Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1919 TWO WICHITA DAILY TIMES LEADERS CLAIM THAT 840.000 MEN ARE OUT Continued from Page One. Monongahela Valley, where the fight in centered," continued to operate. The estimate the steel companies and Secretary Foster of the steel committee were still far apart. Foster had ceased to claim, however, that all milla were "down." Considering the close police protection in the valley towns, which prevented the operation of or ganizers, Foster said he thought satisfactory progress, had been made. Carnegie Mills.

Due to the concentration of the Carnegie mills in the valley he said they were coming down slowly, but added, "you can bet they're coming down." Early reports from the various valley towns today were that as many men were going back to work yesterday without disorder. Duquesne Is operating 100 per cent and Clairton, Braddock and Rankin reported an increasing number of men returning, Foster is now. working on plan of getting railroad workers to refuse to haul trains in and out of the steel mills. He declares the railroad men are deeply stirred over the treatment the strikers are receiving at the bands of the police and has instructed organizers to circulate among the railroaders and "sound them out." Cargoes Are Made. Foster charges that men are being arrested for merely being on the streets, fined 850 and then told that their tines will be remitted if they will go back to work.

An organizer called up from Brackenridge with word that one of their men had been arrested and when he apparently asked about bail, Foster told him to "dig up your liberty bonds and make 'em buy a little liberty." John Fitzpatrick is expected to leave for Washington tonight to appear before the Senate committee. He will doubtless point to the rioting of the past. two days as having been caused by the presence of state and special volice. To Make Report. A full report of the methods employed by the steel companies and 10- cal authorities of Monongalela Valley mill towns since the strike started will be made by John Fitzpatrick, chairquan of the strike committee, when he appears before the Senate tors tomorrow, Fitzpatrick arrived today from Chicago and immediately went into conforence with the strike committee.

The meeting was expected to lass throughout the day. "What has been happening this week," said Fitzpatrick, for "is years, just and what 18 been. going on one of the reasons why there Is strike. The workers of the steel towns have been denied every constitutional right. They do not know what liberty means, and now they are being ridden down in the streets by mounted police.

I'll be glad to put all the facts before the Senate committee." Company Gratified. A statement from the Carnegie Steel Company offices today characterized the overnight situation as "very gratiThe then are coming in at the varicus plants in small numbers to be sure, but sufficient to continue our operations." the statement said. "There seems to be a sentiment among foreign workmen around some of our plants this morning that would tend to relieve the situation very soon. In some manner it has gone out to them that the American workmen has not sone out as the foreigner has been told and the latter has given expres sion to the desire to be an American, and in some instances to have ed being called "In our large mills in the hala valley, further Improvement shown today. The foreign laborar is returning to all of them- Homestead, Duquesne and Edgar Thompson.

"There is a most marked improvement at" Clairton, while at Farrell. despite- the continued disorder and rioting, we are still working. WOMEN INTERESTED DEMANDS MADE By J. L. O'Sullivan, United: Staff Correspondent.

GARY. Sept. Hope of greater opportunity to enjoy the pleas- Wouldn't Take All Money In Fort Worth For Results "Honestly, I wouldn't Worth for take the all good the money in Fort five bottle of Orgatone treatment has done me, and see myself back in the same fix as a WAR before taking the treatment," said Jay Wilson, well known oil driller, residing at 503 land street. Fort Worth, Texas, while In Retro's Drug Store a few days ago. "Yes.

sir," continued Mr. Wilson, "I have gained twenty pounds in weight, and 1 keep on gaining. And what's better than that, all of my two years troubles have left me and I don't feel like I was ever sick in my life. "I had an awful time with indiges. tic und stomach trouble: Nearly erything I ate disagreed with me.

At ter. I'd eat, my stomach would become swollen and 1 would feel like 1 had Jump of led in my stomach from the Tood 1 would eat. was constipated all tire time, and was seldom free from headache. "I was nervous and couldn't sleep well and my rest was so broken would feel awful when I'd get up In the morning. I had lost a great deal in weight and was getting thinner all the time.

didn't seem to have any strength, scarcely, and was tired and Janquid all the time. Besides this, my whole system was out of order. I took every kind of medicine I could think of, but got no relief at all. In fact they seem to aggrevate my troubles, and kept getting worse all the time. "It's really astonishing how fast picked up when I began taking Orgatone.

