Blackwell Journal-Tribune from Blackwell, Oklahoma (2024)

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1931 Tuesday December 29 1931 I3LACKIVELL MORNING TRIBUNE PAGE THREE PAGE THREE 'ch I EVIKIRK AlID EVIK IRK AHD URTHOUSE COURTHOUSE nhawa ews Demo House Leader Is Proud Of Party's WILMA MATKIN CORRESPONDENT Record In Congress 582 Tonkawa Office 102 South Math Call news Items to this office except Sunday 1WASHINGTON: Dec Stalnaker Jr Circulation Harold Lee Circulation anytime between 10 a and 10 CHARLIE ALLEN CIRCULATION Tonkawa Office 105 North Second Phone 583 -The Nativity" Given By Epworth League The democratic house Rainey of proud of the accomplishments of his party in this session of con' gress and today forecast more beneficial results The democrats are united as they have never been before in my memory and later in the session a progressive program of legisla tion along democratic lines will be proposed" the veteran of 26 years In the house said in a statelnent through the democratic national coin mittee Rainey cited passage of the house of the Hoover debt holiday resolution the bill increasing the capital of federal land banks by $100000060 the measure appro' pria Ling $201000000 for World war i veterans and numerous small hills as achievements in the pre-Christmas days Aged Woman Dies 3ionday Morning Mrs Alice Furbur 69 years of age died at 3 oclock Monday morning in the home her son William A Furbur 201 South Eleventh street Funeral services have not yet been arranged The body is in charge of the MciCaffery funeral Mrs Furbur had made her home with her son William at Tonkawa for the past three years He operates the butcher shop in the White Way grocery store She is survived by the one son William Furbur one step-daughter Mrs Mary Vaughn of Erick and three step-sons Richard Furbur In county court Monday after a hearing before a county sanity board Divorce Suit Ferd Doept: of Ponca City was named defendant In a divorce action in district court Monday by Lottie Doepel of Ponca City Mrs Doepel alleges that the defendant has been guilty of gross neglect of duty and cruelty She asks that the court restore her to her maiden name of Lottie Smith The couple was married in August 1926 at Ponca City according to the petition Kaw Man On Trial Ray Ward of Kaw City waived his right to a preliminary hearing hen he was arraigned in county court Monday before Judge Parkhurst on a charge of wife and child desertion Ward is alleged to have deserted his wife Nirs Nellie Ward of Kaw City and a threeyear-old daughter in December ft 1931 Bond was fixed at $1500 by Judge Parkhurst Judgment Suit Judgment for $8925 alleged to be due on a promissory note Ls asked in a suit filed in district cowl Monday by the Ponca City Building and Loan company of Ponca City against It Baldwin and Mrs Laura Baldwin The suit also asks for the foreclosure of a mortgage on lots 23 and 24 in block 2 of Phillips addition to Ponca City The Souliqny agency Rightmire and the United Erick and Tile company are said to clann some Interest in the property Marriage LieenSeti Marriage licenses issued here by the court clerk's office are: Paul Senior 21 and Helen A Holland 19 both of Capon: Raymond Stout 23 Arkansas City and Pauline Robinson 20 Winfield: Louis Storm 31 and Sadie Cantrell 31 both of Shidler Ira Shepard 56 Wichita Kan and Rova Badgetto 38 Knoxville Tenn Ponca City Simeon Furburt Paw- nee Henry Purbur Lamar A large crowd was present at the First Methodist church night when the Christmas pageant -The Nativity" was presented oy members of the Fpworth league at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium The pageant was divided into four tableaus each of which was an effective presentation of some scene uf the birth of the Christ The first tableau was "The Annuniciatiom" the second The Shepherds and the Angels" the third "The Wisem*n and the Child" and the fourth -Holy Night" Lewis Corbin played the part of Joseph the husband of Mary Nliss Rosita Koelling played the part of Ntary Gilbert McCluskey Durward Charles Burharn and 3nylord Peck played the four shepherds and the wise men Miss Mary Small played the part of the angel Preceding the pageant Miss Max- ine Pardew sal5g the solo "The Holy City" A chorus of young people 'sang appropriate songs during the different tableaus of the pageant Miss Rachel Cochrell read the scripture passages describing each of the scenes This pageant concluded the holiday services which have been conaucted in each Tonkawa church for the past week Iiiwanis This Area To Meet In Tonkawa Roseberry Charles Burham an 3nylord Peck played the four shep- herds and the wise men Miss Mary a Small played the part of the angel Preceding the pageant Miss Max- ine Pardew sal5g the solo "The Holy City" A chorus of young people 'sang appropriate songs during the different tableaus of the pageant Miss Rachel Cochrell read the scripture passages describing each of the scenes This pageant concluded the boll- day services which have been con- ducted in each Tonkawa church for the past week Kiwanis This Area To Meet In Tonkawa Phone 40 Newkirk 12-1 North Chestnut letit Illit '1: in accordance with justice Gomez was given until Tuesday to plead WIlell he