this resource exchange group; however, while the light and strange, this world is self-contained, one can not help but be fascinated.


While subconsciously recalling his senior sister’s wonderfully colorful story, Wang Luo waited for the other party’s response.

A long silence.

Wang Luo was not surprised, because Deer Zhiyao was a busy person who couldn’t be bothered, either in trouble or on the way to be hunted down by her master Song Yijing after causing trouble, and didn’t have the habit of replying to messages in seconds.

Not being able to find senior sister, retreating to the next best thing is.

“Master, I failed to condense the pills, I’m going to take another one, please approve the note.”

However, after another long time, there was still no response from the Ascension Record.

Wang Luo couldn’t help but frown and started contacting the third person.

“Senior Uncle, I have failed to condense pills, and I can’t contact Master and Sister for the time being, can you please grant me a copy of the materials needed to condense pills on behalf of Master?”

And then there was still a long silence, so Wang Luo finally realized that something had gone wrong.

It was fine that Senior Sister and Master were out of touch, but Senior Uncle Song Yiming, as Song Yijing’s twin brother and Acting Mountain Master, was online twelve hours a day and answered all requests. It’s just that his character is more ancient and square than his brother, so Wang Luo usually won’t look for him.

But there has never been a precedent of not being able to find someone.

Thinking of this, Wang Luo vaguely felt that he failed to condense Dan, I am afraid that there are some claims …… and these claims, but not in the Ding Ling Hall behind closed doors can create the results.

So he closed his eyes and gazed at his mind, integrating his still somewhat ignorant divine sense into this heaven and earth.

Open the door.

In the underworld, he issued a call.

As a result, the clear sky opened up and a ray of immortal light shone from the top of the dome.

In a flash, Wang Luo was already standing outside the Ding Ling Hall, and his feet stepped on the crushed jade bricks in front of the hall, which felt delicate and slightly cool to the touch.

I don’t know whether it is a side effect of the failure of condensation, the sky outside the hall that is always clear, but at this time it seems gray, like adding a layer of cataract filter, and raise your eyes and look around, the verdant mountains surrounding the Tingling Hall, at this time is being covered by a vast sea of clouds.

This situation, so that Wang Luo can not help but recall two years ago, the senior sister brainstorming, to lead the Spirit Mountain Tianquan to make the immortal happy water, the results in the Dan furnace inflatable operation error, on the spot blow up the furnace, messed up all the mountains are sweet and greasy fog …… Although the first time, those fog was the acting mountain master Song Yiming cleaned up, but the mountain birds and beasts have suffered, the general fattening, many monkeys climbed to the mountains, and the mountains are not the same. General blossoming, many monkeys can not climb the tree.

But soon Wang Luo realized that the situation at the moment, can not be the same.

This vast sea of clouds, simply do not see scattered, and the sea of clouds seems to hide what makes him palpitate something, look around, those clouds behind the familiar mountain ranges and the silhouette of the temple, but also vaguely through a few points hideous …….

This is very unusual, as a shut-in disciple of the Spirit Mountain Mountain Master, there is no reason for his heart to palpitate on the land of the Spirit Mountain. And Spirit Mountain people, there is no reason to let their own home be under such a bizarre and hideous situation.

So he immediately evoked the Ascension Record and messages were sent out in groups.

“What’s happening? *3”

After a long time, there was still no response, which made Wang Luo suck in a breath of cold air.

Although the Spirit Mountain has always been thin, at its peak there were only a hundred people, to Song Yijing’s generation is reduced to a mere 20 people, but every one of them has extraordinary talent, chance and creation is even more skillful and astonishing, and there are even more secret treasures inherited from the Spirit Mountain that bring unexpected surprises…….

How shouldn’t the collective be lost!
Theoretically, even if the devils in the Red Dang Mountain in Mozu State come out of their nests, wrapping up ten thousand devils to surround the mountain, it is only necessary for Song Yiming to bring two disciples to control the mountain protection array, and it will be able to easily sweep away the group of devils.

What kind of accident could make such a group of Spirit Mountain people lose their collective connection?
With strong doubts, Wang Luo put down the Ascension Record and took a step deeper into the clouds.