My strength got better and began to enjoy my meals and get back my strength right from the start. From taking these five bottles I have actually gained twenty pounds in weight, and ent just anything I want and have no more bad feelings in my stomach or hurting from the indiges. tion, My nerves are perfectly quiet now and I sleep like a child. 1 always feel good on getting up in the morning. "I'm entirely relieved of the con stipation and the bad feelings, caused by that trouble.

I was looking sallow and had a bad color before taking Orgatone, but iny friends say am just looking tine now. My improve ment in every way is wonderful. I'm enjoying better health than I have la two years. and I'm so thankful for what Orgatone has done for me I feel like telling everybody about Orgatone in not so-called patent or secret remedy but a new scientific treatment absolutely free from alcohol in any form and sold in Wichita Falls exclusively by the T. F.

Young Drug Company, corner Ninth and fur diana, under the personal direction of spocial Orgatone Adv. FATHER OF YOUNG MAN KILLED AND FRIENDS OF THE FAMILY DISBELIEVE HOLD-UP THEORY Gentry Johnson, father of C. 8. Johnson, the youth killed Tuesday morning by bullet fired by P. H.

Karry does not belleve his was tempting a hold up when he was shot. boy might have been killed in a light over something that know nothing about," said Mr. Johnson Tuesday afternoon, "but he never tried to hold up anybody. There's nothing his life that would make anyone believe that he had become a highway. man.

He didn't have to rob anybody and I tell you he wouldn't bave done 1t." Young men friends of the boy also declare that they had never known of his attempting to do anything and seriously wrong. The boy's father these friends are seeking an explanation of the tragedy other than on the theory of an attempted hold-up. Funeral Service Today. All that le earthly of Charley son will be laid at rest this afternoon. The funeral was to take place from the Johnson home.

201 Bluff street, and not from the Hines parlors as announced Tuesday. Eddie Collins, arrested Tuesday on order of Chief of Police Smith, and on whose person a black mask and pair of brass krucks were found, has been transferred to the county jail and formal charges of highway robbery with firearms lodged against him. signed statement was procured by Police Police. Commissioner Goodfellow, Plainclothes Officers Johnson and Arledge Tuesday night from a youth who claimed to have seen Charley Johnson receive a revolver from his brother. Mentions Revolver.

This youth, who works in the oll fields, said he saw Johnson as late as 11:15 o'clock Monday night. He claimed positively that he saw Johnson's in front of the Gem theatre on Ohio younger brother hand him revolver street. District Attorney Jones, Commissioner Goodfellow and Officers Johnson and Arledge interrogated Collins closely Tuesday night prior to his. transfer to the county jail. He would not tell where he got the black mask, saying he had It to attend a masquerade bail.

Yesterday afternoon Officers Johnson and Arledge located the driver of a service car who drove two men to Tenth and Austin streets. the scene of the killing and alleged attempted up. Monday night. This chauffeur to work. CHANCELLOR BAUER REPORTED ILL 18 ures and comforts of home life is the one big factor which causes wives and daughters of to the steel limit.

strikers here to That -was the answer. given. today. by women and pickets at the to gates the of ques- the tion of what they hoped to gain from Gary Screw Bolt plant the strike. The majority of the pickets were former employer at.

the plant. Others were wives and daughters of men strikers. "No other class or workers know as little of the steel joys of the said home Miss as those Helen Haase, leader of the pickets. in the Miss Haase was the first woman picket at the gates of the great Gary steel works, of which the screw and bolt company. is a subsidiary.

She now has dozens of assistants. Little Time With Family, "Steel workers leave their homes between 5 5:30 when a. the m. so shift that changes they will be on time at certainly can have no time with their 6 clock," she explained. "They families in the morning.