WaS arra inged last wed nesday at he request of the Alexi- all cotnisel Judge Duval Grants Five Divorces Monday Two default Judgments and five default divorces were granted by Judge Claude thad I in distri1 Monday The January trial calendar of cases to be tried before a jury and the court was also made out by Judge Duval Jury cases tvill be held between January 12 and 23 inclusive and court will be heard on January 8 9 28 and 30 Judgement 8870 was given Mrs Souligny of Ponca City against Marie McCarty et al of Ponca City The Melrose Granite eompany WaS given Jialguwnt for $225 alleged to be due on an open account against Harry Higdon doing business as the Higdon Monument company of Ponca City Mrs Stella Pratt of Ponca city was granted divorce from Pratt of Ponca City on the grounds of extreme cruelty Mrs Maude Williams of Kaw City was granted divorce front Jess Williams of Kaw city on the isrounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty Mrs Williams was restored to her maiden name of Maude Lewis by the court Roy Beavers of Ponca City was given a divorce front Mrs Anna Beavers of Ponca City who was granted the care and custody of a minor child The defendant was restored to her former name of Anita Prock by the court The decree was granted on the grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty Earl Fulton of Ponca City as granted divorce front Mrs Byrt Fulton on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty Mrs Margaret Moore of Kaw City was granted divorce from Robert Moore on the grounds of gross neglect and extreme cruelty Mrs Moore was granted the custody of a minor child Farm Group Will Lay Plans For Year Soon 1 Atwell titleoned on the tax rolls of the and one sister Mrs Ella Marcelene will Mo and one brother ien 11 consider them all have demo- western district of Oklahoma but the committees which as United States attorney for the homa may county amount ing to $40210172 John Nickolson Long Beach Calif I cratic majorities and it is safe to be opposed by Senator Gore the accruded taxes on which total predict that they will come out of Gore at whose request action on $1254082 We wish to thank our many those committees with the restric- the nomination was held up by a --1 In placing this property on the friends in our bereavement for the lions and the modificatiors which senate subcommittee said today he tx rolls of the county committees will suggest" Tainey the democratic membership of the comforting words during the long committees was investigating to learn if Hyde Meek president of the building and had been connected with a political loan company explained to Sid illness and death of our wife organization that opposed him Spore county assessor that he was mother and for the beautiful floral during the last campaign 'It taking this acton because of the Our ur sincere appreciation! supreme court opinion Spore sail used" said Gore "all kinds of tin- lit thanks Ls heartily extended to' More About civilized warfare in fighting Reverend Lower Mrs Corbin Dr! Monday In making this statement Spore Jones Dr Howard Snyder and the! 1932 Business Gore did not remember the name! sa A of Tonkawa aid Winfield I of the organization but named as ys that Meek said also that since also the Shell and Prairie boys I its leaders "Tex" Jones Harold state supreme court has de- Fell of Ardmore and Frank Gor- definitely what items are MI Fred Mortim an er sr Md' iContinued From Page One) basic facts at they exist at present" don of Oklahoma City taxable and since in the years past Mrs Ernest Bushnell Mr and Mrsj Fred Mortimer jr Mr and Mrs Ward Melville president of the If he finds Hyde was not con- the assessor nor the assoc- Shoe corporation declared: nected with the group Gore said he iation management have under- wi Les edrick Mr and Mrs -The best two years have tested would drop his opposition Nfartin LaHoma Joe and Wynette I stood it is now the proper thing ever girder and span in the I to do to correct the association's Adv 29-1te country's business structure They OKLAHOMA CITY Dec tr) I tax assessments and bring the 1 have called forth all of the resource- Hyde district attor- lup to date in accordance with the One hundred delegates represent- To Have Class Party fulness of management shown the ney whose appointment is before 1 court decision that front the ing 14 Kiwanis clubs of the seventh Members of the Everywoman's I folly of fancy theories and beliefs the senate for confirmation of the county assessor division are expected here Thurs- I class of the First Christian church with which we tinseled the funda- dined to comment today on Sea- as such front that of the associa- mentals during the inflation times ator Gores tentative opposition tion as a taxpayer and from the day January to attend the an- I will entertain with a class party Now looking ahead into 1932 busi- based on reports that Hyde had op- obligation to pay proper taxes to coal training school for new offi- afternoon in the base- cers to be held under supervision meat of the church The affair is I loess is down to brass tacks posed him in the last campaign the county bringing all of this up the Tonkawa Kiwanis club Dr I to start at 2 o'clock Optimism Forgotten