The Great Falls Leader from Great Falls, Montana (2024)

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The Great Falls Leaderi

Great Falls, Montana

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Statistics 7 TRAVELING COMPANION Harold Seyvertsen on his the A Total re Thieves Enter Earn rom the A Boys Wanted for Beautiful ra CORSAGES Di GL 3 6676 Deaconess man was man in a a series West San I Give this problem to a psycholo gist Why is it that the two cells in the county jail where juveniles are held are 'deliberately Adults held in the tank and other cells and some of these adults are not cream puffs do not needlessly destroy jail property But the juveniles Names gouged in great letters on cell walls Holes punched into plaster and through lath Beds torn apart Chairs broken and the rungs made into billy clubs It seems most juveniles feel im pelled to destroy some property when the cell door is locked upon Tuesday a youngster held in the MUSCLE Pret ty 19 ear old Patricia itz patrick secretary in the Cascade County welfare office' puts the pressure on the temperamental ele vator door at the court house Like most frustrat ed county employes this week Miss itzpatrick fi nally decided to walk One determined individual re marked in passing how ever: at first you don't succeed pry pry again" (Leader photo) de an as more city and were dis HAPPY NEW YEAR It was a generally quiet passing of the old year into the new in the Great alls area Wednesday night Except for the strong wind and snow that accompanied the calen dar change there was little cause for public concern Police kept busy on ambulance calls of a minor nature and with reports of minor disturbances said the holiday crowds in public placessf were orderly and that taverns and bars observed the 2 am closing hour without incident with one ex ception i The exception was at the Palace Bar' on irst avenue south when at 2:06 a Martin Wells 30 broke IRST EDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION GOOD LUCK IN '59 mpn fell down the stairs at his home and cut his head He re Special ixtures NEW YORK Cornell University study group says hous ing' for the elderly should have all fixtures and outlets at waist hiMght to help prevent accidents from dizziness in stooping or stretching ii indings of the year longistudy are to be tested by tech nicians of the State Housing vision Despite decreases in months of 1958 clearings recorded by the four banks for the year topped total clearings for 1957 by $84988314 The total for 1958 was $253805 47883 against last $252955 595 69 for ri Co Learn fo Swim Program Aimed At Housewives A icarn to swim program signed for housewives was nounced here today by Kenneth owell Recreation Dept director owell said the program will be held at the Natatorium starting Monday at 1 pm It will continue until 230 These hours have been picked as the most convenient for housewives who wish to take the course The classes will vary on alter nate weeks The first week will see them being held on Monday Wednesday and riday The sec ond Week will see them on Tues day and Thursday and so on The class will continue for six weeks and if sufficient interest is shown will be repeated as often as de sired The initial class will be limited to 25 and will be under the di rection of Doris Grams A regis tration fee of $1 will be asked and registration may be made at the Recreation Dept office in the Civic Center or at the Natatorium on the first day On successfully passing the learn to swim course Red Cross swim certificates will be awarded: Riles in Wyoming The body of Barbara Dawson 35 year old nurse found dead Mon day in her trailer home was for warded Wednesday night by the George Co to Torrington Wyo for services and burial Car Train Crash Injures Woman Mrs Evelyn Burdett 34 921 Ave NW received head and facial cuts Wednesday night when the car in which she was riding col lided with a moving switch train on a private road crossing in the railroad yards east of the Sixth street southwest underpass Donald Burdett was driving the car He told police he see the switch train The Burdett car was dragged about 58 feet from the point of impact but did not turn over police said Leeper Cleans Out His Desk i Sheriff Leeper who ends 12 years as Cascade County sheriff on Jan 4 when Deputy Sheriff John Krsul moves into the position yesterday cleaned out his desk and safe at the county jail A of whisky taken from a drunken driver and needed no more for evidence was dis carded Photos taken from men Booked on criminal charges over the past 12 years' were burned Golly what some men pac in their billfolds One snapshot showed the burn ing several years ago of a mari juana field near Billings Enough of the went up in flames to supply smokes for