"After working hard all day, they leave the plant at 6 o'clock in the evening. After reaching home o'clock they are tired and worn out. My father has often gone to home sleep -too 1m- mediately upon reaching tired to eat supper or even undress. "That is the program until Sunday. It it is his shift 'on' the father or brother leaves home as usual Sunday morning and his family sees no more They of him until Monday morning.

must other week. work It it happens to be their this 24-hour shift Sunday 'off' they are so tired that they spend the day that sleeping. they have "You can see very little enjoy chance to amusem*nts like other worktalk to their families or ers. When asked regarding wages, Miss course. steel workers are re Hesse said: to receive high wages.

Even it chat is no amount of money can puted take the true, place of home life. We are not asking for more money. We want Union leaders praise the work of the an eight-hour day first of women pickets: They declared the only that the screw and bolt works, plant where women are on duty, men is not report for work on ench shift, they said, Only a handful of and they give credit tor the tie up to women. each morning sinca the the At 5 a. m.

strike started the women pickets have it been on duty at the plant. although is two milles from the city, They jeer to at and argue with the men going work the same as with women. Company and city at police Indiana today Harbor controlled the situation where fourteen were injured when strikers attacked workers Marks while Manufac shifts were changing at the turing Co. plant. About 200 unmolested.

men went to work this morning and Tin Plate Co, who voted to Rollers employed by the American Sheet back return only small were number of their to work crews, company inactive officials todav admitted. Pickets The declared that less than 100 men went plant was still BERLIN. Sept. 23. Chancellor Bauer has fallen 111, having suffered an attack of heart trouble.

He is anable to perform his official duties. LIFELONG FRIEND OF ROOSEVELT. DEAD DEADWOOD, S. D. Sept.

22. Seth Bullock, lifelong personal friend of the late Theodore this morning Roosevelt, after died an his home here illness pioneer of of the several Black weeks. Hills and was 62 He years old. PROHIBIT JITNEYS INCREASING FARES SAN ANGELO, Sept. Scores depending on service cars to haul them to work, walked today when the elty refused to allow ney" operators to.

double fares because of continued muddy stroets. Notice. Dr. Strong now has a telephone tia residence. 1507 Tenth, number 91.

117-ate Judge and Mrs. F8. E. Hurt. who have been spending the summer in California, returned Tuesday after boon.

Notice. Dr. Strong now has a telephone in his residence, 1607 Tenth, number 117-2te HITCHco*ck CLAIMS VOTE A VICTORY FOR TREATY SUPPORTERS WASHINGTON, Sept. -Senator Hitchco*ck, administration leader fu the Senate fight over the peace treaty, issued a vote in statement the Senate today in terday on Senator Lodge's motion to terpreting he yes: postpone consideration of the Fall amendments to the treaty as a vietory for the friends of the pact. The outcome in the Senate yesterday was highly satisfactory to treaty supporters," said the senator.

defented the efort to postpone consideration of the Fall amendments and accomplished our purpose of having a definite day set for their cousideration and decision. I first asked for today, but the net result was we secured Friday, We have the votes to defeat those amendments and we accomplished our purpose in having the matter so arranged that the de cision will come this weel. The only. democratic vote we lost WAS Senator Reed's which has been lost for months. We only gained two re publican votes yesterday on the ques ton of fixing the date but many republicans on the merits of the question will vote against the amendments.

That the reason vote." Senator Lodge attempts to delay the TRUTH AND HONESTY IN ADVERTISING IS URGED NEW ORLEANS. Sept. -Truth and honesty in advertising and elimination of undesirable methods in bustness promotion was the theme of the general session here today of the annual convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World. Several addresses were made. Cheers followed the reading to the convention of a telegram from President Wilson expressing his appreciation of the advertising clubs' endorse ment of the peace treaty and League of Nations.

Miss Jane J. Martin of New York was nominated to represent the wom. en's clubs on the executive committee of the associated advertising clubs. Several hundred delegates later attended. the pan-American.

conference over which John Barrett, director of the Pan-American Union, presided. Mr. Barrett advocated fullest exchange of news between the countries of North and South America. must advertise the United States in Mexico, and Mexico must ba in the United States in order ot create 8 perfect understand: ing between the two countries, remove the cause of strife and put things as they should be," said Felix F. Palavicini, publisher of El Universal of MetIco City, In a statement issued today through his secretary, Guillermo En- riquez.