However friends of Hyde said he I to date is the correct attitude in Adams of Tonkawa lieutenant- I Sliver Leaf To Meet "There has been a business de- had taken no part in the senatorial the matter governor of the seventh division The Silver Leaf club is to meet -ress I I ion unparalleled in the history campaign between Gore and The decision of the supreme will be in charge of the day's pro- bli et Pine repu can incumbent who court in this matter was handed Friday January 1 in the home of of our country and whenever th Idown On December 8 1931 The i le are was defeated for re-election grant is a busines depress on pe Mrs Bill Wevihman North I I nIn I or rntrIP nn on nnord from Colo and one sister Mrs Ella Atwell' Marcelene Mo and one brother! John Nickolson Long Beach Calif 0111 ey I Liman Notfl but the committees which will consider them all have democratic majorities and it is safe to predict that they will come out of those committees with the restrictions and the modificatiors which the democratic membership of the committees will suggest" Tainey I the matter The decision of the supreme in this matter was handed Idown on December 8 1931 The matter came on appeal from "Victory campaign' Perfected In State OKLAHOMA CITY Dec OKLAHOMA CITY Dec organization for the democratic "victory campalgn" was perfected today at a meeting here presided over by Chairman Pat Malloy of the campaign ccmmittee Frank Johnson Oklahoma City banker was elected treasurer and Mrs George Martin Guthrie secretary Chairman Malloy will name a committee to arrange for a "victory dinner" here Jan 14 A women's committee was organized It includes: Mrs Mabel Bassett state commissioner of charities and corrections chairman Mrs A McDcugal Sapulpa national committee-woman: Mrs John Callett vice-chairman of the state democratic central committee Mrs Fred Rains Muskogee and Mrs George Martin Guthrie Gore May Oppose Hyde Nomination WASHINGTON Dec The nomination of Herbert Hyde Wilson Is Praised By Utah Governor BOISE Idaho Dec 28--(P)--Gov George Dern of Utah speaking at a Woodrow Wilson day banquet tonight praised the peace efforts of the war time president and declared leadership of men who respond not world is needed to solve present problems "The thing that made Wilson the best loved leader of our time was that he was actuated by a moral purpose in everything he undertook" the governor said "We need that sort of leadership now the leadership of men whor espond not simply to popular clamor or to demands of special business or political interests but to the dictates of their own unconquerable souls" CAMDEN Dec 28--(iP)--The democrtic Party "Again will lead out of the wilderness" Henry Morgenthau former ambassador to Turkey said tonight when the spirit of Woodrow Wilson "reanimates some leader as yet unknown" Faster Delivery Of Air Mail After First prrrsnuRom Dec Coast-to-coast air mail will be delivered in New York and Los An1 geles a full business day faster than at present effective January 1 From that date Richard Rob-'bins president of Trans-Continental and Western Air said today transcontinental air mail will be flown via Philadelphia Harrisburg Pittsburgh Columbus Indianapolis St Louis Kansas City Wichita Amarillo Albuquerque Winslow and Kingman to Los Angeles The present route Is via Chicago and Salt Lake City The Mr Robbins said is in line with the post office de-I partment's program to improve service and still reduce expenses He said the mail will be flown at a net saving of 10 per cent to the post office department after Jantiary 1 By flying the new route mail from Los Angeles will be laid down in New York in less than 24 hours and vice versa Launch Projects To Regain Sooner Quail i I 1 I 11 1 1 i The seventh division includes Ki- street The meeting is to start at ant clubs of Alva Bartlesville 2 o'clock ack well Dewey Enid Hominy To Entertain Our-12 Okeene Pawhuska Ponca Members of the Our-12 Embroid ty Tonkawa W'atonga Waynoka ery club will be entertained Thursid Woodward Each club Is ex- day afternoon in the home of Mrs wanis clubs of Alva Bartlesville 2 o'clock Blackwell Dewey Enid Hominy To Entertain Our-12 Newkirk Okeene Pawhuska Ponca Members of the Our-12 Embroid City Tonkawa IA'atonga Waynoka cry club will be entertained Woodward Each club is ex- day afternoon in the home of Mrs poNcA compANy I 1 i PAYS $12 54082 A a 10 141 MEI rid 14 MEd Property Placed On Tax Rolls Lato Amount To $16210172 ing a recent decision by the Oklahoma supreme court holding that personal property including cash accounts and notes receivable and office equipment of building and loan associations is assessable for taxation Kay county received something of a Christ mas gift this year when in line wit this court opinion the Ponca City Building and Loan association placed property of the types men up Pottav atomie comity following an attempt to place property of such types belonging to such building and loan associations in that county on the tax rolls for the years from 1923 to 1927 inclusive The appeal was from the county court of that county The corn pany involved in that case was the Home Building and Loan company of Shawnee and Tulsa Other and loan companies in joined in the suit The proporty