a thousand users more or less Old receipts the handle of a large spoon filed down until: it be came a needle pointed stilletto and a hundred other mementoes of 12 years of sheriffing were discarded iuvenile cell directly above the dio room at the jail dismantled the wire link springs of the top bunk bed' The springs then became a wire about 30 feet long when stretched link from link 1 The juvenile then punched the wire between the cell bars and screen grating and lowered it to the ground Deputy Sheriff Ernie Acord glancing out of the first story jail window saw the wire descending The juvenile was1 told it i He sullenly hauled the wire back Into the cell Later the bed will have to be repaired at School Guidance Work Topic for AAUW Meeting Guidance and counseling in Great alls Public School system will be discussed at the American Association of University Women's meeting Jan 5 at 8 pm at the irst Congregational Church Participants in the program will be Lowell Hults dean of boys at Great alls High School Sidney Bachelder East Junior High School principal: 'Margaret Adams Long fellow School sixth grade teacher and John Kranick administrative assistant to the superintendent of public schools Mrs Charles Reiman chairman of the elementary and secondary education committee of AAUW will be chairman Board members and officers will meet at 7 Mrs Keith Adams nostess chairman will provide freshments Police Book Man or Possession Of Loaded Gun Elvin Peterson 34 was arrested by police soon after noon today and booked at the city jail on a charge of being in possession of a loaded firearm in the city Police received a call from former wife officers said stating that Peterson came to her residence at 702 8th Ave with a gun and that after an ar gument he threatened to shoot her The woman told officers she got away and ran to a house at 811 7th St: Peterson followed her into the house she said Police who received the call at 11:55 am arrested Peter son at 811 7th St They said they took a loaded 38 caliber pis tol from him Zeppo Marx loses Young iancee HOLLYWOOD (UP1) Zeppo Marx 57 straightman of the for mer Marx brothers comedy team and his 19 year old fiancee have broken their engagement friends reported today Miss Davies was said to have called an end to their marriage plans because they had many Zeppo and his wife of 27 years Marion were divorced in 1954 They have two sons for the New Year's Party Expertly Made Marriage Licenses Bin McGillis 26 and Bernice May Lelstiko 22 both of Great Joseph Alexander' 40 and aye Gates 39 both of Spokane Census CLAYBORN To Mrs Thomas Clayborn 1425 22nd Ave Dea coness Hospital Dec 31 a daugh ter DENTON To Mrs LeRoy Denton 751 Lincoln Dr Deacon ess Hospital Dec' 31 a daughter STRUSS To Mrs Henry Strass Raynesford Deaconess Hos pital Dec 31 a son MORAN To Mrs Merrill A Moran 2000 8th Ave Deaconess Hospital Dec 31 a son SCHMITT To Mrs Russel Schmitt Malmstrom Air orce Base Columbus Hospital Dec 31 a daughter i KLASSEN To Mrs Charles Klassen 3415 4th Ave Dea coness Hospital Dec 31 a son KRETCHMER To Mrs George Kretchmer Bldg 23 Apt 3 Wherry Off Base Housing Malm strom Ho'spitai Dec 31 twin daughters STANIELD To Mrs Hugh Stanfield Dutton Columbus Hos pital 'Jan 1 a son To Mrs Robert Rook Rte 2 Deaconess Hospital Jan 1 a daughter Deaths and unerals uneral services Mrs Ella Carson 88 Butte dav at 1:30 at the George Chapel the'Rev Vernon Hanks officiating Burial in Highland GRANT uneral services for Ernest A Grant 46 Seattle Sat urday at 2 the George Co Chapel the Rev Clair Pearson of ficiating Burial in veterans' plot Highland under auspices of Cas cade County Council BUNCH uneral services for Ralph Bunch 62 407 5th Ave riday at 1:30 at the Rev William Kliber officiat ing Burial in Highland TSgt BiUy olds about 35 died Wednesday night at his home' at Malmstrom Air orce Base Body at Crox Arrangements later Mrs Anna Maude Whitfield 77 a or died Wednesday night at a local hos pital Body forwarded by Crox to Lewistown for services and burial Body of Barbara Ann Dawson 35 Rte 2 forwarded Wednesday by the George Co to Torrington Wyo for services and burial Routes and Selling of the GREAT ALLS LEADER Ml 4417 'Just across from Holiday Visitors Mr and Mrs Jalmer Johnson of Helena and Mr and Mrs Bay Murphy Canyon Creek are guests of Mr and Mrs Don erguson 1524 4th Ave Th' 1: the 33rd consecutive year the er gusons and Johnsons have spent New together Johnson is assistant manager of the State Liquor Control Board Square Dance Classes Slated A beginners class in square danc ing wiU be held starting Jan 20 at the West Side Community hall A minimum of 30 couples is needed for the 8 week class It wiU be held at 8 on each of the days selected Registration may be accomplished by either telephoning