Artistic Dancing. Miss Mary Bell Smith will be in Wichita Fails Saturdays, September 20 and 27, to arrange her Saturday classes in dancing. Classes for adults and children to aesthetic. Greek, interpretative, tional creative and character dancing will be organized. The fall term consists of 12 onehour lessons beginning Saturday, tober The number of pupils will be lim ited, so those interested Smith are advised Parin ish House of the Episcopal church interview Miss at the Saturday, Sept.

20, or Saturday. Sept. 27, from 10:90 to 12:00, or from 2:00 to 4:00. For further information phone 1643. 111-17tc For sale at baragin, one 1919 Ford Touring car, good condition: $525.

Apply 605 Indiana. 118-8tp DEMOCRATS NAME LONG FOR GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON, Sept. Complete returns from the state primary vesterday showed the nomination of Richard H. Long for governor by the Democrats by vote of more than twice that of his three opponents combined. The vote was: Long 53,627: former Governor Eugone M.

Foss, 158; Corme: State Senator George 9,719: former Congressman 8. Deltrick, 4,432. Governor Calvin Coolidge, ant Governor Channing H. Cox, Secretary. of State Albert Langtry and Auditor Alonzo B.

Cook. were re-nominnted. by the Republicans without opposition. KELL IS APPOINTED ON FOOD OF TRADE CONFERENCE Frank Kell of this city has been appointed a member of the food com mittee at the International Trades Conference to be held under the aus pices. of the chamber of commerce of the United States with representatives of foreign governments at AtCity In October.

The conference WAS originally scheduled for the latter part of this month, but Mr. Kell has been advised by A. C. Bedfard, Standard chairman Oil of the board of the who is chairman of the executive conmittee of the conference due to the inability of foreign delegates to secure sufficient transportation the conference had been postponed Notice of the postponement of the tIl October 20. meeting of the board of directors of the chamber of commerce of the United States, of which Mr.

Kell also a member, has also been received. The board meeting has been deferred until October 18. TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR QUOTING MR. KEMP Through a typographical error A. Kemp was quoted in Tuesday's Times as saying that 30 acre feet of water per day, or 10,000,000 gallons, would suffice to supply water to city of 300,000 people.

Mr. Kemp should have been quoted as saying that that amount of water would supply a city of 100,000. IT IS SERIOUS. Some Wichita Falls People Fail to Realize the Seriousness of a Bad Back. The constant aching of a bad back.

The weariness, the tired feeling. The pains and aches of kidney fits. May result seriosly it neglected: Dangerous urinary troubles often follow. Mrs A. W.

Robbing, Austin street, says: "I think Doan's Kidney Pills are the best remedy made for kidney trouble. About two years ago, my back and kidneys got in bad shape, The small of my back was lame and sore and I could hardly move. When Oo-stooped over, a sharp twinging pain would catch me in my back, making it hard for me to straighten up. There was a continual pain in my back day and night and headaclies and dizzy spells added to of my misery. Kidney ed one the box Doan's Store and their Pills from Rexall Drug use cured me." Price 60c, at all dealers.

Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Don's Kidney Pills. the Foster-Milburn same that Mrs. Robins had. Mfrs. Buffalo, N.

Y. WA WANTED! FURNISHING GOODS SALESMAN Must be experienced Also Young Man for General Work. Good opportunity to learn the business. PB Co DEPARTMENT STORE "One Hundred Shows in One" Featuring Array AUTOMOBILE SHOW 1920 Models Extensive of Styles Many Maker A Palace of Pleasure Care Sedans. Touring Cars.

Runabouts, Sport. Models, Limoualnes All the Latest ideas in Speed, Endurance, Beauty, Comfoct Fleots of Sturdy Trucks for all Hauling Needs A Delightful Community Social Center Music A Majestic Art Countain Dancing AUTOMOBILE RACES $20,000.00 In Purses. Death-defying: Speed Demons Interesting POLO Exelting Match Games Afternoons and Between Picked English and American Teams Train Loads of Tractors and. Trailers That Make Ah Farm Tanka BARy ADMISSION TO GROUNDS, 500.1 J. Simpson: Prest W.