listed on Christmas eve with Spore as county assessor by the Ponca city association for was for the years from 1920 to 1930 Inclusive Officials 'ere say that this supreme court aling will affect every building and loan association doing business in Oklahoma as to the types of property listed This the first building and loan report to be filed in Kay county A list of the property values filed by the Ponca City association for the various years is: $143772 $5824 office equipment $25 $15551 office equipment $100 $35383 accounts receivable $150 office $250 $111- 1900 notes receivable $15000 ac- counts receivable 50 office equip- ment $1200 $105 accounts receivable $100 office equipment $5000 $3- 032 accounts receivable $500 office equipment $7500 $2- 926 accounts receivable $1000 receivable $250 office equipment $4234 notes $1700 accounts re' c2ivable $1000 office equipment 1929 $215984 notes $1000 accounts reyeivi able $750 office equipment $10- 1000 receivable $850 Amount of taxes due for various years is: $874 88 80582: $89636 Gomez Goes To Trial At 9 This Morning Ignacio Gomez American born Mexican will appear before Judge John Burger at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning to enter his plea on a charge of robbery with firearms Temple Scrgant Newkirk attor- ney has been appointed by the ourt to represent the youth reunicn children and Mrs ne north las after mily sup-Wolf frorn and Eth and of Maud Evans 'tir Rich veil Mr childre le Duane lenzil of Evans of was en parental ruler was Clarks lard of lare were in ad Clark vire and line and guests 'I Clark Titizen ery i Mon Lundy and as oldest time of home Sunday lng ar Dn Had 20 he old tstor of Dreach an was 'metery who month 0 years ted in ilmore 12 rather thoma than child of his idchil ildren now kwell Dr Ida ewick ckson Ottaas tt tier Emily wale 10 the LE sday used Diner this rrom for to oute Tor lays In ion Ira! hed the join 0 nd Sts Y- 1 as st ty le 1 '1 I 4 A) Thursand pected to send its 1932 president 1Ralph Stone southeast of Tonkawa vice president secretary and treas- I Alumni-Buccaneers urer as well as other unofficial dele- I Tonkawa high Buccaneers will gates meet the highschool alumni in a match tonight Tuesday on the The entire day will be given to discussion of Kiwanis adrninistra- highschool court Coach "Gabe" lion problems Dr Adams said Be- Martin reported Monday No ad- C6111111(7 nt r-ssicim will be i mission will be chareed and the urer as well as other unofficial Tonkawa high Buccaneers will gates meet the highschool alumni in a match tonight Tuesday on the The entire day will be given to discussion of Kiwanis administra- highschool court Coach "Gabe" lion problems Dr Adams said Be- Martin reported Monday No ad-ginning at 9 a in sessions will be mission will be charged and the held at the Hotel Tonkawa that I public is invited The Buccaneers morning And AftPrnoon with an all- will work out daily during the hon morning and afternoon with an all- will work out daily during the hob- 1 BRIEFS Directors 'Sleeting An important meeting to the hoard of directors of the senior chamber of commerce will be held in the chamber of commerce of fices Wednesday noon according to Martin secretary A brief but important business session will be held Martin says The meeting is being held Wednesday instead of Thursday evening the regular time because Thursday evening is New Year's eve Bread For Needy More than 200 loaves of fresh bread were taken to the associated charities office yesterday by two local bakeries according to Mrs Willis superintendent The bread Is being given to those who need it and ss ill call for it at the office Fifty loaves were given out in the first four hours the bread was received ISlothers' Conference The regular hi-weekly mothers' conterence will be held at the local health center Wednesday afternoon trem 2 until 5 o'clock according to Mrs Barbara Young health nurse All mothers of babies free from sickness are invited to attend but mothers with sick babies are asked not to bring them because of the danger of contagion Bed Bugs Play The Bed Bugs basketeers from the Blackwell Matress factory will play the Houston lumbermen a quintet at Milan Kans tonight at 8:15 o'clock Davis manager and sponsor of the mattress team svill accompany the squad to Milan Kansas State Bonus Men who enlisted in the World War from Kansas or who enlisted at any point and gave Kansas as their home have until midnight of December 31 to file for the Kansas bonus of 81 per day for each day in service Application should be filed with the Kansas secretary of 1state at Topeka Applications must be in the mail by time of expiration Varner Is Arrested Archie Varner shoe shiner was picked up by officers Thominson and Parmley on a city warrant yesterday afternoon and charged with fighting Varner posted 820 bond His trial was set for Thursday December 31 Baskets Coming Back The 20 baskets which were distributed full of food among the needy families of the city on the day before Christmas have started to come back to the office Mrs Willis superintendent of the associated charities said yesterday Mrs Willis has asked that the bask ets all be returned to the associated charities so they will be