He was going to go to the Hall of Enlightened Spirit to look for the answer, that was the head of the hundred halls of Spirit Mountain, and also the center of Spirit Mountain, what exactly had happened to this No.1 Immortal Mountain in the Nine States would naturally be clear when he arrived at the Hall of Enlightened Spirit.

From the Hall of Spirit Determination to the Hall of Spirit Enlightenment, one needs to pass through a rugged and treacherous mountain road. According to Wang Luo’s normal cultivation, he could have easily swept through the clouds, but now that he has failed to condense dan, his cultivation has regressed not to mention …… this cloud in the mountain, which also makes him unwilling to go to vacillate.

Strictly speaking, this milky white cloud is simply toxic, Wang Luo in it, only feel the skin of the chest and back slightly tight, the eyeballs are also a little dry …… In exchange for ordinary mortal creatures, stay in the fog for a moment and a half, may be blood and flesh to melt away.

But even though his true essence was depleted, his flesh was still the same body of a hundred refinements, and his resistance to abnormal states was extremely strong, so this slight discomfort would not affect his actions.

Soon enough, he crossed the treacherous mountain path and arrived in front of the Enlightened Spirit Hall.

Apart from the omnipresent clouds and mist, everything was the same as in his memories, the neat and flat square in front of the hall, the eight invisible Daoist statues symbolizing the supreme Taoist system, and most importantly, the seemingly plain and ordinary Spirit Mountain Spirit Enlightening Hall, which was the supreme position in the mortal world.

Walking up to the front of the hall, he only saw that the door was tightly closed, which made him frown once again.

Enlightenment Spirit Hall has an extraordinary status, the door of the hall can only be opened and closed by the mountain master, so everyday for the sake of convenience, Song Yijing is not closing the door at all.

And theoretically, non-Spirit Mountain mountain master, to open this door …… even if a true immortal descends to the earth, it is also a thousand times more difficult.

But just at this moment, Wang Luo suddenly saw that the tightly closed hall door, right in front of his eyes, slowly opened.

At the same time, the book of ascension without being summoned then flashed out at his side and turned over by himself, only to see that under the mild golden light, a few unfamiliar paragraphs of text, slowly and conclusively surfaced on the pages.

[Inheritor Wang Luo detected, initiating the inheritance program.]

[Spirit ” Mountain ” Error …… Inheritance program unexpectedly interrupted, start alternate program.]

[Completion of the Mountain Master’s inheritance, confirming the transfer of the Mountain Master’s authority.]

[Confirming Wang Luo as the 84th Mountain Master of Spirit Mountain.]

At the same time, the door of the Hall of Spirit Enlightenment finally opened completely, emitting a dull sound, as if it was a heavy drum beating in Wang Luo’s sea of consciousness.

Even after being hammered with cognition by Senior Sister Deer Zhiyao’s colorful stories, Wang Luo still felt that his cognitive ability was a bit insufficient at this moment.

But it was just going to the Spirit Determining Hall to retreat and condense dan, how come the world had become completely unfamiliar in the blink of an eye? Senior sister, master and others collectively lost contact with each other, the mountain is covered with poisonous fog, and then he inexplicably became the master of Spirit Mountain?
Wang Luo did not doubt that the records of the Ascension Record were true or false, because the root of this Spirit Mountain’s characteristic magic treasure was pinned on Immortal Ancestor Chi Cheng, to swindle and alter the Ascension Record, unless one bought off Chi Cheng himself. Since the Immortal Calendar had been around for ten thousand years, even the successive generations of Mountain Masters could not have rumored on the Ascension Record.

Not to mention that as a Spirit Mountain person, especially the shut-in disciple of the Mountain Lord himself, Wang Luo was extra sensitive to the Mountain Lord’s position.

Song Yijing is training him as an heir …… Although theoretically speaking, among the next generation of Spirit Mountain people, Deer Zhiyao is the most outstanding, Song Yijing had clearly sent a cruel word: even if the next generation of mountain masters is passed on to a dog, it will never be passed on to Deer Zhiyao!

At that time, it was the time when Deer Zhiyao’s hidden workshop was raided, and a large number of Song Yijing’s hom*oerotic books were exposed to the world, so Song Yijing’s words, even if they were words of exasperation, were also very believable.

In short, when the handwriting on the Ascension Record surfaced, Wang Luo was very clearly cognizant of the fact that his identity was no longer an ordinary Spirit Mountain person.