M. Stratton, Sec. STATE FAIR OF TEXAS DALLAS. OCTOBER G1019 1919 SOCIAL NEWS Miss Ina Lorraine Breedlove left last night for Dallas where she will enter the Southern Methodist Uni- versity. WESLEY GIRLS PLACE CHANGE FOR MEETING The Wesley Girls will meet on with Mrs.

Crowell 1110 Monroe, it is stated, instead of Mrs. Burt, as originally announced. REBEKAHS TO MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON Rebekah Lodge No. 236 will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 in the 1. 0.

0. Hall in the new WoodSwarts building, on Scott. All membets are requested to be present as there will be installation, initiation and important business. MRS. PERHAM RETURNS FROM LONG BEACH, CALIF.

Mrs. L. W. Perham has returned from a three months' stay in Beach, Calif. Her daughter and 800 in law.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Culp, are expected tomorrow from Colorado where they have spent some time at their summer ranch home at Monte Vista.

RECEPTION FOR RABBI AT MARKOWITZ HOME Tuesday evening the Council of Jewish Women entertained the Jew. ish congregation of Wichita Falls with an informal reception honoring Dr. David Goldberg, the rabbi here to hold the New Year services. The reception was held at the spacious home of Mr. and Leo Marko witz -on Tenth street and was exceptionally- well attended.

Mrs. Phil Kleinman and Mrs. Abe Marks were the committee on entertainment and were assisted by several young ladies, including Misses Reisenberg, Elsie Cohen, Ruth Newman, Hazel Fach3 and Eva Blank. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. MRS.

FRANKLIN TO ENTERTAIN CLASS The Ladies Bible Class of the M. Church, South, will meet tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock at the THE DAILY FASHION HINT the police that he heard Johnson, Collins and two other youths arrange to get a revolver from another man. This bother. MAR was being, by. the police Wednesday morning.

Kare Leaves Hospital, Karr, whose left breast was pierced a .38 callbre bullet, was to leave the Wichita General hospital Tuesday night. His wound is not Her lous, has developed, although at first it was said he might die. He steadfaatly stuck to his story that two (men had attempted to hold -up him and Will Martin, Greek restauranter of Burkburnett, at Tenth and Austin streets Tuesday morning. Martin has returned. to Burkburnett.

Gentry Johnson. father of C. 9. Johnson, told a Times reporter Tues day that. the statement that his son had.

served in France was erroronous. He was a member of the 66th ballooncorps and was stationed at Arcadia, He California, throughout the war. had a brother who served In France. Officer Arledge obtained a statement from another man Wednesday to the effect that Johnson had endeavored to borrow revolver from him. This man declared that when he asked Johnson what he wanted with the weapon the youth said be wanted to use it in holding up a store out the country.

Makes Statement. In a statement to Times reporter Gentry Johnson said he had never asked Chief of Police Smith to lock C. S. Johnson becauso he was in bad company. He said he asked Chief Smith to watch his younger son and had no reforence to Charley.

It is this younger son who was alleged in a statement to the Police Tuesday evening to have given C. S. Johnson the revolver. This case overshadowed everything else of a police nature, and investigations were being made by Commis sioner Goodfellow, Officers Johnson and Arledge, Chief Smith and District Attorney Jones. Numerous statements were obtained by State's Attorney Jones.

Gentry Johnson, father of Charles Samuel Johnson the dead boy, said today that reports that he was a stepsOn and not his own son were ous. Ho said that his son- WAS born September 17, 1898, in Wichita Falls. He said that his son volunteered for military service and WE.S honorably discharged with a good record 85 a toldsoldier. SCALE COMMITTEE OF MINE WORKERS SUBMITS REPORT CLEVELAND, OHIO, Sept. 31- The Ting report the proposed demands of the Unitof the scale committee embodyed Mine Workers of America was presented to the convention by Frank Farrington of Illinois, chairman of the committee.