read) for the food distribution next Christmas Beek To Sanitarium Dudley Longley who had his left eye removed at the Leslie sanitarium several days ago and whc had been dismissed to his home was taken back to the sanitarium yesterday he suffered a liemorrhage Sunday night Physicians expressed the belief yesterday however that his condition was not serious and that be would be dismissed again in a few days Fined For Drunkness Hall 39 who gave no address was fined $750 in police court Monday afternoon on a charge of drunkness He NV as arrested by local officers in the downtown district earlier in the afternoon LATE PERSONALS Mrs Ruth Oliver was dismissed from the Leslie sanitarium to her home south of the city Monday Nichols Operated On Nichols managing editor of the Blackwell Tribune underwent a tonsillectomy operation in the offices of Doctor Brown in Ponca City Monday morning He is reported improving nicely ARKANSAS CITY MEN RETURN FROM KENTUCKY ARKANSAS CITY Dec Moran and Dr Armand Fischer returned today from Kentucky where they went with the bodies of Dr and Mrs Ben A Spalding Funeral services were held last Monday in the Catholic church at Lexington Ky and burial was in the cemetery at Lexington that afternoon Relatives of Dr Spalding ars) expected hue in a few days to settle up his business affairs Dr Fischer who was Dr Spalding's partner expects to continue the practice of medicine here and will remain for the present at least in the same office suite All entries nu5t be sent to the Publicity Director's office A Williams Studio A 611 1023 Sycamore Ave Hollywood Cali fornia one suggest4on for a mune should be submitted by 'oach contestant Everyone is invited to submit a name and in c3--e or ties duplicate awards will be gien Officials say that any name may win the $75000 even if submitted on a post card or scrap of If you can use $75000 here is fin opportunity to get it send your tuegestion at Adv r-77" i i itd I 7 7 43104 roe 4' Casoline Increase Draws Murray's Ire OKLAHOMA CITY Dec in the retail price of gaso1in2 posted here by several compar ies on the eve of reduction of the state tax drew fire today from C(ivernor Murray when he declared he would act to bring down the prices The new prices are 17 and 20 cents a gallon including tax for the regular and high-test grades representing an increase of I cent a gallon The state tax now 5 cents a gallon will be 4 cents after January 1 "There is one way these fellows can be reached" the governor asserted "and when I make tile referred of the oil had attorney day the to normal the as the and the ran the the the 1 1 1 1 I I ti A 4 Cl 7 A jir to division luncheon to be held at days in preparation for the open-noon Delegates will be guests at ing of the Mid-Northern conference 'the Tonkawa Kiwanis club installa- race Tuesday January 5 at Kay: tion banquet that night City Martin said Two service leaders who are pro- Tonkawa Briefs minent in Kiwanis work both in Odenwald and Miss Leila -the Texas-Oklahoma district and in Odenwald entertained the follow- national work will be the principal ing relatives and friends at Christ- speakers throughout the school Dr mas dinner: Mr and Mrs Hudson of Dewey governor of Jaggers of Wellington Kans Mr the Texas-Oklahoma district and and Mrs Durham of Tonk- a Hatfield of Oklahoma City wa Judson Durham Mr and Mrs former district governor and now an Bert Bogart and family and international trustee will speak at Scfraal of Mulhall both morning and afternoon round- Dr and Mrs A Jones Mr table meetings and Mrs Joe Morris and chil- dren Clair and Tottie and Joe Threlkeld dean of the Mil- Junior of Tulsa were dinner guests versity Junior college and chairman of the Tonkawa club under-privi- of Mr and Mrs Patterson and ieged child work will discuss this Mr and Mrs Ralph Patterson Sun- field of Kiwanis activities daY Mellor superintendent of the Three Mr and Mrs Charles Cole re- Sands schools will give a complete turned to Tonkawa Sunday from report of the clinic survey made re Ponca City where they had spent cently in the Three Sands schools the Christmas holidays visiting in by three Tonkawa doctors under the home of Mr and Mrs Dillard sponsorship of the Tonkawa Kiwanis Clark club Dr and Mrs Adams spent Saturday afternoon visiting at Oklahoma City Ralph Browne Post William Crawley student in Wichita university is visiting at Calls Special Session Tonkawa Junior Beatty son of Dr and Legionnaires from this entire Mrs Beatty underwent a tonsil operation in the Tonkawa vicinity are expected to be at Tonk awn Tuesday niRlit for the called hospital Monday morning Ralph Browne Post Calls Special Session Legionnaires from this entire Nicinity are expected to be at Tonkawa Tuesday night for the called "Administration measures in the future will receive that careful consideration of democratic members of congress to which they are apt to forget there is such a word as optimism "I expect the new year to witness very definite improvements in business based upon our experience of the past two years based that is upon hard facts not hopes Concerns which have long since rid themselves of surperfluous expensive functions a figuratively tightened their belts for leaner harder-to get business