or calling at the Recreation Dept office in the Civic Center 1st! SAVINGS ARE INSURED OR YOU TO $10000! early Substantial monthly decreases were recorded early in 1958 A last half upward trend was capped by a $374340670 gain this December over last December giving the clearings their increase margin for the year Total clearings for 1957 were nearly 13 million dollars over the total for 1956 Clearings represent the checks and other items deposited for ex change arnohg the local banks through the clearing house Although they are not considered as accurte a barometer of busi ness as are bank debts which rep resent total withdrawals from ac counts clearings comparatively re ported do provide an indication of community prosperity an di business activity to vier ivc cnuoivrnv 14 1 A6UA A4AJI11M VvlUt lim VIU CI IKliSIKIr UCvll JUAlvI ull HU Leader route since his folks gave him traveling companion as a Christmas present Seven month old Princess who Harold explained' part mutt half terrier and who knows what seems to get dog tired at the tail end of the route Here she accompanies her master on her third trip (Leader photo) CONSERVATORY 7 HIJ 5th Ave Mrs Whitfield Dies in alls Mrs Anna Maude Whitfield 77 Stanford died late Wednesday night at a local hospital following a short illness The body was forwarded today by Mortuary to Lewis town for services and burial Mrs Whitfield was born Sept 6 1881 at Tornburg Canada She and her husband came to Montana in 1906 Traveling by stagecoach from Belt they homesteaded in the Stanford area In 1945 they gave up ranching and moved to Stan ford where Whitfield died seven years later? Survivors are five children Mrs Doris Mrs reda Letz Mrs Gloria Pollari and Orval and Ross Whitfield ail of Stanford seven grandchildren four great grandchildren two brothers Bert Collins of British Columbia and George Collins of Regina and one sister Mrs Johnson Strong of Windham Help Yourself COVINGTON England (UPD It was really nothing but it was still more than Basil Sharp expected for having his number drawn in state run lottery A letter from the National Savings Move ment informing Sharp he had won was accompanied by a signed blank check He returned the check' Back in City Mrs Kathrine Morhardt 314 23rd St and her sister Mrs George Brown 511 9th Ave have re turned home1' after visiting rela tives in San Antonio and Wichita alls? Texas and Denver and Loveland Colo Tbiik Yiur Repair Mu "The Acddant That Happan" Swain's 523 2nd Ave Phone GL 2 1246 1 UETYBEA0GBABTER5 Brush ires Hil California WOODLAND HILLS Calif (UP1) were evacuated today as a fast moving brash fire fanned by 40 mile an hour winds threatened more than a score of homes above Woodland Hills near Los Angeles The sheriff's department started evacuation of residents than 20 units from the county fire departinents patched to the scene The blaze latest in which have plagued the ernando Valley area in the last few days staited near Mulholland Drive and Canoga Ave and spread quickly to the west and south into Topanga Canyon It was visible from downtown Los Angeles nearly 20 miles to the East About 200 men were on the fire line 2 Great alls Leader Thursday Jan i 1959 Sr th: Ambulance Calls Disturbances Mar Otherwise Quiet Holiday Leader Office Holiday Toll 1 Shows Steady Hike Upward Holiday Deaths at a Glance Traffic 64 ires 20 Miscellaneous 4 Airman Dies At amily Home af Base i TSgt Billy Reynolds about 35 died at the family apartment at Malmstrom Air orce Base Wed nesday night Death wassdue to a self inflicted head wound from a 45 caliber pistol according to Air orce au thorities Base officials called to the scene shortly after 9 pi found Reyn olds'body in a chair in the living room Neighbors called in by wife told officers they found the pistol in his right hand No note was found According to Air orce investiga tors Reynolds apparently had been arguing with his wife who had gone to a neighboring home for help in calming him When she and the neighbors returned to the Reyn aparement they found the sergeant dead The four children remained asleep in: their second floor bedrooms Mrs Reynolds is under treatment at Malmstrom AB Hospital for severe shock Dr Magner county coro ner viewed the body and scene at the request of base officials Air orce officers expect to complete their investigation of the tragedy in about week Reynolds whose home town is believed to be Columbia SC was assigned to Headquarters Squad ron 4061st Air Refueling Wing at Malmstrom The widow Sarah and the four children Linda Bar bara Michael and Joe Ann are among The body is at Mor tuary pending funeral arrange ments Juveniles Happily Destroy Public Property al Baslile ceived treatment at Hospital 1 At 10:58 a struck by an unknown bar He too was taken to