He had truly become a Spirit Mountain Mountain Lord.

But this was really too abnormal, even if Song Yijing did train him as an heir, this training cycle was counted in centuries, and now less than one-fifth of the cycle had passed, and there were even acting mountain master Song Yiming and other people from the previous generation in the mountain, so how come it was his turn to be the mountain master all of a sudden?

To put it politely, in order to Wang Luo closed down the inheritance of the order to count, unless the spirit mountain up and down only a dog, otherwise how can not take his turn to inherit the throne.

Well, the answer to all the questions, are close at hand, enlightenment hall has opened, into the exploration is.

Wang Luo stepped into the hall, but found that the scene inside the hall, and memory is very different.

First of all, the space is narrow and cramped a lot, and secondly, within the Hall of Enlightenment, there should be a wide range of displays of immortal weapons, there are arranged to protect the formation of the jade map, and …… all in all, now there is nothing, as if it was deer Zhiyao copied home in general, leaving only the family of the four walls.

And it was at this time that Wang Luo suddenly remembered a problem.

Ascension Records recorded that he was the 84th generation mountain master, but Song Yijing was the 82nd generation mountain master, so who is the one in the middle?

During the time he was in seclusion, Spirit Mountain had actually done a power transfer?

Thinking of this, Wang Luo once again opened the ascension record.


Now that the Enlightened Spirit Hall is reduced to an empty room, then the only clue is this 83rd generation mountain lord that was added out of thin air……. Although just based on that familiar style of writing, he already had a guess in his mind about the 83rd generation candidate already, but then flipping through the directory, the murderer was clear at a glance.

However, at the next moment, along with the pages of the Ascension Record flipping to the directory section, a piece of golden light suddenly bloomed, catching people off guard.

It was a sea of golden names.

The color gold, in the directory, meant “this person has ascended”, and was the highest honor belonging to every mortal cultivator.

Over the 10,000 years since the founding of the Spirit Mountain, there were 2023 official cultivators in the directory, of which the golden color ratio was about ten percent, or a total of more than 300 people who had successfully ascended. This is already like a dream in the context of the general environment where the ascension rate is only a few ten thousandths of a percent. But in fact, a lot of spirit mountain people is not can’t, really is unwilling, otherwise ascension rate can be higher ……

Especially with the ten thousand years of immortal reproduction, the entire continent of jiuzhou ascension rate has risen. Immortal ancestor Chi Cheng open the land when, the continent of Kyushu may be a few hundred years only one or two ascended person, messed up Chi Cheng himself in the immortal world are single …… but to Wang Luo’s era, the spirit mountain ascension rate has been close to 30%, a person can not ascend, from the Jindan stage or even earlier can judge a eight or nine is not very good.

For example, the mountain master Song Yijing Song Yiming is a stable ascension, it is only a matter of time; the third uncle Zhou Fubo will not be able to ascension, he himself has long been extinguished; the fourth uncle Hu Wanyang powerful but not the heart, can also be counted as unable to ascension.

In the current generation of Spirit Mountain people, Deer Zhiyao belongs to the eyes closed can ascend, the second senior brother Fu Li qualification is worse, but there is still room to struggle, is nothing more than a cost and trade-offs issue …… fourth senior sister and fifth senior brother has long been about the red dust reincarnation, no intention to ascend.

However, at this time, reflected in the eyes of Wang Luo’s directory at the end of the page, recorded Song Yijing and other people’s part, but the golden light is clear, a few no color!

From the 82nd Generation Mountain Master Song Yijing, Song Yiming, to the seventh senior brother Xing Chong in front of Wang Luo, every single name was dizzyingly golden.

So much so that the last one, the obscure white character Wang Luo, the dignitary of the hallowed mountain lord, even seemed out of place at the moment.

“So ……”

Looking at the dazzling golden light on the Ascension Record, Wang Luo finally understood what exactly happened to Spirit Mountain.

From Master Song Yijing to Senior Sister Deer Zhiyao, these people, for unknown motives, had actually ascended en masse!
And the only one who was left behind became the bare-bones Lord of Spirit Mountain!
After 10,000 years of serialization reopened, through the original God, collapsed iron, tube people and other areas of the depth of the material taken, I hope you will enjoy the story.

(End of chapter)

Am I the only one who hasn't ascended? - Chapter 1 (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.