will win patronage in 1932 in direct ratio to the sincerity and effort they expend in selling goods at the lowest possible profitable price" More About Murray Still (Continued From Page One) states that the nomination of even for vice president on the democratic tirket ill 1932 "would be an to the republican prayer for a major democratic error" Magazine Article The Outlook was one of the first national weeklies to sum up the effect of the defeat of Governor Murray's initiative program on his purported aspirations for the presidential nomination "The democratic party" says Outlook "can not be blamed for rejoicing over the defeat Oklahoma voters have administered to the economic program sponsored by Governor Alfalfa Bill Murray" The article concluded that ad-though "There is no national significance in Murray's initiative program itself the effect of the defeat is important for it reduces Alfalfa Bill's prestige" Meanwhile Murray has announced plans to "drive straight ahead" declaring "there is yet time for a complete victory" Early out-of-state speaking trips on his schedule include an address Jan 17 before the anti-saloon league in Washington He is expected to make a surprising pronouncement bearing on prohibition in this- address Oiled Roads Receive Support Over State OKLAHOMA CITY Dec campaign designed to bring back into favor the practice of road oiling abandoned early this year has been launched by engineers and legislators of eastern Ok4homa I a be of a be of corn- at of Planning committees of the Kay break they will come across- county Farm advisory board will He did not say whether he meet this week and next week to ferred to his threat of sevemap out the courses to be taken in weeks ago to begin operation the different branches of farming state filling stations in the county this year According Cicero I Murray cousin of to an announcement made Monday governor and chairman of the by Hutchinson county farm wholesale prices of gasoline 17 agent states advisory committee declai The poultry committee of the dropped board will meet Tuesday at the Meanwhile Berry King Blackwell chamber of commerce torney general resumed an invi rooms This committee is tigation of gasoline prices whi Knepley Blackwell cheirman was asked by the last legislatur Dow ler and George Fry of Blackwell John puny and 0 CHRISTMAS MONEY IS Martin of Ponca City William FINDING WAY TO BAN! Marsh of Tonkawa and Baum of Kaw City NEW YORK Dec The dairy committee will meet in ports received by New York bar the community room of the court- today based on the first full house in Newkirk on Wednesday of bank operation since the Chri afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in charge mas holiday indicated that of McFall of Kildare chair- flow of Christmas money back man of the committee are: the banks was proceeding at ru Ritchie of Ponca City Claude Hall rnal rate after its temporary wit of Blackwell McCracken of drawal Ponca City: Charles Gamsjager of About $300000000 it was es Newkirk Kersey of Newkirk mated was withdrawn from A Du Roy of Ponca City and banks of the country for 115e A Poe of Hunnewell Kan cash gifts Normally two to thi Thursday afternoon at the chain- ecks elapse before this mon her of commerce rooms at Black- again finds its way back to bank vv well the crops and soils committee will meet with Carroll of THREE YEAR OLD SON Newkirk chairman in charge WOULD PROTECT MOTHI Other members Of the committee are: Frances Means Arkansas City SANTA MONICA Cal Dec 2 Kans Sam Hendershott of Eddy mother is in danger Pinney of Braman Joe Tripp 3-year-old son of Malin Campb of Blackwell Will Gillespie of knows no fear Blackvvell a Nutt of Blackwell Fire half destroyed the Campty Compton of Braman home here today The parents al Schreckengaust of Ponca City and their three sons escaped but Gillespie of Eddy yoengest boy didn't see his moth Other committees which will meet cone out of the house so he next week are back in to save her Beef Clark Pones The father caught sight of City Frank Midgley Newkirk tot as he disappeared into ti Tom Hart of Hardy Ralph Grasmoke and the boy ham of City and Primty of Blackwell Rumania has more than 95 Downing Newkirk: Sfluare miles of beech forests con Fred Brov-n of Hunnewell Kan: Orville Means of Newkirk and about one-twelfth of 11 total area of the country A Hollowpeter of Blackwell House of Nardin: Ben Dawson of Ponca City: George Brett of Ponca City: Dunk- elburg of Nardin and Frank Koel- 75000 Casi ing of Blackwell Farm Management and Account- Higgins of Tonkawa Name of vv Book of Blackwell Ray El-ledge of Blackwell Coleman Reward Will Be Paid of Non kirk and Bee Crawford of Ponca City Everyone Who Submits break they will come across" He did not say whether he to his threat of several weeks ago to begin operation state filling stations Cicero I Murray cousin of governor and chairman of the wholesale prices of gasoline states advisory committee declared dropped Meanwhile Berry King general resumed an investigation of gasoline prices which was asked by the last legislature CHRISTMAS MONEY IS FINDING WAY TO BANKS NEW YORK Dec received by New York banks today based on the first full of bank operation since the Christmas holiday