the Deaconess Hospital for treatment At 4:50 am the ambulance took Norman Short 55 transient from the Malta area to the Columbus Hospital Short apparently came into town on a freight train and was brushed by the train as he Igot off it He suffered a cut lip and broken arm The police am bulance picked him up under the viaduct at Central avenue west and ifteenth street A few minutes later at 5:17 am the: ambulance was sent to Black Eagle where "a 20 year old man was picked 'up on the street unconscious He was taken to a hospital and released about an hour later Deputy sheriffs said no violence appeared involved Police answered a lew reports of fights and 'disturbances but foundthem settled when they arrived Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS New holiday traffic alcoholic beverages and posted deaths increased steadily today Snow sleet and rain left' streets and roads in dangerous condition in many sections of the country The National Safety Council re ported the count of fatalities was running ahead of its advance esti mate for the current New weekend was rising faster than on Jan 1 1958 Store Prowl In School Thieves kicked in a window be i side the front door at the Eberl Grocery 1219 6th Ave during the night and entered the store Detective Kevin Maguire reported today Apparently the only loot taken was 20 cartons of cigarettes he said Police reported that Tuesday night the Largent School 526 3rd Ave SW was entered and an esti mated $45 worth of damage done Whoever entered the school tried to get into the building by break ing three windows on the north side and then went to the door on the east side where they broke a glass and gained entrance Police said they found footprints on the second floor of the school Damage was to two tether balls which had been slashed a record player and the windows a glass in the locked front door to get in Wells charged with being drunk is starting the new year in the city jail The first driver to be booked at the jail bn1 a traffic charge was Gary Glen Sullivan 21 Rte 1 arrested on Second street south and charged with careless driving He was booked at 12:30 am and posted $20 bail Lloyd A Gorda 21 air base was booked at 1:45 am and charged with speeding 70 miles an hour on Second avenue north be tween Thirty second and Twenty sixth streets He started the new year by posting $75 bail to appear in police court riday The last' driver booked in 1958 was a 16 year old boy charged with failing to back his car He was booked at 1047 pm and re leased Slippery road Conditions: in the city caused several minor traf fic bumps in the city A pickup truck which went off the highway Pi' miles north of Cascade about! 12:30 this morning appeared to be the first highway accident of the new year in the area The High way Patrol investigated but no report was available Youth and alcohol caused police the biggest fuss at end Lars Hovland 18 was arrested at 11:27 pm at Second avenue north mrl TT LtArIArl Qiiu Xjiftuur su vci nt: waa uuuncu on a charge of being in possession nt rnnn Hr nnri 1 $50 bail to appear in court riday Arrested with Hovland were two juveniles a girl 16 and a boy 17 They were booked to be held for juvenile officers: Earlier oolite had arrested a 14 year old girl in the same area She balked at ar rpRt: nnrl after nHnrnnfinff fn i from officers had to be handcuffed to be taken to the notice station The Council had figured that to be booked She threw a glass 390 Americans would die in motor) jar containing vodka and a mix vehicle accidents in the four dayat (he arresting officer 'period that began at 6 pm local The police 1 ambulance began a time Wednesday and will end at busy night at 9:10 pm when a UllUlIllLL ouiiuaj' I atalities totaled 160 in the one day celebration of the new year a year ago The Council attributed the climb ing current toll in part to treach erous' driving conditions The weather was wet in most of the eastern half of the natioh with snow or freezing rain in the Northand rain in the South But while the number of traf fic deaths began to rise more rap idly on New Day than on New Eve the count was running well under the pace set during thfe recent Christmas pe riod Clearings Overcome Weak Start Gain for ull Year Can Hits Car Edward Murphy 2319 6th Ave reported to police at 3:07 am today that as be was driving his car on Central avenue a beer can thrown from another car hit and broke his windshield' Must be 11 or 12 years old Apply at the Save by the 10th hl I Il 'K 1 "Pt 7 I 5 ''l A a "1 'I A f'1 1 iu I I I 7 I i I 'A 4 I I 1 ItoZ eAi I 4 WkSoh O1 flMTayino bTTbwJLhsRvieil i.

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The Great Falls Leader from Great Falls, Montana (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.