It Includes antietpated for a flat 60 per cent int wages applicable to all classifications of day labor and to all tonnage, yardage, and dead work competitive rates through- district out central (Illinois, Pennsylvania). Ohio, the six-hour day from Indiana and western bank to bank, five days per week, with time and a half for overtime and double time for all work on Sundays and holidays, and a weekly pay day. MYLES TO ADDRESS ROTARY LUNCHEON A 10. minute address on the meaning of Rotarianism, by A. E.

Myles, will feature tomorrow's meeting of it the is expected that a delegation from Rotary Club, at which meeting Stamford, headed by Homer D. Wade A at Rotary Club is being organized at that place, will be in attendance. Stamford. The workers of the Salvation Army campaign will be prezent as guests of the Rotary Club at this meeting. and will make their reports on the day's work at that time.

SUIT TO DISSOLVE BOILERMAKERS' UNION INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. suit filed in federal court today asked dissolution of the Brotherhood of and Helpers of America. The suit Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders also asks the appointment of celver to reduce the union's assets to cash and to divide the proceeda among the 167.000 members. Lake Side lodge number 89 of the union, with headquarters at Whiting, Ind. is the plaintiff.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Braswell are the parents of an eight and half pound baby daughter.

Sure Relief BELLANS INDIGESTION 6 BELLANS Hot water Sure Relief BELL INDIGESTION ANS Drs. Bailey Strong General Medicine and Surgery Butte 4, Ward Bullding, Hours a. m. to 9:80 p.m. Phone: Office 908; Residence 1438.

SCHOOL TEACHER NEEDED BRAINS. "I never have had such a 'God-send' come to me as when I took the first. dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy, WAS afraid I would have to give up my school because of severe stomach, liver and bowel trouble which caused such a pressure of gar that could not use my brain at times, and my hourt would, papitate awfully. Since caking a treatment of Mayr Wonderfut Remedy year all this has simple, harm. Tens preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Instestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach.

liver and Intestinal ailments, including One done will convince money refunded. -Mack Taylor and druggists everywhere. (dr.) This bat of pearl gray velvet the thickened brim to "be shows launched later. of Mrs. J.

M. Franklin, 1100 Monroe. All members of the class ary urged to be present. Public Accountant and Auditor Audits and Systems Investigations Books Kept For Small Concerns Rates Reasonable Address: AUDITOR, Care Times. PHONE 2432 1210 FL MORE ST.

Miss Ruth Robertson Parlor Millinery REMODELING A SPECIALTY Trust Me! Try Dodson's Liver Tone! Calomel Harms Liver and Bowels Read my guarantee! Liven your liver and bowels and get straightened up without taking sickening calomel. Don't lose a day's work! There's no reason why person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone- -a perfeet. substitute for calomel. It is pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just 83 surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown.

folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless, Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great.

No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness. headache, coated tongue or sour stomach, Your druggist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you. -Adv. For City Loans, Farm or Ranch LoansFor Fire and Tornado Insurance, See FRED T. COUPER 205 First Natl.

Bank Bldg. Phone 882 WESTERN GLASS PAINT CO. Wholesale and Retail All Kinds Glass, Paint. Wall Paper and Picture Frames. WE INSTALL GLASS.

Phone 178. 710 Ohio Avenue. LIBERTY BONDS WANTED Jet our prices before you sell your bonds. Highest market price paid tor all Ang amount. The Bobo-Heflin Company Exclusive Bond Buyers.

Phone 594. Office Cravens, Walker Cravens Ins. K. K. Bullding, WANTED- About 3,000 square feet floor space; second floor preferred.

Address: BOX 184, Care Times. TUBERCULOSIS It was when physicians said it was impossible for J. M. Miller, Ohio Druggist to survive the ravages of beganexperimenting on -himself, and discovered the Home Treatment, known as ADDIVINE with Lateen Photo coughs showing tubercular tendency or Tuberculosis, may use it under plain directions. Send your name and address to ADDILINE, 184 Arcade Building, Columbus, Ohio.

Walter L. Prewett 822 Scott Avenue REPRESENTING SAWYER SHIRT Aurora, Makers of Custom. Shirts only since 1884. $3.00 to $15.00. J.


Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


Is Wichita Falls, Texas a nice place to live? ›

Wichita Falls is a city in Texas with a population of 102,482. Wichita Falls is in Wichita County and is one of the best places to live in Texas. Living in Wichita Falls offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Wichita Falls there are a lot of bars and parks.

Why do they call Wichita Falls Wichita Falls? ›

Founded in 1876, it was named for the Wichita Indians and the low-water river falls that existed there until 1886, when they were washed away by a flood.

Is Wichita Falls a good place to raise a family? ›

WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) - According to USA Today, Wichita Falls is the 22nd best place to live in Texas, finishing ahead of Frisco, Plano, Denton, Austin, McKinney, Fort Worth, and Dallas. Based on 18 different measures, The City of Wichita Falls outperforms all but 21 of the 1200 cities in Texas.

What is the history of the falls in Wichita Falls Texas? ›

The city's original falls (the namesake of the city) washed away in a flood in the 1800's. ' In 1987 a new falls was constructed upstream. The present 54-foot man-made waterfall is a multi-level cascade on the south bank of the Wichita River.

Is Wichita Falls cheap? ›

The cost of living in Wichita Falls, TX is 2% lower than the state average and 9% lower than the national average.

What is the crime rate in Wichita Falls, Texas? ›

Wichita Falls Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes4933,003
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.8029.25

What is Wichita Falls, Texas famous for? ›

Wichita Falls has a long history as cattle and oil town, but today its arts and culture scene is the star of the show. There are two acclaimed live theater troupes - Backdoor Theatre and the Wichita Theatre Performing Arts Center - as well as a ballet school, the Wichita Falls Ballet Theatre.

Why is Wichita famous? ›

Wichita has long been known as a center of entrepreneurship. In addition to aircraft pioneers, Fred Koch founded Koch Industries in Wichita, and Dan and Frank Carney founded Pizza Hut. Coleman, Freddy's Frozen Custard, and many other successful companies began in Wichita.

How do Wichita Falls make money? ›

Wichita Falls is built on a solid foundation of manufacturing and continues to diversify, especially in the aerospace and aviation sector. Given the rural nature of this area, companies are guaranteed plenty of room to expand and develop their operations.

Why are people moving to Wichita Falls? ›

Lower Cost of Living

To put this in simpler terms, the cost of living in Wichita Falls are about half of those in the rest of the state. On top of that, housing costs in the city are less than half of the national average, which makes it easier to find affordable housing with the amenities you want.

What are the cons of living in Wichita? ›

Cons of living in Wichita
  • Limited public transportation options. ...
  • Extreme weather conditions. ...
  • Limited nightlife and entertainment options. ...
  • Traffic congestion. ...
  • Limited job diversity in certain industries. ...
  • Limited public green spaces in urban areas. ...
  • Limited public investment in infrastructure and amenities.
Mar 25, 2024

Is Wichita Falls a small town? ›

Wichita Falls is a big city with a small-town feel, and it has something for everyone to enjoy.

Is Wichita Falls a big city? ›

Wichita Falls has a population of approximately 104,553 and is the county seat of Wichita County.

What is the nickname for Wichita Falls? ›

By the 1950's Wichita Falls carried the nickname of "Factory City," for having over 100 manufacturing companies, 127 wholesale outlets and 741 retail stores.It wasn't all work for Wichitans, though, as early as 1909, area citizens enjoyed movies, vaudeville acts, live theatre and concerts at the Wichita Opera House, ...

Does Wichita Falls get tornadoes? ›

The Wichita Falls area has been visited by tornadoes many times over the course of its history. The following table includes data and summaries from the tornadoes that occurred in the area since the late 1800's.

Is Wichita Falls, TX a good place to retire? ›

According to a recent study, Wichita Falls ranks third in the nation for best places to retire out of 217 other cities.

What part of Texas is a good place to live? ›

A: Austin nearly always ranks near the top of every list of the best cities to live in Texas, and 2024 is no exception: The city takes No.

Is Wichita Falls a big town? ›

Wichita Falls has a population of approximately 104,553, making it the 38th-most populous city in Texas.


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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