indicated that flow of Christmas money back the banks was proceeding at rate after its temporary withdrawal About $300000000 it was estimated was withdrawn from banks of the country for 115e cash gifts Normally two to three weeks elapse before this money again finds its way back to banks THREE YEAR OLD SON WOULD PROTECT MOTHER SANTA MONICA Cal Dec UP--When mother is in danger 3-year-old son of Malin Campbell knows no fear Fire half destroyed the Campbell home here today The parents their three sons escaped but youngest boy didn't see his mother cone out of the house so he back in to save her The father caught sight of tot as he disappeared into smoke and rescued the boy Rumania has more than 95C0 square miles of beech forests comprising about one-twelfth of total area of the country $75000 Cash Name of meeting of Ralph Browne post of Offered For Movie Actress the American Legion which is to 1 be held in the Legion hall starting More ore About at 7:30 oclock More than 150 invitations have Tax Refunds been mailed to legionnaries in this community inviting them to at- I (Continued from Page 1) tend this special meeting Prac-I was the United Verde Copper col tically all are expected to be pre- pany which through its offices sent Clarkdale Arizona and New Yc The feature of the evening will City got a total of $1 047398 be a debate between McKer- I The United States Steel comm zie Tonkawa mayor and hen which got $15205343 in 19' i benefitted last year to the extent Harold instructor at the Univer- sity Junior college on whether the onlY $554 legionnaires want the government! Among the other better knot pay the soldier's bonus Mc- beneficiaries were: kenzie will argue the negative and Douglas Fairbanks $12391 H( Harold the affirmative ene and Dolores Costello $13 ea Solo dances and several choruses each Senator Robinson of Arkans $671 Senator Kean of New Jerm will be presented by a group of Torkawa highschool girls who re 8806 Secretary Mellon $85022 Se cen retary Lamont 810964 John tly appeared in a highschool peretta Those in the chorus are: I Rockefeller 831324 and John Roseda Koelling Maxine pardew Rockefeller Jr $1808 Herbert Ba Evelyn Varner Margaret Hamm ard Swope $1940 Uzcudu Avadelle Smith Mary Louise Wit- $645 Texas Guinan 2469 ter Ernestine Miller Della Rose I Utterback Geneva Jueschke OKLAHOMA REFUNDS At the conclusion of the evening efreshments of pie And coffee will WASHINGTON Dec 28 VP) Topping the Oklahoma list of served by the American Legion icipents of federal tax refunds uxiliary Joshua Cosen oil man who (Continued from Page 1) was the United Verde Copper pany which through its offices Clarkdale Arizona and New York City got a total of $1 047398 I The United States Steel corporation which got 815205243 in 1930 benefitted last year to the extent only $554 Among the other better known beneficiaries were: Douglas Fairbanks $12391 1ene and Dolores Costello $13451 each Senator Robinson of Arkansas Senator Kean of New Jersey 1'1806 Secretary Mellon $85022 Lamont $10964 John $31324 and John Jr $1808 Herbert ard Swope $1940 lIzoudun Texas Guinan 2469 OKLAHOMA REFUNDS WASHINGTON Dec 28 (1P) Topping the Oklahoma list of of federal tax refunds Joshua Cosen oil man who Hel- 1010ma Brochures showing the histon of oiled highways in eastern Okla I homa where this system of ma( Sec- improvement was started in thii state have been sent to all high officials heads of the federa i Bay- i bureal of roads in the southwest I and to all county commissioners 'The movement grew out of th( oil congress held in Tulsa last fall recipents was PERMITS TAXI re-1 DRIVER TO ENTER HOME ceived $56198 Other refunds to Oklahomans included: I LOS ANGELES Dec Trustees for the dissolved Blue 1 temporary order restraining Charle9 Ribbon Oil and Development corn- Challette former Detroit taxi pany Shawnee (Roy Jarvis Walter driver from entering a fashionable Andrews and A Zollinger) $53- I Beverly Hills home claimed by his 137 I estranged wife an oil heiress was Phillips Bartlesville $10573 I dissolved today by Superior Judge Clyde Alexander Bartlesville i Valentine $12548 Challette whose whirlwind courtJ Deaner Okmulgee $5681 ship of Elizabeth McAllister Foster Bartlesville 7161 Osage Indian oil ended in a NV Franks Seminole 93422 flurry of court actions including diH Koopman Bartlesville $2- vorce petitions took immediate pos953 of the 950000 residence They had been married 53 days I when Mrs Charlette after shower-Associated students of the Uni- ing hEr husband with expensive versity Clifornia have contrib automobiles clothing and other Lted a fund to finance research valuables filed suit for divorce uted a lurid to finance research Brochures showing the history of oiled highways in eastern Oklahoma where this system of road improvement was started in this state have been sent to all highway officials heads of the federal bureal of roads in the southwest and to all county commissioners The movement grew out of the road oil congress held in Tulsa lest fall JUDGE PERMITS TAXI DRIVER TO ENTER HOME LOS ANGELES Dec temporary order restraining Charles Challette former Detroit taxi driver from entering a fashionable Beverly Hills home claimed by his estranged wife an oil heiress was dissolved today by Superior Judge Valentine Challette whose whirlwind courtship of Elizabeth McAllister Osage Indian oil ended in a flurry of court actions including divorce petitions took immediate pos i4luab1es filed suit for divorce OKLAHOMA CITY Dec 28---ti-P1 Investigations Monday by SarTwo projects designed to link Okla- gant and Bruce Potter county homa in the first national chain attorney showed that Gomez is 20 for systematic restoration of quail years old instead of only 17 as he life were announced by Ben I claimed when first arrested Potter I Mobley state game and fish war- called the authorities at Chanute Kans the boys birthplace and den today school authorities at Paahuska One of the projects is a private where he attended school and was venture on the game farm of i tcld by both that the boy was 20 Foster Washington county the years old other would be operated by the Sargent was appointed by the game and fish department court to represent the Mexican homa is one of less than a dozen 1 who is charged with robbing A states selected for Inauguration of 1 Armstrong manager of the the movement Anthony store at Ponca with fire-Mobley said the plan was origi- arms on December 18 Armstrong's nated by private eastern interests body was found near Fairfax in which for four years have been 1 sage county and Gomez was arengaged in research in collaboration rested in Tulsa driving his auto-with the United States biological mobile survey 1 Gomez has made several state-The plan consists of extensive 1 ments to Potter and to Ralph planting of certain feeds quail like Harder assistant county attorney to eat in large areas providing ideal 11 admitting that he robbed Arm-nesting ground and systematic war- 1 strong and later killed him In the fare against natural enemies of the statement he made he saki that bird I he robbed Armstrong in this coun 1 ty Templeton county attornBefore an employer can brine ey of Osage county will be here foreign maid-servant into Eng- l' Tuesday when Gomez enters his land the ministry of labor has to plea shown proof that the services 1 The court appointed a lawyer to a British woman are not avail- represent the Mexican after the able i I counsel at Oklahoma City had advised Potter that he would be unAfrica's Victoria Falls are more able to appear here Tuesday and than twice as high as Niagara i asked that the case be prosecuted 1 Before an employer can bring foreign maid-servant into England the ministry or labor has to shown proof that the services a British woman are not available Africa's Victoria Falls are more than twice as high as Niagara 1 Y-1test iernt intle lifesnrin tt Most Suitable Name Funeral Rites For Uneas Woman Today Frlm Hollywood cons an extra- ordinary announcement A movie is in need of a name and Funeral services for Mrs Mary $75000 in cash will be paid for Ellen Filcher 78 years old will be the best suggestion You can give hd Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock her yours or any other name you lincas Methodist church with think of it may mean $75000 to Rev Willis Germany of Kaw City church cfliciating This movie actress them you Mrs Filcher died Sunday at the have probably seen on the screen home of her son in UlleRS after your favorite motion picture an extended illness She is survived by thre sons Frank Filcher of is the beautiful Helen dare Walter Filcher of OxfordKan Like most of tile stars she prefers to use a mune other than and Hoyt Filcher of Micas and a own and in order to help her daughter Mrs Mabel Pearce of Kit- it $75000 in cash is dare Burial will be in the Oak Grove cemetery to anyone who is quick in sending in the name selected Miss Mann's publicity director says "Most any Committment Order Inanae may win" It may be your Louis Lewts of Ponca City was I vera own a name of a friend or ordered admitted to the Ceriiral relative or a coined name made State Oklahoma hossnital at Norman by you Readers of this an- by Judke Parkhurst in county nounccment are urged to senci court Monday afternoon The corm their suggestions for a name at nuttment was issued after a hear- once because $25000 extra will be ing before a county sanity board the winner if name is mailed To State Hospital and postmarked before January 3: Roy "Tarzan" Coulter of Kaw City 11932 Just make it easy to pro- aS ordered admitted to the Cen-Inoume and easy to remember But tral State Oklahoma hospital at icend it right away or you may be Norman by Judge Paikhuast ilate for the promptness prize Piles Healed After 25 Years John A Raab Dallas City entirely healed of Piles and Rectal Trouble after suffer-! 25 years He urges all suf-1 write The Thornton Clinic Suite 425 926 McGee Kansas City Mo f)r a new copyrighted book which ex- mild sure treatment for tpiles) and all forms diseases This treatment restored more than 40000 people renewed health in the past In writing for the book no cost or obligation 1 hlis i Mr II was jother 11 for tlerers 1Inor iSt Kai 3 free cor plains hemorrt of recta has rest pie to 53 years there is CIEs Mr was jother for tlerers to 11nor St free plains a hemorrhoids of rectal has to 53 years there is work on "athlete's foot".

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.